
Summer Refresh with Spindrift

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

The sweet days of summer are quickly passing by and one of my favorite ways to cherish each moment is by hosting my friends at my place for an afternoon of laughter, spilling secrets, enjoying tasty treats, and sipping on Spindrift®, America’s first and only sparkling water made with real, squeezed fruit.

Hosting at my place is super fun and easy because of one of my go-to DIY décor hacks, which is to incorporate one of my favorite foods, beverages, snacks, or games, into the décor itself.

This time I opted to use my favorite flavors of Spindrift, a bubbly, sparkling, light, and sweet sparkling water, combined with real fruit, as the focal point of my centerpiece. The vibrant flavors, colors, taste, and design, is the perfect addition to any party décor, so you kill two birds with one stone, an amazing, colorful, and eye-catching centerpiece and a refreshing and flavorful treat for your guests.

To start, I paired a few of my favorite flavors from Lemon, Raspberry Lime, Orange Mango, Strawberry, Grapefruit, Blackberry, to Cucumber, with fresh fruits that included raspberries, strawberries, melons, and orange slices. Since Spindrift has such a bold taste and design, I then added them to my crystal centerpiece along with glass marbles to add an extra sparkle and shine to my décor for my squad soirée.

When sharing my Spindrift with my friends, I make sure to lightly turn it over a few times to make sure that all of the real fruit is mixed well. Then I add it over a glass with ice to create Instagram-worthy drinks. Next, we either add in our favorite spirits to create fun and fabulous cocktails or we just keep it classy with the sparkling water and real fruit as a mocktail. But no matter what, our Spindrift beverages are super refreshing, bright, chilled, and flavorful.

Let me know, what are some of your favorite ways to celebrate summer? If you want to add some Spindrift to your party décor or just enjoy some sparkling water and real fruit, grab yours here.

Don't forget to join Spindrift on Instagram, here.

* This post is sponsored by Spindrift and Her Campus Media. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Actress with Style possible.

The Ultimate Guide to Girls Night In with Stirrings

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Last week, I tried a lemon drop cocktail created with Stirrings® Simple Lemon Drop Martini Mix, and it's sweet yet subtle taste reminded me of when I was in college. Back then, lemon drop martinis were all my friends and I would order when we went out. It brought back memories of us laughing endlessly over our inside jokes, crying over silly boys, rewarding ourselves for acing a test, dancing the night away to bad pop music, and everything else in-between. 

Thus, with the holiday season upon us, it's time for my friends and I to make more memories and priceless moments. There’s no better way to do this than by hosting a Girls Night In. I want to show my close group of girlfriends just how much they mean to me by inviting them over for a night full of yummy cocktails, delicious treats, and a queue full of streaming Rom-Com flicks on Netflix. 

Of course, as the host, I want to make sure everyone has a good time and feels taken care of. Since my girlfriends are all special and unique, I want to create a variety of tasty cocktails that would have something for everyone, but without overwhelming myself. To achieve this, I turn to Stirrings to be my party-planner-partner-in-crime in creating an awesome night for my girls with delicious cocktails. 

So if you want to create lasting memories and precious moments with your friends, then check out my guide to hosting a fun and easy Girls Night In that will be sure to leave you laughing, crying, and dancing the night away. 

The Ultimate Guide to Girls Night In:

Easy Party Planning Tip #1: Décor

You don't have to spend a ton of money to spruce up your place for the evening. I suggest just adding a few vases of fresh flowers. This simple addition will add new life and dimension into any room along with leaving a pleasant aroma. 

Another tip to easily up your décor game when hosting a party is to light scented candles. The lovely scent and added warmth will make your guests feel welcome, comfortable, and right at home. 

Easy Party Planning Tip #2: Get creative with your cocktails

My friends are a beautiful group of smart, strong, funny, eclectic, and inspiring pack of #GirlBosses, so I want to make sure I have a cocktail to match each of their personalities without being a slave to the kitchen all night. 

This is where Stirrings comes in. I just have to add the mixer of choice, a splash of spirits (liquor), and any additional ingredients for extra flavor, and then I'm all set with a yummy cocktail in no time. 

For my Girls Night In, I choose to provide a yummy cocktail to fit each of my fabulously fierce friends’ personalities, check them out below and let me know: which cocktail are you?

