
The Ultimate Audition Survival Guide

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

I recently wrote an article, New York Fashion Week Survival Guide, which served as the inspiration for this article. As I was writing it up, it occurred to me that there were a lot of similarities between surviving Fashion Week and surviving your next audition.

Have extra resumes and head-shots handy:

You never know when the casting director, producer, or director will ask for an extra photo or the casting office will have a dropbox where actors can leave their photos and resumes.

Don’t forget your business cards:

This isn’t so much for the casting director but for the fellow actors that you meet in the waiting room or the nice receptionist or assistant that you just made friends. The majority of my contacts come from people that I meet in passing, in the waiting room, or on-set. You never know whom you are going to meet, so be prepared. Don’t forget to get their information as well so you have the power to follow-up.

Bring back-up clothes and accessories:

Always dress character appropriate, but bring an extra button-up, jeans, heels, t-shirt, and flats. Although every project and character may vary, it’s good to have a go-to, back-up outfit handy that you can change into if needed.

Stay hydrated and avoid coffee:

I make it a rule not to have any coffee on the day of an audition. My nerves are already working on overdrive, so I bypass any extra jitters or sweating. Instead, carry a water bottle and be sure to take a few sips before you go in the room. There’s nothing worse than dry-mouth when you’re trying to go through your lines. 

Keep your beauty bag stocked with:

  • Lipgloss
  • Altoids
  • Deodorant
  • Camera-friendly foundation
  • Mascara
  • Eyeshadow
  • Blush
  • Make-up brushes
  • Hair gel/spray
  • Comb
  • Brush
  • Compact mirror

Have your sides handy… even if you’re off-book:

I use the waiting period as an extra time to go over my lines, say them aloud, and rehearse before audition time. I also bring my sides in the room with me and use as-needed throughout the audition, unless instructed otherwise. Having them with you will give you added confidence and will serve as a guide throughout the audition, just in case the nerves kick-in.

Check-in with your career cheerleader:

My career cheerleader is my by sister. No matter what, she is also supportive and positive. I check-in with her before an audition for a pep talk and after to either celebrate with me (which I try to do regardless of how I think the audition went) or talk me off an edge because “that was like, the worst audition ever.” Kidding asides, it’s good have a support system in place to help you keep things in perspective and enjoy the journey.

If you found this Audition Survival Guide helpful, be sure to share it with your friends, comment below, and tweet @candywashington.