How to Boost Your Fitness Motivation

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Are you hoping to improve your fitness levels but need help getting motivated? If so, you certainly are not alone. Many people find it hard to find the motivation to exercise. Whether your life is busy or you haven’t exercised for a long time, there is no doubt that getting yourself to work out when you do not feel motivated to do it can be challenging. While everyone knows that being physically active is essential for their health, knowing how to get yourself motivated and ready to train is not always easy. However, whatever your circumstances, it is possible to get active and benefit from exercise. Here are some helpful tips to help you boost your motivation levels and improve your fitness:

Start Small

Many people set ambitious fitness goals each new year and resolve to make the next 12 months their healthiest yet. However, overly ambitious goals can put you under intense pressure to achieve them and even leave you with an injury if you are not used to training hard. Instead of taking an all-or-nothing approach, it can be helpful to start small and build the amount of time you train and the intensity gradually. Starting small is an excellent way to ease yourself into exercise, making it more likely you will stay motivated to keep doing it.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults exercise for 150 - 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week. 150 minutes across an entire week is easy to achieve simply by cycling or walking more and should fit into your schedule without feeling too much pressure.

Focus on NutritionEating heavy comfort foods and lots of takeouts can leave you feeling bloated and sluggish. The lethargic feeling you get from these foods makes it challenging to motivate yourself to work out and certainly won’t help you feel at your best. Working on improving your general health by choosing to eat foods that nourish your body and mind is an excellent way to feel ready to move your body and work out. Ensuring your meals are nutritionally balanced and fuel your body in the best way possible can make a vast difference. Food and drink choices that support your stamina and exercise performance, such as Juice Plus, can be beneficial. 

With proper nutrition, exercise can feel easier, and this can improve your mindset toward working out and your motivation to get started and keep going.

Workout With a Buddy

Whether you have set the alarm extra early to run before work or promise to visit the gym for a training session in the evening, it can be hard to stick with these commitments when your motivation is failing you. 

If you keep promising yourself you will work out and then struggle to actually go and do it, you may need a helping hand to motivate you. Getting yourself a workout buddy is an ideal way to ensure you stick with your exercise routine. Having someone to hold you accountable and ensure you make it to your training session can be a helpful way to get motivated and stick with it. Finding yourself a friend to train with is guaranteed to make exercise more fun and easier to commit to.

Make it Fun

If you don’t enjoy exercising, it can feel almost impossible to make yourself get out there and get fit. The gym is not for everyone, and many people feel uncomfortable working out in a gym environment. Forcing yourself to hit the gym is unlikely to help you feel motivated and more likely to make you look for any excuse not to go. So, instead of pressuring yourself to attend the gym and making yourself miserable, why not look for an alternative? Working out does not need to involve treadmills and lifting weights. There are so many different ways to be active, so finding a form of exercise you enjoy shouldn’t be too difficult. From dance classes to rollerblading, there are tons of ways to exercise while having fun at the same time. When you are having a great time, you won’t even feel like you are exercising, as you will be too busy enjoying yourself to notice the minutes ticking by while you work up a sweat.

To ensure you don’t get bored, it is also helpful to alternate your exercise routine so that it always feels fun and fresh. Rather than struggling to get motivated, you may find you actually look forward to your workouts from now on.

How To Take Care Of Yourself After An Accident

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

It can be a big challenge to know what to do after an accident in terms of taking care of yourself and helping your body (and potentially mind) recover quickly and positively. You might feel overwhelmed by all the information that you’re given, and, of course, you might also be feeling unwell or in pain. At the very least, you’ll be working on getting over and past what happened. From the most minor of incidents to life-changing accidents, it’s crucial to know how to take care of yourself so that your life can return to normal if possible and, if not, so that it can become a better new normal for you. With that in mind, read on for some useful tips about how to take care of yourself after an accident. 

Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions 

If you have been in an accident and you have been hurt, which is why you need time to recover, you’ll need to see a doctor. You might even have to go to the hospital, depending on the severity of your injuries. Your initial wounds will be dealt with, but that won’t be the end of the process; once you leave the hospital, no matter how long that takes, you’ll still need to work on your own recovery. 

At this stage, it’s crucial that you listen carefully to what your doctor has said to you about the things you should and should not do and follow those instructions to the letter. Remember that even if what you are told you need to do doesn’t make a lot of sense to you, the doctor will be using all their experience and knowledge to give you the best course of treatment. Listen to what they say and do what they suggest, and your recovery will be much easier. 

Get Enough Rest 

Getting enough rest is crucial at every stage of your life. Even if you have not been in any kind of accident and you’re not hurt, getting a good night’s sleep will make a big difference to your health; you’ll feel happier, more energized, and more able to deal with the day ahead. 

The important thing to note about sleep is that this is your body’s chance to make repairs. When you’re awake, you’ll be using your energy for all kinds of other things, but when you are sleeping, your body can use every ounce of that energy to fix any issues. So of course, when you are injured and need to recover, getting enough rest is essential; your body really does need it. 

Eat Well 

When you are recovering after an accident, what you eat is a very important thing to consider. You’ll need to ensure you are eating a healthy, well-balanced diet because when you do this, you’ll be giving your body all the nutrients it needs to repair itself and recover well from any injuries. 

It might be that you don’t feel much like eating because you’re unwell, and in this case, it’s best not to force yourself to eat an entire meal. Instead, you can eat nutritional meal replacement bars that will give you the vitamins and minerals you need without you having to cook anything or go to the effort of eating a larger meal. This will ensure you still give your body what it needs, even if you’re not up to eating just yet. 

Manage Your Pain

Pain is a common side effect of being involved in an accident, and although you might prefer not to take any pain medication and to just deal with the pain, that’s not actually the best thing you can do for your recovery. When you’re in pain, you might not be able to eat, you won’t be able to sleep, and you won’t be as active as you should be if you want to get better. Plus, your judgment will be clouded, so you might not listen to advice like you should. 

If you are in pain, you need to learn how to manage it. This might indeed be medication that you can talk to your doctor about. However, there are other options, such as meditation, massage, or acupuncture. Do what works for you but make sure your pain is reduced. 

Find Emotional Support

It really can be a challenging time when you’re trying to recover after an accident. There is a lot to think about, and you might feel very much alone as you try to navigate through your healing process. 

In order to help with this and to ensure a better recovery time, you’ll need to find some emotional support. This could be friends and family who can offer you someone to talk to as well as practical help around the home, for example. Or you might prefer to find a therapist to talk to. Or why not look online at groups and forums if you prefer to do things virtually? Any support you can find will help. 

Why Are Homemade Meals Always A Great Idea?