The Blackberry Bestie Blood Orange Cocktail

This cocktail is for your closest BFF, you two have been through thick-and-thin together and you're basically blood sisters. You trust her with your deepest secrets and you know that she always has your back. Think: Carrie from Sex and the City. 

How to make the cocktail:

  • Combine 1.5 oz of Ketel One® vodka and 3 oz of Stirrings Simple Blood Orange Cocktail Mixer into a shaker of ice
  • Shake for 10 seconds or until chilled
  • Strain into a glass of your choice 
  • Lightly squeeze a few blackberries until softened and then add to them to the cocktail 

This cocktail is for the friend who also doubles as your own personal cheerleader.  She is your go-to friend whenever you need cheering up and a dose of #MondayMotivation positivity. With effortless ease, she can always add an extra pep in your step while you're busy taking on the world. Think: Charlotte from Sex and the City.

How to make the cocktail:

Don't be fooled by its name! This cocktail is for the friend you admire most for her fearlessness, keen fashion style, go-getter mentality, and enviable leadership skills. You can sit with us and wearing pink on Wednesday's is totally optional. Think: Samantha from Sex and the City.

How to make the cocktail:

  • Combine 1.5 oz of Don Julio® Tequila with 3 oz of Stirrings Simple Margarita Cocktail Mixer into a shaker of ice 
  • Add a teaspoon of Organic Blue Agave Sweetener
  • Add a splash of 100% Lime Juice 
  • Shake for 10 seconds or until chilled
  • Strain into a glass of your choice 
  • Use fresh mint as a garnish 

This cocktail is for your ultimate partner-in-crime, who’s fiercely loyal and tells it like it is, in a kind, yet firm way. Just like the Lemon Drop, she gives you the bitter with the sweet. She's the kind of friend that you can call at any time of the day or night for a much-needed reality check and an even more needed hug. Think: Miranda from Sex and the City.

How to make the cocktail:

  • Combine 1.5 oz of Smirnoff® Vodka with 3 oz of Stirrings® Simple Lemon Drop Martini Cocktail Mixer into a shaker of ice 
  • Add in a few splashes of champagne
  • Shake for 10 seconds or until chilled
  • Strain into a glass of your choice 
  • Use fresh lemon slices as a garnish 

Easy Party Planning Tip #3: Tasty Treats

Admittedly, I'm not the best cook in the world, so when it comes to hosting parties, I get a little intimidated by the idea of cooking for my friends. 

So if you're like me, and you want an easy way to make sure that your guests are full and satisfied without sacrificing hours next to the oven then opt for food items that don't need much prep or cooking time. Check out the list below for my go-tos. 

My party food go-tos:

  • Hummus and pita bread
  • Meat and cheese platters
  • Mini pizzas that come pre-made (just heat and serve)
  • Veggies and dip
  • Sushi and edamame 
  • Mini sandwiches 
  • Pre-made sliders (just heat and serve)

You can also do a potluck where you ask your friends to bring their favorite dish and you simply supply the delicious cocktails and entertainment. 

Easy Party Planning Tip #4: Automate the entertainment

The last thing you want to be worried about during a night in with your girls is what to do for entertainment. That's why I suggest to make your entertainment automated and all queued up before my guests arrives. 

An easy way to do this is to create a list of movies in the “My List” section of Netflix that is in alignment for the theme of the night, for us, that's tear-jerking and laugh-inducing romantic comedies. Having a list of movies already put together to choose from eliminates a ton of time of scrolling and searching throughout all of Netflix for the ultimate chick flick.

You can also create a playlist on Spotify of fun, upbeat songs for the night, so you and your friends can rock out to tunes without missing a beat. Also have a few games on deck, like Cards of Humanity, and Truth or Dare, to keep the laughs and fun going all night. 

Now you're ready to plan your very own awesome and super easy Girls Night In! Share with us on Twitter (@StirringsMixer) and Instagram (@Stirrings) how you plan to celebrate, and don't forget to let us know, which Friend Cocktail are you?

Special guest on Girls on GIRLS Show

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

I was just the special guest on the Girls on Girls Show and I had a blast chatting with host Ellen Clifford and Jason Stuart during the cocktails segment of the show.

Ellen was kind of enough to create a special signature drink just for me, appropriately entitled, "The Candy Washington."

Watch below for our fun cocktails segment and for the recipe to the yummy, "The Candy Washington," drink. Try out the recipe and let me know what you think!