Birthday! Birthday!

Candy Washington1 Comment

So I am celebrating my birthday tomorrow night at the Black Door in Chelsea... I am pretty stoked... all the special people in my life in one spot... ready to party in my honor... love it. Not sure what I am going to wear yet... leather jacket or boyfriend blazer? To sequin or not to sequin? That is the question... but lets be serious... to sequin...

But not only is it my birthday... but it is also the end of 2009, which means new and exciting things to look forward to in the upcoming year... a fresh start...

Here are some things I'm looking forward to in the upcoming year... everything from fashion trends, to my resolutions, to things I want to accomplish... :

* More Obama-rama

* Huge embellished cardigans

* International travel (London, Brazil and Scotland are on my hit-list)

* Starting a video blog

* No more 80's revival... I like more glam than glitz, perhaps a throwback to the 20's & 30's?

* Finding the perfect vintage fur jacket

* Designing an entire collection

* Learn how to play the guitar

* Statement necklaces

* Leggings... love 'em for life

* Going to loads of concerts - especially South by Southwest

I am sure there are more... will share once I think of them... what's on your 2010 list??

Happy weekend lovahs,

x to the o