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Going out to eat is always fun! You get to try interesting cuisines, enjoy great company, and not stress about what to eat because you have a menu of choices. It is no wonder several Americans eat out at least five times a week, on average. However, taking the time to prepare meals at home is always a better option. Not only does it serve as a form of self-care and relaxation (if you enjoy cooking), but it also has several benefits. Here are a few reasons why making meals at home is a great idea.

It's cheaper to cook at home
Let's face it: getting food from your favorite restaurant isn't getting any cheaper. When you dine out, you spend a lot of money on not just your meal but also on transportation, the service provided, and additional taxes. This can be avoided if you make those meals at home! It is way cheaper to get the ingredients you need for a meal and to prepare at home. Before setting off on your grocery run, be sure to plan the meal you want to prepare and what you will need. This ensures that you do not purchase items you don't need— which defeats the attempt to save money. You should also save leftovers from your meals in the fridge or freezer. This not only saves you money but time as well, as it ensures you can get a quick meal when you need it.

Cooking is a great way bonding exercise
Spending time with the people you love can be quite challenging, especially today when everyone seems to have busy schedules. However, being unable to see and socialize with your loved ones can cause drastic adverse effects such as depression, anxiety and spark feelings of loneliness. A great way to ensure you spend time with the people that matter in your life is by cooking together. Cooking together fosters teamwork, as everyone has a role in completing the meal and ensuring it's tasty. It also creates great memories as you try recipes, such as this fire roasted salsa recipe, and explore new tastes together. 

You can also improve your relationship with your partner by cooking together. This is because cooking allows you to have open and intimate conversations with your partner in addition to spending time together. 

It's a healthier choice
You may go to a restaurant and order the healthiest item on the menu. However, this may not be the case. Restaurants, more often than not, use ingredients and methods that may not be healthy. As you do not always know about this, it can be difficult to determine if you are having a healthy meal. This doubt is erased when you cook your meals. You can carefully monitor the calories you consume and ensure you use healthy ingredients and methods to prepare your meal. Cooking your meals also ensures you avoid ingredients that could cause allergic reactions as you control your kitchen and the cooking process. 

Importance Of Retaining Muscle During Weight Loss

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

More and more people today are concerned about their health. They understand the importance of being fit.  And this inevitably leads to a conversation around weight loss. But it is crucial that you focus on fat loss and don't lose muscles in the process. 

If you are also looking to lose weight by shedding fat and retaining your muscle, you have come to the right place. Read on to know some easy tips on saving your muscle while losing weight.

What is the difference between Weight Loss and Fat Loss?
Weight loss means losing your body weight, including fat, water, and muscle. In contrast, fat loss is more specific to only the reduction in fat from your body. When you intend to lose body weight, focus on losing fat alone instead of fat and muscle.

But then you may ask, why so…

Importance of maintaining muscle during weight loss
Losing muscle while on your weight loss journey can affect your overall health. Below are a few reasons why muscle is so important:

  • Higher muscle mass in the body will give you more stability and agility to do daily tasks.

  • Muscle mass in the body helps regulate your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. 

  • Muscles also help reduce inflammation in your body. 

  • A higher amount of fat in your body than muscle mass can result in chronic health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. 

  • Your muscle mass needs to be maintained to improve your overall health.

How to retain muscle when losing fat?
Preserving your muscle mass while losing weight through fat loss can be achieved in the following ways.

1. Strength training

When you focus on strength training, your body builds muscle. Opt for pilates, tai chi, yoga, or weight training to preserve muscle mass. Start slow and go with the flow for lifting weights. This ensures that you build muscle mass and lose fat. 

Focus on getting a pre-workout drink in, to nourish your muscles for the workout routine.

2. Muscle recovery

Your muscles need to rest after every workout. When you are on a calorie-deficit diet to aid fat loss, your muscles need adequate time to rest and repair. So ensure a warm-up and a cool-off session before and after your workouts.

3. Avoid drastic diets

If you wish to lose weight correctly, you must focus on your diet and workouts. Eating a calorie-deficit diet will help you lose fat. But reducing your calorie intake too much can result in muscle loss instead. When you follow an extreme, temporary diet, you cannot sustain it for your long-term goals. So, focus on eating a healthy, balanced, nutritious diet to get your macro and micronutrients. 

Another way to avoid drastic diets is by focusing on your calories and not the type of foods you consume. Consume a higher protein diet whilst also including other nutrients like carbs and healthy fats.

4. Say no to over-exercising

Working out daily will help you lose weight. But overdoing it will injure your muscles and drain you out. When you push yourself too hard, your muscles tend to go into overdrive and are easily fatigued. 

Alternate between strength training and cardio exercise routine on a home elliptical with incline or budget elliptical to maintain the fitness regime.

5. Hydration is key

Water forms up to 60% of your body. When you wish to lose weight through fat loss, drinking adequate water helps reduce your appetite and increase your metabolism. 

The electrolyte imbalance caused during a workout can also be replenished by drinking water mixed with electrolytes.

6. Proper nutrition

Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. So, what you put into your body matters a great lot when you are trying to lose weight. 

To ensure fat loss while preserving your muscle mass, include a good portion of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and fiber-rich foods. 

7. Adequate sleep

Your body needs to rest and recover every night. While you are asleep, your body pushes for muscle growth and repair. Studies have shown that lack of sufficient sleep compromises your weight loss journey. The lesser sleep you get, the lesser weight you lose. Get 8-9 hours of sleep every night to lose fat and repair muscles.

Build muscle, lose fat!

Focus on eating right and exercising daily to boost muscle growth and repair. You can also consult a health expert to fulfill your fitness goals and achieve fat loss while preserving your muscles.

Ways to Enhance Your Skincare Routine

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Your skincare routine is one of the most important parts of your daily processes. Looking after your skin always pays off in the long run, both in terms of how you look and how healthy your skin is. So if you feel that your skincare routine is currently lacking something and you want to change that, you’re in the right place because we’re going to talk about that today, so read on.

Incorporate Antioxidants Into Your Skincare Routine

Vitamins C and E, two antioxidants, can help to shield your skin from the effects of the environment and lessen the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. To increase the antioxidant levels in your skin, look for skincare products that contain these ingredients or think about taking a supplement.

Cleanse Your Skin Two Times a Day

For the sake of keeping your pores clear and preventing breakouts, cleansing your skin twice a day is essential. Avoid using hot water as it can dry out your skin; instead, use a gentle cleanser that is suitable for your skin type. It's not complicated and it doesn’t have to be particularly difficult, but it will make a big difference to the health of your skin.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun

One of the most important things you can do for your skin is to protect it from the sun. There are lots of products that are geared towards helping you with that, so make the most of them. ISUN is a good example of that. At the very least, you should be using sun protection with a high SPF factor each day. Even if it's not sunny outside, UV rays can still impact your skin.

