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Hi lovelies,
Your hair can be vulnerable if you don’t know how to look after it properly, and even though it’s something that grows back fairly quickly, it’s good to know how to look after your own. Everyone’s hair is different, so it’s good to know how it ticks so you can have luscious locks for longer! Here are some tips to look after your hair.
Don’t Wash It Every Day
Be wary of washing it too often because that can usually take away all of the natural oils that your body is providing the hair follicles on your head. By overwashing it, any chemicals within the shampoo and conditioner that you are using will end up ruining the health of your hair, and that can cause damage and breakage in the hair over time. Washing it every day isn’t necessary, and sometimes it’s good to let your hair sit in its natural oils for a few days before washing. Of course, visits to the gym and particularly sweaty days should always warrant a hair wash but try to only do it a maximum three days a week.
Do Your Research For Your Own Hair Type
Everyone’s hair type is different and you could end up spending hundreds on hair care products that are doing very little to help boost the health of your hair. Try and do some research, from how to grow african american hair faster to taming curly hair when using straighteners. There’s a lot that you can learn about your hair, and it’s important you do so in order to tailor and define your haircare treatment. The more you know, the less effort and money you’ll need to be spending in order to get it right and to keep it maintained and healthy.
Always Use A Heat Protectant
Heat protectants are essential whenever you’re applying heat to your hair, and like an SPF, you should also be applying it to your head when your hair is exposed to hot air and the sunlight. By giving your hair the extra barrier away from the heat, it’s going to help retain the moisture in your hair much more efficiently, and it will also cause less breakage in the hair too. So always spray or apply it before using heated hair tools.
Use The Right Brush
The right brush can make all the difference to your hair, and depending on your hair type, that might vary. There are all types of brushes on the market, and they all perform a little differently. Detanglers are a good way of keeping your hair healthy and strong, so try to find one with flexible technology that won’t yank out clumps of your hair at a time. The more hair on your head, the better.
Looking after your hair is an important part of your body in making sure that it all stays the way it is for as long as possible. As your body ages, so does your hair, so take care of it when and where you can.