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Natural Remedies For Common Conditions

Hi lovelies,

Living a healthy life with a holistic approach can be hard when you start to suffer from various ailments that can hit us all. From the common cold to indigestion, hayfever to diarrhoea, there are shelves full of medications to help ease our symptoms. But, what if you want to keep your body running only on nature's gifts to us all? 

For millions of years, there have been symptoms of multiple illnesses or allergies. We haven’t always had today's medicines to get us through. There are loads of natural remedies that can help us through, here are some of the best. 

Nausea and sickness can be alleviated by ginger. The best way to calm your stomach is either making a fresh ginger tea or by taking small bites of homemade ginger cookies. You could also put ginger and peppermint into a green smoothie. 

(Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels)

Painful Joints
If you suffer from painful joints, then using Turmeric could help. This root is usually found in powder form and contains a powerful natural inflammatory called curcumin. Try the healing powers of this Golden Turmeric Milk. 

Dry Eyes
When your eyes are tired, or you are dehydrated, your eyes can become dry and itchy. This is also a symptom of several allergies. Theralife offers a holistic remedy to this condition which will help restore moisture and relieve your symptoms. 

If you have suffered a toothache, then you will know how hard it is to work. Visiting a dentist is your best option, but to treat it at home, you can use clove oil. 

Settle your symptoms using the healing powers of Aloe Vera. This unique plant has a long list of benefits and can relieve many symptoms from skin soreness to heartburn. If you are passionate about living a holistic life, you should have an aloe vera plant at home. 

Sore muscles
Arnica is a plant that can be used to reduce pain in your muscles. It is also effective to reduce bruising and help aid in a quicker recovery. 

Lavender is a flower with a beautiful fragrance. Used as an essential oil in a sonic diffuser the scent can help relax you and give you a feeling of wellbeing, aiding in a better night's sleep. 

The common cold 
Honey is both antibacterial and antimicrobial. It can help to reduce sore throat pain and suppress coughing. It is famously drunk with lemon in a tea and can alleviate common cold symptoms. 

It is important to remember that living a holistic life is a balance. Modern medicine has a place in your life, so if your symptoms get worse or are persistent, you need to seek proper medical advice. You can speak to your doctor and ask if they can give you some safe, natural options; however, you should never put off seeing a medical professional. Natural remedies offer you relief of your symptoms, and they can’t cure you if there is something more sinister going on! 

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