Balance the pH Level of Your Skin with a Good Toner

Toning can assist in removing any last bits of makeup or impurities while also balancing the pH of your skin. To calm and hydrate your skin, look for a toner that contains ingredients like rose water, aloe vera, or witch hazel. There are lots of good toners out there these days that you can make the most of, so be sure to find the one that works for you.

Stay Hydrated

Finally, you should put plenty of effort into making sure that you’re getting the water you need each day. It might seem like a very small thing, but it's really not. If your body is not hydrated, your skin won’t be either. It really is as simple as that, so make sure that you’re drinking throughout the way and not letting this vital aspect of self-care slip your mind.

As you can see, there’s no shortage of ways in which you can enhance your skincare routine and make it work for you. Each of the ideas we’ve talked about here will result in the kinds of outcomes that you can be happy with, both from a health and aesthetic point of view. So be sure to make the most of them.

Tips To Reduce Stress And Achieve A More Relaxed Life

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies.

Living a stress-free life can seem like an impossible task, but it is not! You can do many things to reduce the amount of stress in your life and achieve a more relaxed lifestyle. So here are some tips to help you reduce stress and lead a more relaxed life:

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise can help reduce stress and improve your overall physical and mental health. Not only does regular exercise boost your mood and energy levels, but it also helps to release tension in the body. Aim for 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity such as walking or jogging or activities like yoga or pilates that focus on breathing and relaxation.

Manage Your Time Wisely

Stress often arises when you take on too much and feel overwhelmed by your obligations. Make sure to prioritize your tasks and plan ahead so that you can reduce the amount of stress associated with feeling overwhelmed. This means breaking down large projects into smaller, more manageable tasks and setting a schedule for when to complete them.

Take Time For Yourself

Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day and listen to your body when it needs rest. Taking time for yourself allows you to relax and re-energize before taking on new challenges. Aim for at least 15 minutes a day of “me time,” during which you can do something calming like reading a book or listening to music.

Connect With Others

Social interaction is essential for your mental health, so make sure to stay connected to family and friends. One way to stay connected with friends and family is to hold regular game nights where you can play board games, card games, or video games. You can also create your own fun games like word unscrambler, charades, or trivia.

Try Relaxation Techniques

Many relaxation techniques can help reduce stress, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation. Spend some time exploring which technique works best for you and try to incorporate it into your daily life.

Eat A Healthy Diet

Caring for your body is an essential part of reducing stress. Eating nutritious meals and snacks can help improve your overall health and mood while avoiding sugary or processed foods that can make you feel sluggish or irritable.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting good quality sleep is key to managing stress. Aim for a consistent bedtime and wake time, and try to get at least 7 hours of restful sleep each night. Avoid using screens before bed, as this can disturb your sleeping patterns.

Take A Break From Technology

Spending too much time on your phone or computer can be overwhelming and lead to increased stress levels. Make sure to take regular breaks from technology and stay away from stressful news and social media feeds.

Achieving a stress-free life can seem daunting, but it is possible. So start with small steps and keep practicing until you find the right balance for yourself. By following these tips, you can reduce the amount of stress in your life and create a more relaxed lifestyle.

How To Start Self Love After A tragic Loss In Your Life

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Losing somebody you care deeply about is unquestionably one of the most challenging things that we, as humans, can go through. However, it's a common burden and, unfortunately, affects many people around the world every day. Our lives change dramatically in an instant when faced with this harsh reality, and it impacts our mental and physical health. We develop worries and fears and become vulnerable to depression or anxiety. But no matter how hard it might be to get back on your feet again, self-love is critical for healing after losing a loved one. In today's blog post, we will look at ways to reconnect with yourself despite what might feel like insurmountable grief - so that you can navigate toward comfort once more!

Allow Yourself To Grieve The Loss

Experiencing a tragic loss can leave you helpless, hopeless, and vulnerable. It can be immensely difficult to start the journey of loving yourself again. But recognize that this process won't occur overnight - it's gradual and continuous. Start by allowing yourself the time to grieve the loss through acceptance and acknowledgment of your sadness. This could manifest as letting yourself cry or talking to others who are also going through something similar. Self-care activities such as cooking nutritious meals, attending yoga classes, or connecting with nature can help provide comfort and solace in difficult times. 

Find Healthy Ways To Cope With Your Pain

Childbirth injuries can leave profound, prolonged scars when navigating such a tragic and challenging event. To help start a journey of self-love after this kind of tragedy, it's essential to create a plan specifically tailored to the individual and the most effective ways for them to cope with the sadness and anguish. Ideas for developing healthy coping methods may include journaling, speaking with a trusted friend or family member, receiving counseling from a professional therapist, participating in mindfulness practices, or visiting to help you with your tragic loss. These suggestions can provide comfort during difficult times and obtain an improved mental state needed to recover from this situation.

Take Care Of Yourself 

Taking care of yourself is essential for grieving a traumatic loss. A healthy diet, ample rest, and regular exercise will help you to find strength and peace during this difficult time. Focusing on physical health can be therapeutic and can support your healing process. Make sure to get plenty of sleep, consume nutrient-rich foods that fuel your body and mind, and go on daily walks or participate in activities you enjoy. Unwind with meditation, and seek comfort in nature or the solace of familiar places if they are accessible. Not only will these enriching and nourishing routines help your healing process, but they may also introduce a sense of normalcy.

In Conclusion

Though it is hard to imagine self-love after a tragic loss, it is possible to get there through time and effort. by following the steps outlined here, you will be on your way to a more positive relationship with yourself. So don't give up if the process is complicated at first-- keep going and trust that you will get there in time.

5 Cheat Meals You Should Try Without Sacrificing Your Health

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Cheat meals are a great way to reward yourself for hitting your fitness goals and staying on track with your training regime. Not only do they give you something to look forward to, but they can also help prevent diet fatigue and the temptation of falling off the wagon altogether. But that doesn’t mean you have to trade nutrition for flavour. 

There are plenty of cheat meals that won’t make you feel guilty about indulging or sacrificing your health in the process. Here are five cheat meal ideas that will hit all the right spots without sending waves of guilt through your system.

1. Pizza Bites

Who doesn’t love pizza? Fortunately, there is a healthier way to enjoy it without compromising taste. Start by baking whole wheat English muffins with a pizza sauce of your choice. Top them off with cheese and any other toppings you’d like before putting them back in the oven to bake until the cheese is melted and bubbling. Voilà! You’ll have a delicious pizza bite that won’t leave you feeling bloated or full of regret.

