Sick in the City and my throwback girl: Allie Crandell

Candy WashingtonComment

So being back in New York full-time has been a whirlwind... visiting my old haunts, hanging out with the usual suspects, running from appointment-to-appointment, and figuring out my next move. This city never sleeps and I haven't been much recently either... thus, I have been inflicted by a mini summer cold which has forced my normally energetic-life-of-the-party self to be stuck on the couch with Echinacea tea and watching reruns of The City on my MacBook Pro.

When your body tells you to chill, you must listen and in my very much needed down time, overcome by nostalgia and at certain moments of art imitating life, I thought I would share some photos of Allie Crandell... definitely love her and miss her on the show - she's super adorable. Hope you guys enjoy!

My second cup o' tea is brewing and one of my favorite episodes, "I'm Sorry Whit", the infamous Jay and Whitney breakup episode just started... so I am off. More posts and pics to come soon I promise...