
Don't waste your pretty: 3 Reasons Why I Kind of Suck at Dating

Candy Washington1 Comment

Hi lovelies,

Yes, I totally stole the beginning title of this post from Bravo's Blood, Sweat, and Heels Demetria Lucasbook, Don't Waste Your Pretty, and I'm appropriately listening to Taylor Swift's 1989 album on repeat while writing this blog for you guys.

But what I'm not doing is eating a pint of Häagen-Dazs curled up on the couch with Kleenex while watching The Notebook on Netflix. But rather, I've decided to fully embrace the fact that I kind of suck at dating. With my new found freedom, I am literally having the time of my drama-free life being single. 

From this empowering perspective and based on my past romantic endeavors, I've deduced the top three reasons why I kind of suck at dating, check them out below.

3 Reasons Why I Kind of Suck at Dating

Reason #1: "I'm not in a place for a serious relationship." Business trumps boys. 

As cliche as this may sound and like a line out of "He's Just Not That Into You," I'm really not in a place for a serious relationship, unless the guy was absolutely exceptional. I'm hyper-focused on my career and given my freelancer lifestyle, I take work when and where I can get it. Given that my schedule is never consistent it's hard to make plans in advance and even when they are, they are never set in stone because from a priority standpoint, business trumps boys.

Reason #2: "I'm still not over my ex." But not in the way that you think...

It's definitely debatable, can you truly stay friends with an ex? After a drama-filled break-up, cue crying, un-friending, re-friending, residual hook-ups, and enforcing a strict 'no contact' rule, I reconnected with an ex from my past and we picked up exactly where we left off - except without all of the drama.

We are truly soul mates. He's my best friend, I trust him 100%, he fully supports me, and I feel comfortable enough to be my true, authentic self with him. And almost knowing me better than I know myself, he gives me amazing advice on dating, career, and life. 

But here's the rub. 

Since he's already meeting all of my emotional needs, the urgency to find a guy to fill that spot wanes and makes me less likely to jump into a serious relationship with a new guy since I already have such a cozy security blanket with him. Plus, what guy wants to compete with a best friend that just so happens to be your ex? 

Reason #3: "Bad, bad, bad, bad boy. You make me feel so good." I'm still a sucker for a Jordan Catalano.

Emotionally unavailable + devastatingly handsome with a boyish charm + quasi-interested = Totally a 'Candy Guy' 

Although I'm much wiser when it comes to who and how I date these days, the heart of my inner Angela Chase from My So-Called Life still beats inside of me and skips a beat when confronted with a Jordan Catalano-type. And trust me, from NYC to LA there is no shortage of guys suffering from Peter Pan syndrome. Luckily for me I'm not ready to be tied down just yet and I'm loving flying from adventure-to-adventure with my Lost Boys. 

Tea with Candy: How to dress up jeans and rock denim

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Ever wonder how to dress up a pair of jeans? I reveal 4 easy ways to stay chic and professional at work or out-on-the-town while rocking your denim.

How to dress up jeans and rock your denim

Dress up tip #1: Rock your denim with heels.
It automatically takes your outfit from casual to chic while elongating your legs.

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Dress up tip #2: Rock your denim with a blazer.
When you wear a blazer it makes any outfit a bit more polished and professional. A tailored blazer is best.


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Dress up tip #3: Rock your denim with a tucked-in button-up shirt and a leather belt.
Lisa Vanderpump from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Vanderpump Rules rocks this look the best. Opt for solid colored button-up shirt tucked in and with a wide belt. My favorite look is a white or pastel shirt (green, blue, or pink) with a chocolate brown leather belt.

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Dress up tip #4: Rock a statement necklace with your jeans.
The best way to jazz up any outfit is with a signature standout piece of jewelry and when it comes to casual denim the best way to add a touch of sophistication is with a statement necklace.

candy washington_jeans_statement necklace

Email with any fashion and style questions, follow @candywashington, and don't forget to share this post with your friends.

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