2. “Fried” Chicken Strips

Craving something fried? No problem! All it takes is two simple ingredients - panko bread crumbs and grated parmesan cheese - to make this healthier version of fried chicken strips. Simply mix together the panko and parmesan, dip chicken strips into an egg mixture, then the panko mixture, and bake until golden brown. Serve with a side of roasted veggies or a Greek yoghurt dip for added nutrition.

3. French Toast And Muffins

For a sweet cheat meal, try this French toast and muffin combo. Start by setting out two slices of whole wheat bread and drenching them in an egg mixture with a dash of nutmeg. Let the mixture soak in while you prepare pre-made banana or this blueberry muffin recipe. Place soaked bread onto the heated skillet, let cook until lightly browned on both sides, then serve along with the freshly made muffins for a delicious carb-filled treat!

4. Loaded Sweet Potato Fries

Sweet potato fries are one of the healthiest alternatives to traditional French fries. To make them even healthier but still delicious, top your sweet potatoes off with cheese, diced peppers and onions, minced garlic, and other tasty toppings of your choice before popping them in the oven to bake. Not only will you be getting all the nutritional benefits from sweet potatoes themselves but also from all the additional ingredients you add.

5. Guilt-Free Ice Cream Sandwich

Nothing says a cheat meal quite like an ice cream sandwich - except when it’s guilt-free. All you need is a few scoops of light ice cream wedged between two large oatmeal cookies and voila! You have yourself a delicious dessert that won’t make you feel bad about indulging.

There You Have It

Cheat meals don’t have to mean unhealthy food choices or excessive calories. With the right ingredients and some creativity, you can enjoy cheating meals while still staying on track with your health and fitness goals. So next time you’re feeling like rewarding yourself for hitting your milestones, try out one of these five cheat meal ideas without sacrificing your health in the process. Enjoy!

Alternative Ways to Reduce Stress that Really Work

Candy WashingtonComment

Image Courtesy of Pexels

Hi lovelies,

Every doctor will tell you to be more active, yet take it easy when you are stressed. A little contradictory, you could say. And not everyone likes to exercise. Of course, exercise has many health benefits. But here are some alternative ways to reduce stress that really work.

Try Holistic Remedies

There are numerous holistic approaches to stress reduction. Some of them are relatively easy. And others require time and patience to master. For example, you can relieve stress almost immediately with CBD and Delta 9 gummies. Or you can try to develop your meditation skills over time. Of course, you can combine different approaches, such as burning incense when meditating or incorporating aromatherapy into your self-massage sessions at home.

Alternative Ways to Reduce Stress Include Yoga

Yoga is a popular way to deal with stress because it involves a series of poses and controlled breathing exercises. Yoga is a set of physical and mental practices that can help you find peace in both your body and your mind. But it can also help you calm down and deal with anxiety and stress. You can Google for Yoga classes near you or do it at home. Hatha yoga, in particular, is a good way to relieve stress because it moves more slowly and is easier for beginners to do.

Cuddle Up with a Loved One

Touch is a critical sense that isn't given nearly enough credit. Yet, it has been proven to calm you down and help you deal with stress better. For example, studies show that positive physical interaction and sexual intimacy can help relieve stress and loneliness. This is because oxytocin is released, and cortisol is lowered. In turn, this helps lower the heart rate and blood pressure. Having high blood pressure and a faster heart rate are both signs of stress in the body.

Establish a Good Sleep Routine

Sleep is an essential part of staying healthy. If you get too little sleep, your body's cortisol levels increase. Additionally, any injuries or aches you have can become worse or take longer to heat because you can't reach the N2 protein repair stage. So establish a good routine as follows:

  • Prepare for bed at the same time each night.

  • Try to sleep and wake up at the same time.

  • Don't eat or drink for two hours before bed.

  • Calm your mind by staying off your phone before bed.

  • Make your room as soundproof and dark as possible.

In the US alone, over 70 million people have sleep issues. It can be hard to establish a good sleep routine at first. For some people, even following these simple steps can mean big changes to their lifestyle. But they are crucial for better sleep. Remember, home isn't the office.

Embrace Musical Therapy

Music is a good way to relieve stress because it can take your mind off of things, relax your muscles, and lower the level of stress hormones in your body. Turn up the sound and let the music take over your mind. If music isn't something you're interested in, try something else you like, such as art, knitting, or video games. Just do something that makes you pay attention to what you're doing instead of your mind running away with bad or stressful thoughts.

Staying Social Includes Alternative Ways to Reduce Stress

A good network of coworkers, friends, and family can help you deal with problems at work and see things in a new light. When we do things with our friends, it can help us unwind and feel less stressed. You might also be able to solve your problems by talking them over with a friend. But you may need time to yourself. So it's important to make time to hang out with friends, relax, or work out. Taking some time for yourself a couple of nights a week isn't a crime.

Supplement Vitamins and Minerals

A number of vitamins and minerals help your body deal with stress and keep your mood stable. If you don't get enough of one or more nutrients, it could hurt your mental health and make it harder for you to deal with stress. Also, some studies show that some nutritional supplements may help enhance mood. For example, if you are stressed all the time, your zinc levels may drop. It has been shown that taking extra vitamins and minerals can help with stress.


There's an almost endless number of ways you can take it easy, and you should do what works for you. But if you are having a hard time thinking of something, some of the most effective and alternative ways to relax include holistics, getting better sleep, and supplementing vitamins.

Top Ways to Reduce Anxiety

Candy Washington1 Comment

Hi lovelies,

When your head starts to spin and the world seems to shake at 1,000,000 miles an hour, your stomach seems to clench, your hands start to shake, you might be experiencing anxiety. Anybody who has experienced the symptoms of anxiety before knows that this is not a joke. They also know that there's not very much you can do in the moment when the anxiety attack hits, because it takes all of the therapy techniques that you have learned to calm yourself down. 

Anxiety is hard to deal with, and while you can get excellent help from companies such as Redeem, you really do need to think about how you are to manage your anxiety so that you can live a healthy and fulfilling life. Anxiety can be fairly debilitating, so if you're not going to be getting a handle on it you're going to find it really difficult to manage. With this in mind, we've got 5 tips to help you to reduce your anxiety as much as possible.

  • Take a break. Whatever it is that is triggering your anxiety, he needs to take a break from it. It doesn't matter whether it's work, the kids, or a relationship in your life, you need to do what you can to reduce that anxiety. As soon as you recognise the trigger, figure out a way to move away from it. Taking just a few minutes to remove yourself from an anxiety inducing situation may be all you need to put yourself back together again.

