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10 Simple Skin Care Tips for 2021

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Hi lovelies,

Your skin is the most expansive part of your body and it pays to take good care of it. Understanding your skin type is the first step to knowing how best to care for it. Healthy life choices will also play a huge role in having good skin, delaying natural aging, and preventing skin problems. You are also likely to experience a confidence boost when your skin is beautiful and glowing. Here are some tips to follow for radiant and beautiful skin in 2021.

Stay out of the sun
There is so much fun to have in the sun but too much exposure can cause problems for your skin. If you stay in the sun for too long, you risk getting age spots, wrinkles, and the harmful UV rays from the sun may trigger cancerous cells. A major way to protect your skin is by reducing exposure to the sun. It is also recommended to apply a sunscreen SPF of at least 15 if you are going to spend time out in the sun. It is also advisable to wear protective clothing as much as possible to protect your skin.

Treat oily skin with care
Oily skin, which is caused by the over secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands located right under the skin, is quite difficult to manage. But there are simple remedies that you can use to deal with oily skin. Firstly, use warm water to remove oil from your skin and make it drier. Also, avoid using soap or cleansers that are too strong as they will remove both oil and moisture from your skin. The goal is to remove the oil and keep the moisture. 

Eat healthily
Your diet will affect your skin, and generally, a poor diet will give rise to recurring skin problems. A healthy diet, on the other hand, will ensure that your skin is well-nourished and in great condition. Studies show that vitamins play a crucial role in skin maintenance aside from helping in treating diseases. Vitamins A, C, and E are at the forefront when it comes to skin protection.

Vitamin E helps your skin absorb energy from UV rays, ensuring that your skin experiences minimal damage. Meals high in Vitamin C have been linked to reducing the appearance of fewer wrinkles and skin dryness related to age and preventing skin thinning. Experts recommend diets consisting of lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains if you want your skin to look fresh. You can also consume refined carbohydrates and fish oil supplements that are low in fats to improve your skin. Do not forget to drink lots of water as well to keep your skin hydrated.

Manage stress and sleep well
Stress can affect you negatively and may show even in your skin. Wrinkles, acne, rashes, dry skin, and even gray hair are just some of the ways that stress can manifest on your face. Therefore, find ways to reduce your stress, work-related or otherwise, for your overall health. Get lots of sleep as it helps to reduce stress and also rejuvenates the skin and body. Lack of sleep leads to the release of the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone increases the risk of inflammation in the skin and may lead to conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and even eczema. Better sleep means a better state of mind, which ensures that the body is functioning properly.

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Build a skincare routine
You must make a conscious effort to have a daily skincare routine and stick to it. Skincare routines offer many benefits, such as getting rid of germs, dead skin, and other things that may remain on your skin during the day. Not taking care of your skin may make you susceptible to skin conditions. Creating and maintaining a skincare routine, on the other hand, is the key to keeping your skin fresh and supple. First, know your skin and then consider its needs. Then draw up your skincare routine with the right products and activities that will improve your skin. Some of the benefits of colloidal oatmeal for your skin make it a great addition to your skincare routine.

Face masks
This is an easy way to improve the condition of your skin. Several face masks are specifically designed for different skin types and ages. This makes it quite easy to choose which type will work for you. You can use a face mask in the evenings before bed or in the morning, depending on what is more convenient. They have immense benefits, including refining the skin pores and increasing hydration. They also reduce fine lines, give an even skin tone and make the skin firmer. For a simple home remedy, you could get a banana, two drops of sandalwood oil, a quarter teaspoon of cream or milk powder, and a tablespoon of honey. Mix these ingredients thoroughly, and then apply the mixture to your face. Rinse it off after 20 minutes and apply a moisturizer. Other 

Choose water-based makeup
Water-based foundations have water as their main component. This makes it free of oils and silicones and is a great way to add moisture to your skin without having to bother about oily skin. They are also very lightweight and do not clump, so your face does not feel heavy. Water-based makeup also lasts long without getting messed up. All these ensure that you have that fine look on your skin rather than a greasy look.

Drink lots of water
Drinking the right amount of water helps hydrate all the cells in your body through the blood. The skin is the largest organ in the body and, as such, is the biggest beneficiary of hydrated cells. Water also helps to expel impurities and toxins out of the body. The benefits of drinking lots of water include improved skin tone, fast healing, slower premature aging, acne development, and preventing heat-related skin eruptions. Experts recommend you drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Practice exfoliation
The appearance of your skin can be improved in several ways via exfoliation. After series of studies, the American Academy of Dermatology indicates that exfoliation leads to brighter skin, and its increased absorption aids the effectiveness of topical skincare products. If you want to have clear pores, practice regular exfoliation, it also reduces the incidence of breakouts. The benefits of long-term exfoliation include increased collagen production. Collagen is directly responsible for radiant and vibrant skin. It also increases skin elasticity, which reduces the appearance of fine lines and sagging. You can easily exfoliate at home with some readily-available items. Get some rice powder, a pinch of salt, a squeeze of lemon, and some yogurt. Mix this for an easy homemade exfoliator. Rub the resultant mixture into your skin for five minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water.

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Try turmeric
Turmeric has been lauded for years, as it offers healing properties and numerous cosmetic benefits. The source of turmeric’s health benefits lies in curcumin, which is a bioactive agent found in it. Curcumin possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric improves the skin in many ways. The presence of curcumin brings out the luster and natural glow of your skin. It also speeds up the healing process and can also be used as a food supplement to deal with psoriasis. It prevents acne scarring and will help in different degrees with eczema, alopecia, lichen planus, and other skin issues.

Consider trying a turmeric face mask and see if you notice any improved results to your skin. Add small amounts of Greek yogurt, honey, and turmeric together and mix it thoroughly. Apply the resultant mixture on your face, wait for about 15 minutes and then wash it off with water.

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