The Single Gal's Survival Guide to Wedding Season with SkinnyTox Wellness Tea

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

As a single gal in the middle of surviving summer wedding season, one of the top things on my list is making sure that I feel happy, whole, healthy, and confident from the inside-out while jet-setting from coast-to-coast, and answering the age-old question, “So, how are you still single?”

My number one secret weapon to surviving wedding season and unleashing my most happy and fulfilled inner self is SkinnyTox Wellness Tea.

It’s a refreshing and functional tea that aids with overall wellness from weight loss, enhancing energy, detoxing, and boosting my metabolism.  The tea can be served hot or cold and is infused with a 14 fruit and herb blend. It’s 100% natural, organic, and has a pleasant taste.

You just enjoy one cup in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and one cup 30 minutes before bed at night for 14-days.

See why the SkinnyTox Wellness Tea is my must-have below along with my other key tips on surviving wedding season as a happy, confident, and hot single gal:

Tip #1: Do a 14-day SkinnyTox Wellness Tea cleanse

The SkinnyTox Wellness Tea cleanse has four key benefits:

Weight loss: A key benefit of consistently drinking the SkinnyTox Wellness Tea is the reduction of inflammation, bloating, and water weight, leaving you feeling lighter and leaner.

Increased metabolism: You can burn more calories in a shorter period of tea when drinking SkinnyTox Wellness Tea, which adds an extra boost and benefit to your workouts and yoga sessions.

Clean and detoxify your system: SkinnyTox Wellness Tea helps to neutralize and eliminate toxins in your liver and colon while drinking the detox tea comprised of 14 fresh fruits, herbs, and tea.

Energy boost: Get a renewed, recharged, and rejuvenated mind, body, and spirit. Be sure to incorporate meditation, exercise, clean diet, and an active lifestyle while doing the SkinnyTox cleanse.


Frequency: Daily - 30 Min. Before Breakfast

Vessel: 6-8 Oz. Teacup (177-236ml)

Temperature: 175 F / 79 C

Dose: 1 Sachet

Infusions: 1-2

Time: 3-4 Minutes

Tip #2: Get fit and active

Note that I didn’t say ‘lose weight’ or get ‘in shape.’ But by getting active, going to the gym, hiking, yoga, pilates, walking instead of driving, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, whatever it maybe, but by getting active and fit, you will boost your confidence and endurance. This will shine through and make you feel great while rocking your bridesmaids dress, cocktail dress, or evening gown. You’ll be feeling so confident and secure that you’ll have that extra energy boost to shut down the dance floor.

Tip #3: Leave negative Nancy at the door

Let’s be honest, nobody likes a negative Nancy that just goes on-and-on about her past relationships or how unhappy she is with being single and lonely.

My advice? Get over it and get happy.

Remember that the wedding is about celebrating the union of your friends, not a reason to throw yourself a pity party. So be positive and focus on enjoying the champagne toasts, catching up with your college friends, dancing the night away, posting pics on Instagram, indulging in that second piece of wedding cake, and getting a night cap with the hot single drummer from the band.

Own your singleness, let go, and have fun!

Tip #4: Have a partner-in-crime

Whether it’s another single gal, your GBFF, or your bestie that’s married/engaged/in a long-term relationship, make sure you have a partner-in-crime in place to hang out with the night before, grab brunch with, and share the experience of celebrating your friend’s wedding and to party with at the reception. Because let’s face it, the best part of being a single gal during summer wedding season, is that you never know who you’re going to meet. So be brave and ask the cute best man for a dance!