  • Learn how to take deep breaths. It might sound like a simple thing to do, but it's not easy to catch your breath at the moment. Slow deep breaths can help you to reduce your anxiety. It could help you to center yourself and keep your mind grounded. Deep breathing is also an excellent tool because you can do it anytime, anywhere. You can be on the train to work, at your desk, or you could be just waking up in the morning. There is always space and time for deep breathing.

  • Move your body. When you are anxious, you might feel like you are dealing with a tonne of pent up energy that has nowhere else to go. Instead of letting it fester, move your body and go for a walk or move your body while you dance. You need to be able to shake you out of your body so that you can feel normal again in some way.

  • Talk to someone you love. Whatever it is that's making you feel anxious, talk about it with somebody that you love very much. Not only will they be able to be there for you emotionally, but they will be able to be there for you physically and mentally. If you need someone just to come around with some chips and dip just to make you cheer up and feel better, a friend can do that for you and help you to shake out of your funk. You need to feel supported and know that you are not alone, and a good friend could do that for you.

  • Learn how to ground yourself. There are countless grounding activities out there, and all of them can help you to stay in the moment and not let your thoughts race around you. If your doctor has put you on any medication, or you are using any CBD to help yourself to be less anxious, you'll be able to find your way again.

Regular Resting: Why To Invest In Your Own Getaway Space

Candy WashingtonComment

Image from

Hi lovelies,

Life is often so hectic; you can't see the beautiful wood, of all the busy trees! Now, don’t get it wrong; a busy schedule, full of work, socializing, and various other commitments, can be super fulfilling. However, to make the most out of life’s opportunities and to discover new ones; your body and mind need to be in a healthy place. It can be easy to get stuck in a daily grind, and before you know it; you’ve spiraled into complete exhaustion physically, and poor mental health.

Therefore, surely it’s always a great time to think about ways to fully unwind, recharge, and relax, regularly. Many are investing in vacation and getaway properties so that they can top up their joy and focus on their well-being whenever they choose. A holiday home is an ideal way to ensure that you always have an escape, and it can also be a savvy financial investment that you can profit from. Maybe you’ve already been thinking about investing in a property for a while, or perhaps you’re curious about what a vacation home would mean for your lifestyle. The following are some things to consider, before gaining your piece of personal paradise.

Location location location
Although you’ll want to make a profit from your vacation property, by regularly renting it out when you’re not there; it needs to be somewhere that you feel you can truly recharge. It’s always a smart idea to invest in an area that you’re familiar with; understanding the accessibility of the location, along with knowledge about the amenities will help you buy somewhere perfect to focus on your personal well-being.

Think of yourself as your target market first; it’ll help you decide on rental costs, and what you’d be willing to spend for a chance to stay in the property. Whether you’re by the sea, in a forest, or it’s a chic city apartment; understanding who wants to visit and why is the best way to begin looking for somewhere.

Preparation Is Key
Once the challenge of finding the ideal property is out of the way; you can focus on the time that you, and anyone renting it, spends there. So, organizing vacation rental cleaning services is a must so that the property is spotless for your arrival or that of guests. Maybe you want to indulge, and have at-home spa treatments, or even plan a caterer; whatever you choose to enjoy just be planned and ready well in advance of your visit.

It’s also worth offering it to guests before they arrive, for a luxurious touch to their escape and a way to work out a deal with your chosen service providers. It could be another lucrative move!

Personal Touches Count
Don’t get sucked into vacation home trends, and interior trends that link to your chosen area; these will come and go, and it’ll be a challenge to keep up. You want to decorate the space so it feels like a home away from home for you, as that’s what it is. Make sure you stay true to your aesthetic, and you’ll also provide a homely, welcoming environment for others to escape to.

3 Frightening Things To Consider When It Comes To Sugar Consumption

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

What is your daily sugar consumption? You might be aware of the average amount of sugar you consume if you use an app to keep a food diary, but the majority of individuals are completely unaware of how much sugar they actually consume on a daily basis. According to research, the vast majority of people consume an excessive amount of sugar compared to what is required, and this contributes to serious health concerns. Think again before dismissing the dangers of a craving for sweets. Here is the frightening truth about sugar.

Type 2 diabetes and sugar
Overconsumption of sugar increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. Caused by the body's inability to control blood glucose levels, this illness is generally attributable to a person's way of life. Careful diabetes management is essential for diabetics because the disease increases the likelihood of developing complications such as those affecting the eyes, feet, and teeth. In most situations, dietary adjustments are sufficient to manage symptoms, but in certain instances, insulin injections may be necessary. When it comes to sugar levels, fizzy drinks are among the worst offenders. An average can of cola has as much as 9 teaspoons of sugar, which is far more than the daily maximum of 6-7 teaspoons that experts recommend for adults.

Diet and dental issues
If you read dental news regularly, you would know that there has been a substantial increase in the number of children having dental extractions under general anaesthesia, and that this is likely attributable to the children's poor diets. Sugar causes decay. Cavities arise when oral bacteria digest sugar, producing acids that dissolve the enamel that protects teeth from decay. In most cases, you can easily avoid decay by taking preventative measures. When it comes to deterring children from sweets, a great idea is to show them the process of them being made, right from the gummy depositor to the packaging so they can really see how much sugar goes into their favourite treats. Incredibly, the chance of tooth decay can be drastically reduced by simply taking the time to clean your teeth twice a day, visiting your dentist regularly, and eating a balanced diet. Your enamel will be soft for about an hour after eating, so wait at least that long before brushing or cleaning. It's also crucial to restrict snacking, as eating throughout the day can subject your teeth to ongoing acid attacks.

Combating Obesity
Sixty-six percent or more of American adults are considered overweight or obese. A high-sugar diet increases the risk of obesity. As well as raising the odds of developing cardiovascular disease and certain forms of cancer, obesity is a known risk factor for a wide range of other potentially fatal conditions. Reducing sugar in your diet can lead to weight loss in many cases. Reducing sugary drinks and energy drinks is a fantastic place to begin.

We often eat sweet treats without giving much thought to what we're eating or how it will affect our health. Consider how much sugar you've already had and if you truly need more the next time you feel compelled to reach into the cookie jar.

How Vegans Can Get Plenty Of Protein

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

It’s really important, if you are a vegan, to ensure that you are getting all of the nutrients, minerals and so on that you need in your diet. When veganism is done right, it is the healthiest diet around. But if you are not careful, it can also be too easy to simply not get a lot of the things that you actually need in your diet. One of the things that are often missing from a vegan diet is protein, so in this post we are going to discuss how you can effectively get a lot more protein in your diet in no time.

