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5 Mindfulness Tips For Beginners

Hi lovelies,

Mindfulness is the art of developing a state of awareness. This can be achieved by certain relaxation techniques, some more straightforward than you might think. Once you have found peace in your mind it will spread to make you happier overall. It’s a great way to reduce stress in the hectic world of today. Here are five simple tips to get you started. 

1. Meditate
This is an important feature of mindfulness practices. Find somewhere quiet, sit down and clear your mind. Many people use a mantra, this is a phrase you can repeat every day to train yourself to think positively. Try getting some Japa Mala Beads to help with the healing process. If you haven’t had much experience with these things, watch a video tutorial to find out how you can teach yourself to meditate. 

2. Appreciate your own company
Studies have shown that being alone from time to time can be very beneficial. Try taking yourself off the grid for an evening, warn your friends and family so they don’t worry and you can get the peace and quiet you deserve. This will give you the time you need to reflect and regulate your emotions, thus making you more able to deal with emotions and social situations. Relationships with others will improve as a result. Go out for a walk, dinner alone, or to see a movie. Think of it as a special evening, as you would with your partner. 

3. Spoil yourself
Treat yourself to some nice flowers for your bedroom that will boost your mood. Buy yourself more little gifts, like candles and chocolates. Book a spa day, or simply go for a facial or massage. Give yourself a makeover, go to the hairdresser’s or have your nails done. Make the new you feel fresh and confident. 

4. Get away
There are plenty of options to take a little trip without spending too much money. Look up local hidden gems near you, such as quaint villages or nature reserves. If you’re lucky enough to live near the coast, how about a day at the beach? Get active and try out nearby hiking or cycling routes. Contact with nature will definitely help you to gain perspective. Try out your new found meditation skills in the woods or a meadow. If you live near natural water, the ocean or a lake, sit and listen to the sounds of the waves and wildlife. 

5. Don’t worry about the future
Mindfulness is being able to avoid negative thoughts and worrying about the unknown. Instead think about the amazing things you’ve already achieved in your life, and how far you’ve come. Write down a list of your accomplishments, whether they may be career or family related, or other significant moments in your life. It’s important for you to try to get some perspective. Be thankful for what you have today and try to live your life to the fullest, it’s the only one you’re ever going to get. 

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