Tea with Candy: How to find your personal style

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

I received the question below on how to find your personal style. Watch my video or read below for my 3 easy tricks to finding your inner fashionista.

Dear Candy,

How do I start shopping and looking for clothes to update my wardrobe if I don't have an eye for fashion and style? How do I find my own personal look?

Kim from San Francisco

Trick #1: Make a mood board

Pick up some of your favorite magazines, both fashion and non-fashion related, and rip out the ads, pictures, photos, and quotes that jump out to you. Pin them up on a board and then review to see any common themes - do you gravitate the color red? Florals? Black and white? Based on the common threads in your mood board, you can start to see trends on what can make up your own personal style and then incorporate them into your look. This also works when you're trying to decorate a home or an apartment. You can also create a cool mood board online using  Pinterest.

Trick #2: Find a style buddy

Do you have a friend that always looks great and really owns her own personal style? Ask her to be your shopping and style buddy, even if your styles aren't similar, she could use her fashion eye to help guide you on putting together different looks and finding your own unique look. Soon you won't even need the shopping companion. but shopping is always more fun with company.

Trick #3: Take risks and try out different things

Get outside of your style comfort zone and try out different looks, styles, and trends. Don't think you can pull off skinny jeans? You never know until you try. Go shopping and try on clothes that you would usually skip over. You might be surprised at what colors, styles, and fits actually look best on you. This way you can start to incorporate current trends and different looks into your wardrobe - the main trick is always wear what makes you feel the most confident and comfortable.

Have a style question of your own? Email for a chance to have your question answered on Tea with Candy.

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