There are plenty of seeds that give you a lot of protein, and these are definitely worth making sure that you have enough of in your diet. There are so many ways to incorporate seeds into your daily diet, such as baking seedy loaves of bread and sprinkling them on your morning granola. However you do it, eating seeds is really important for your protein intake. Pay particular attention to pumpkin seeds, which really pack a protein punch, and which are also delicious in a range of snacks and meals.

A lot of vegans swear by beans, and it’s easy to see why. They are versatile, able to be cooked and prepared in a number of ways, and they offer a surprising diversity of flavor too. On top of that, they are also quite filling, and can make a great alternative to meat, such as in a five bean chili. They also have plenty of good protein, so make sure you get more kidney beans in your meals and you learn how to cook black eyed peas. These are really going to help you with your protein intake in a huge way.

A special mention for chickpeas, which are another common favorite for vegans around the world. They are a very affordable ingredient to use, and again they can be used in a wide variety of ways and in many different meals, so it’s definitely worth making sure you have a few chickpea-based meals under your belt. A good example is a tomato chickpea and coconut curry, a simple dish that is very nutritious and filling, and which will have a huge amount of protein per serving.


And again, another real staple of the vegan diet is of course rice. Whether you are having it with a veggie curry or in a fried dish, or in any other way, you can be sure that you will be getting plenty of protein this way, so it is always a good idea to make sure that you have a few rice dishes that you keep in mind. You might be surprised at how effective this can be, and it’s the kind of thing that is going to really make a huge difference to your diet.

With those in your diet, you’ll have plenty of protein in your diet, and you will feel the benefits in no time.

Looking After Your Health Is Easier Than You Think

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Are you starting to think more about your health? This starts to become a more significant thought as we age because we want to make sure that we maintain the right quality of life. When you’re young, your body will bounce back from most things. As you get older, it becomes a little more tricky. So, let’s explore some simple steps you can take to stay healthy. 

Eat Right
One of the first things you need to do to focus on your health and well-being is to think about what you are eating. Eating the wrong things can lead to huge complications further down the line, this includes weight-related illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. You might think it is hard to watch what you eat, especially if you lead a busy life. You could be snowed under at home or at work, this could lead to you grabbing food on the go that isn’t very healthy. 

Try to work on healthier alternatives and swaps. For example, if you are a fan of sweets or biscuits these could be swapped for vegetable sticks with a dip. If you don’t have time to eat lunch or prepare it on the day, you could take a packed lunch to work with you that you have prepared the night before. 

Try Supplements 
It’s not always possible to get everything that you need in your diet. That’s okay though because you can use supplements. One thing to keep in mind here is that supplements are not a substitute for an unhealthy lifestyle or diet. That said, they can provide your body with the extra boost it needs if you are missing a few key ingredients that your body requires to stay fit. 

Get Enough Rest
Sleep is vital for your health, without it you can turn into a very grumpy human. As an adult, you should be aiming to get around six to eight hours of sleep each night. This is possible, it is all about having a healthy sleep routine and avoiding sleep disturbances. If you have young children in the house then this can seem impossible at times. You can also hinder the quality of sleep you are getting if you are using an old, lumpy mattress. Your mattress should be changed every eight to ten years due to its age. This may seem like an expensive thing to do but it will all be worth it when your new, comfy mattress turns up. 

Watch Out For Mental Health
It’s important to be aware of issues with your mental health. Problems with mental health can remain under the service for years and be completely undetected as well as untreated. That’s an issue because a mental health condition is similar to a virus. If it’s not treated, then it can just get steadily worse over time. 

There are lots of ways to treat issues with your mental health. For instance, you might want to explore an option like cognitive therapy. This can be used to tackle a routeing issue that is the cause of problems such as depression, and severe anxiety. 

Keep Yourself Clean
It is important to keep yourself clean to avoid health issues. Staying clean will ensure that you are getting rid of bacteria in your body which can lead to infections and spread viruses. Washing your hands after using the bathroom is obviously essential. Of course, overwashing can also cause health issues. For instance, using too much soap could indirectly lead to a UTI, as explained in an article such as

Exercise Is The Key
If you enjoy a workout then why not incorporate one into your everyday routine? You could get a quick run or swim in before you head out to work, a lot of people do this. Alternatively, you could hit the gym or the pool after work. Exercise will help your mind and body but it will also make you feel better about yourself. When you exercise, your body releases happy hormones. These make you feel better and accomplished when you have finished your workout. You will be encouraged to do it over and over, which is great. Just remember to leave a rest day in between each workout, this gives your body a chance to repair any broken muscle groups. 

Drink All Your Water
You should drink a healthy amount of water each day. One litre of water per day is a great goal to aim for and will ensure that you don’t need to panic about being dehydrated. There are lots of benefits to drinking plenty of water. It can help clear out your skin and it will ensure that you don’t have to panic about issues with bacteria in your urinary tract. Water essentially acts as a natural detox. So, it can be just what the doctor ordered if you do commonly have issues with things like UTIs. If you are struggling to drink enough try a flask with a measurer that tells you how much you’ve drunk each day. 

Stay Relaxed 
Arguably, one of the biggest problems to your health is going to be stress. If you are over-stressed, then you could find you have problems with chronic pain or lower-than-usual levels of energy. There are some simple ways that you can manage this issue effectively. You just need to relax and get some much-needed ‘me’ time. If you do this, then you’ll be able to cope far more effectively with high levels of tension in your life. You can also try some basic home remedies such as taking a wonderful soak in the tub. 

Get Checked Out 
Finally, you need to make sure that you are getting checked out if you do notice an issue. For instance, you might notice a lump or bump on your body. If this is unexplained then you should give it a couple of weeks. If there’s no change after this time, then it’s always best to speak to a doctor or check out customized treatment plans for issues such as low hormone levels. Most of the time it will be nothing but if it’s something to worry about, it’s always good to catch it early.

You should also be getting regularly checked out if you don’t have a partner and you are sexually active. Most issues here are highly treatable or can be managed. 

Common Causes Of Unhealthy Weight Gain

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Sometimes, weight gain is beneficial and essential, especially for underweight people who actively adopt healthy practices to achieve this target. However, weight gain can also be detrimental, especially when the underlying practices don’t support good health. Unhealthy weight gain increases your body’s fat, increasing your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, respiratory issues, and other health conditions. Statistics indicate that approximately one in three adults is obese, accounting for 36% of the American population. Knowing the common causes of unhealthy weight gain can be instrumental in addressing the issue. Here are a few you should know about. 

