4 Signs Your Relationship Is Bad For Your Health
Hi lovelies,
Listen, far be it for us to tell you to get out of your relationship. But if it's bad for your health, on either a physical or an emotional level, then you need to put yourself first. Your life matters, and while you may be able to resolve things with your partner, it might also be that you need to sacrifice your relationship for the protection of your health.
Here are just some of the signs that suggest your health is being put at risk.
#1: Your partner is physically abusive
Okay, so this is the obvious one when it comes to your health, and if it's true in your case, then serious questions need to be raised about your relationship. You deserve to be in a loving relationship, where the only touch you receive is caring and delicate. You don't deserve to be knocked around by another, even if they do make repeated apologies after doing so. There is some advice here on getting out of an abusive relationship, so have a read, and then research organizations in your area for professional advice and support.
#2: Your partner brings down your self-esteem
Your partner should make you feel special and loved. They should talk to you with kindness and respect. But if you are dating a narcissist who cares more about his life than your own, and if your partner belittles with you degrading words that make you feel less than you are, then it's important to question your relationship. It might be that a conversation is in order, as once your partner knows how much damage they are doing to your confidence levels, they might have the impetus to stop. But if they don't, and if they continue to bring down your self-esteem, in any way, then for the sake of your mental health, it is worth getting out of there.
#3: You are being encouraged into bad habits
If your partner drinks too much, takes drugs on a regular basis, or eats foods that are not conducive to good health, then you may be tempted or asked to indulge in such things yourself. Needless to say, there is nothing positive about any of these things, as your health will suffer, and you might fall prey to those addictions that your partner could be suffering from. Be mindful then, and try to seek help for yourself and your partner if you can. There are counseling groups and addiction treatment programs available to help you, so follow the link and look for others in your area. You might also encourage your partner into better lifestyle habits. However, if he is reluctant to get help, and if your willpower isn't strong enough to protect yourself, then it could be time to end the relationship.
#4: You feel like you're walking on eggshells
If your partner is calm one second and angry the next, you will understandably be nervous around them. And if you're scared to say something in case it fuels his anger, then you will start to suffer from anxiety and fear. This is no relationship to be in. If your partner accepts help for his anger issues, then fine. Counseling groups will be available. However, if he sees nothing wrong in his behavior, and if you continue to walk around on those proverbial eggshells, then, for the sake of your mental wellbeing, you should consider the viability of the relationship.
For more advice, please seek support from organizations in your area who will be able to help you. After all, you deserve to be healthy in your relationship, and not have your health put at risk because of another.