From one Candy to another... single tear.

Candy WashingtonComment

Condé’s Ax Takes Candy

kate moss w cover.jpgIf you see anyone from Condé Nast today, make sure and give them a hug, or at least a pat on the back.

It feels like the publishing house, home to Vogue, W, Glamour, Vanity Fair, Lucky, has been suffering through layoffs and cutbacks for ages. Two weeks ago they cut dozens of employees on the business side, but this week, they’ve begun their editorial liquidation.

Yesterday came word they let almost twelve Glamour editors go including Deputy Editors Ellen Seidman and Maryellen Gordon, both of whom been with the magazine for over ten years. Today, WWD announces that both Executive Fashion Editor Candy Pratts Price and Contributor Laird Borrelli-Persson will leave

We had to read the sentence about four times to really believe it. Candy, who got her start at Vogue in the 80’s, is the kind of the core of When her contract’s up in 2010 we’ll be out daily doses of her creative humor, CandyCasts and brilliant eye. WWD mentions that she’ll devote more time to Vogue, but given the state of things that might not be the best backup plan.

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