Imagine being predisposed to gaining more weight than others due to genetic makeup. Indeed, research indicates that some people have over 70% of genes that causes obesity. Also, people whose parents were obese are likelier to experience weight gain. Your genes affect cravings, metabolism, appetite, and body-fat distribution, determining how quickly or slowly your body burns excess calories. However, this doesn’t mean you’re fated to be overweight for the rest of your life. Despite your genes, what you eat and do also affects your weight. 

Therefore, making healthier lifestyle choices ensure that you’re always fit. You can begin by loading your plates with healthy food options like lean protein, nuts, veggies, fruit, and whole grains. Consequently, you want to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Instead, exercise regularly- moderate-intensity for approximately 2 hours and weight training twice weekly can be beneficial. 

Food addiction 
Food addiction occurs when you eat highly palatable (foods with much sugar, salt, and fat) foods excessively, although you aren’t hungry. Indeed, research indicates that these meals trigger the release of feel-good chemicals like dopamine, causing the eater to crave more. People with food addiction spend more time overeating as they lose control over their eating behavior. Also, they may not stop eating, even if it damages their relationships or causes them to add weight rapidly. They are also likely to hide their meals or make excuses for overindulging. Aside from obesity, food addiction can cause heart disease, digestive problems, isolation, depression, and low-self esteem. Fortunately, you can overcome food addiction with the right strategies. 

You can begin by eliminating junk food and unhealthy snacks from your home to prevent you from breaking your resolve. You also want to avoid fad diets to make up for overeating. Instead, replace unhealthy practices with better ones. For instance, you should eat only when hungry and aim for more nutritious meals. You can also get professional help if it’s challenging to overcome your food addiction alone. Alternatively, bariatric surgery can help you overcome food addiction, so keep this in mind. However, speaking with your doctor is essential for learning about popular bariatric surgeries and other helpful advice post-surgery. 

Insulin resistance 
Insulin regulates blood sugar levels by determining how your body stores fat and glucose. It signals your fat cells, muscles, and liver to use blood glucose as fuel. However, the body can become resistant to insulin, affecting your body’s ability to maintain a normal sugar level. Excess sugar in your bloodstream can be stored as fat, leading to weight gain, prediabetes, and diabetes. Reducing sugar intake, sleeping well, and avoiding stress can improve insulin sensitivity, so feel free to consider these. 

When Self Care Alone Isn't Enough

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Self care is really important. It is something that everyone should be making time for. It is a way to nourish your body mind and soul, but sometimes, self care is not enough. Sometimes we need something more to get us through. What do we do then? 

Seek professional help
Sometimes we need a little extra help because we have problems that we cannot sort out ourselves. Sometimes talking to a trusted therapist or seeking help from an organization like Delphi Health Group is the best way for us to work through, and ultimately overcome, our issues and when self care is not working, it is time to explore those avenues.

Work on your boundaries
Sometimes, when you are struggling, it is because your boundaries are not what they should be, and often, strengthening them is the solution, even if just on a temporary basis. Taking some space away from toxic people who do not make you happy or bring anything good to your life, saying no to commitments that won’t make you happy, and being very clear about what you need right now are all good boundaries to focus on when you need to get your life back on track. You can always redraw those boundaries when you are feeling better.

Spend time with your people
Spending more time with the right people is one of the best things you can do to improve your life no matter what is going on. The friend who always manages to make you laugh no matter how sad you might be, the parent who is always there to support you, the co-workers who have your back when work gets tough, make more of an effort to be around these people and they will nourish your soul.

Get out of your comfort zone
If things are tough and you’re feeling down, something that can really help is getting out of your comfort zone. Doing something that is completely new to you whether it is signing up to an art class, skydiving, or traveling to a new part of the world, will give you a new perspective on life and maybe help you to find a new passion that will make your life 100 percent better. Even if it doesn’t do that, it will help you to get out of the rut you are in.

Give yourself a break
If things suck right now, don’t beat yourself up about it or try to change everything overnight. Treat yourself with kindness, take some time to rest and recuperate, and don’t sweat the small stuff. You have your whole life ahead of you to make things right, and beating yourself up is only ever going to make you feel worse about yourself, so be kind - you deserve it.

Self care should absolutely be a big part of your everyday life, but sometimes, you need a little more to get you back on an even keel, and hopefully, the above solutions will help you to do just that.

Look After Your Long-Term Well-Being With These Key Hacks

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Long-term health and wellness are such an important part of the process when it comes to improving your life and making the right decisions, and this is so important. There are so many excellent ideas that will help you when it comes to making the most of this, and you have to come up with key choices and decisions that can help you focus on this as much as possible. You have to think about the key elements that play a role in The right kind of self-care, and this is something that you need to think about as much as possible. Coming up with key ideas that will help you factor this in is one of the best elements that you need to think about as much as possible. These are some of the key ideas you can use that will help you look after your long-term health and well-being.

Adopt a Fitness Regimen
Adopting a long-term fitness regimen is one of the primary factors you can use when looking to improve your long-term fitness goals. This is why you have to make sure you think about some of the key ideas that will play a role in making the most of this. Coming up with a detailed fitness routine you can use to be more successful is so important, and there are plenty of factors that will help you improve this. Work on some of the key elements of this, and try to implement a health and wellness routine, filled with regular exercise as well as a strict diet plan. 

Consult a Doctor if Needed
Consulting a doctor or medical professional if needed is also one of the key options you need to make the most of when you are looking to improve your health. You need to be clear about what is involved in this, as well as what it takes to make sure you get the right kind of medical attention as and when you require it. Getting in touch with a doctor is one of the best things that you should be looking to get right, and this is something you need to try to make the most of as much as possible.

Protect Your Future
Try to come up with some of the best ideas that will help you focus on this and make the most of it moving forward. There are so many things that will allow you to protect and look after your future and long-term well-being, and you need to focus on this. There are so many options and ideas that you need to make the most of when it comes to improving and assessing the right ways of protecting and looking after yourself, and this can often involve legal protection. For example, a lead poisoning lawyer would be an excellent choice when it comes to getting legal protection in the event of something horrible that has negatively impacted your health, and this is so important for the future. 

You have to try to think about some of the best ideas that will help you when it comes to health and wellness, and planning for the future. This is something you need to get right as much as possible when it comes to looking after your future. 

Why is it Important to Wear the Right Shoes?

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

There is a reason that doctors always tell their patients to wear shoes. Shoes protect our feet from the harsh world around us. They keep us safe when we are walking on slippery surfaces, and they help us stay balanced. But did you know that shoes also play an important role in our overall health? 

The wearing of shoes began as a necessity to protect the feet from the elements and from injuries. Over time, however, shoes have become much more than just a protective covering. They are now seen as a fashion statement, with many different styles to choose from. But with all of the different options available, it is important to remember that not all shoes are created equal. In fact, some shoes can actually be harmful to our health if they are not worn correctly. 

One of the most common problems that can be caused by wearing the wrong shoes is foot pain. This is especially true for women who wear high heels regularly. Wearing high heels can lead to problems such as bunions, corn, and calluses. It can also cause the tendons in the feet to become shortened and tight, leading to pain in the foot's arch. In addition, high heels can also cause problems with the lower back and knees. 

Another problem that can be caused by wearing ill-fitting shoes is ankle injuries. Ankle sprains are one of the most common types of injuries, and they often occur when people wear shoes that do not fit properly. Ill-fitting shoes can also cause blisters, corns, and calluses. 

Claw toe and hammer toe are two other problems that can be caused by wearing the wrong shoes. These conditions occur when the toes cannot move properly, and they can be extremely painful. Shoes that are too tight or have high heels can cause these problems. The term claw toe refers to a condition in which the toe is bent at the middle joint, while hammertoe refers to a condition in which the toe is bent at the joint closest to the nail. 

So why is it so important to wear the right shoes?

 Well, for one thing, the wrong shoes can cause a lot of pain. You might get blisters, or you might end up with bunions. Wearing the wrong shoes can also cause problems with your posture and can even lead to injuries.

Another reason why it's important to wear the right shoes is that they can help you stay healthy. But unfortunately, the wrong shoes can actually increase your risk of developing specific health problems, such as plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis. And if you already have a health condition, wearing the wrong shoes can make it worse.

Of course, comfort is another big reason why it's essential to wear the right shoes. If your feet are uncomfortable, you will not enjoy your day. You might even miss out on activities you would otherwise enjoy because you don't want to deal with the pain.

Wearing the right shoes is essential for your overall health and well-being. So take the time to find a pair that fits you well and provides the support that you need. 

Self Care Treatments That Matter

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Arguably, self-care treatments are one of the most important aspects of a modern way of life because they support your health and happiness. Without self-care treatments, our life quality diminishes, which only leads to the need for more self-care. Here are five treatments that matter.    


In order to maintain a good level of health and well-being, we need to have a strong nervous system. The nervous system has evolved over thousands, if not millions of years, it is extremely complex and preserves our best interests, but that can make us unwell in the modern world.

Acupuncture is the art of working with the nervous system to open up new pathways to the brain and create new connections. During acupuncture treatments, you will lay on a bed and have small needles put into your skin. These needles open up little energy channels helping you heal. 


Meditation is the art of breathing. Breathing is something we do naturally, but if we don’t have a regular meditation habit, we don’t practice skillful breathing. Although we can choose to breathe whenever we want, our bodies mostly breathe for us, so we can bring our attention to this fact. 

No matter what treatment option you undertake to support your well-being, some form of meditation is appropriate. Focused breathing helps to calm your mind, regain perspective, and generate creative thoughts that can help to solve difficult life problems. So, give it a try today.    

Spa Treatments 

One of the ways we regain our well-being is by undertaking a holistic activity such as going to the gym or going for treatment. Because we are engaging all of our sense perceptions and enjoying a particular activity, our brains respond by releasing happy chemicals and hormones. 

Spa treatments such as MedSpa are another example of this process where you engage all your senses in a healing process. Spa treatments are a fast and effective way to realign your mental and physical well-being and get back to your old self. There are lots to choose from.  


Again, exercising is one of the best ways to align your body and brain holistically, but unlike a day at the spa, exercise can be carried out every day or every other day. If you don’t have time in your busy schedule to get to the gym, then why not get into the habit of some micro workouts?

Micro workouts can be effective ways to integrate moderate exercise into your day. When you don’t exercise, you start to feel it in your body; that’s because the human body has evolved to be active. Small amounts of exercise have a cumulative effect, so you can benefit from workouts. 

Talking Therapy 

One of the first therapies you need to try if you have an issue with your mental or emotional well-being is talking therapy. Talking therapies are easy to access and help you get some perspective on your current state of mind and what to do next. If you can’t find a therapist, there are talking therapy phone numbers you can call.  

5 Self Care Strategies to Look Great

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Image Credit 

Looking great isn’t always easy; there are a lot of factors to consider if you want to shine in your workplace, with your friends, or in your local community. The good news is that looking and feeling great are not as hard to handle as you think; you only need to get the basics right. 

Skin Care 

If you want to look and feel your best, then start with the largest organ of the human body, the skin. Skin is the main part of the integumentary system of the body that also includes the hair, nails, and sweat gland. The main purpose of skin is to protect the body, but also for appearance.

When we don’t look after our skin, it becomes dry, flakey, wrinkled, and generally unhappy. Chances are, this will prompt you to do something about the condition of your skin. Along with natural products, one of the best ways to care for your skin is through your diet and hydration.    

Hair Care 

Hair is one of the certain features of our appearance, which is why we spend so much time styling it and protecting it from damage. How we care for our hair affects how we look and feel about ourselves and our quality of life. It can also affect how we interact and our successes. 

If you want your locks to shine and sit correctly in the style you want, it’s a good idea to find out a few things about the nature of hair in general and the nature of your hair in particular. Try to use natural chemical-free products where necessary, and try not to wash your hair too frequently.

Dental Care 

Everyone wants a shiny straight smile; that’s why so many public figures and celebrities go to great lengths to ensure they have an excellent smile. There are two factors to consider when thinking about dental care that is how you care for the dental enamel and how straight they are. 

Teeth are coated with dental enamel that wears away over time; it can be affected by the build-up of plaque - everyday bacteria - so make sure you brush your teeth regularly. Also, matter your age, you can straighten your teeth with invisalign dentist braces for a winning smile.

Dietary Care 

No matter what body system you are trying to improve to enhance your quality of life, they are all influenced by the food you consume. If you eat lots of fats and oils - contained in fast foods - your skin is more likely to break out in hives, and your breath will smell. You also feel sluggish. 

If you want to care more about the way you look and feel, find a diet type that suits your psychology and lifestyle, then choose a natural alternative to eat. Some popular diets nowadays include the Keto diet, an intermittent fasting diet, a vegan diet, and a paleo diet for self-care.  

Mind Care 

If you want to look great, you also need to feel great, and that can’t happen if you are stressed. Stress is a common feature of modern life caused by overworking and a reduction in self-care time; if you want to improve your overall well-being, practice breathing or learn some meditation.