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3 Signs You Are Overly Stressed And What You Can Do About It

Hi lovelies,

Are you struggling with high levels of stress? A lot of people assume and act like stress is just a natural part of life. While there will always be some stress in your life, it’s important that you don’t feel completely overwhelmed. To ensure this isn’t the case, you need to be able to recognize the key signs that you are stressed and then focus on what you can do about it. 

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You’re Not Sleeping 
One of the most common signs that you are stressed is a lack of sleep. If you are stressed, then you’ll probably find that there are lots of things keeping you up at night. Even if you head to bed early, you might find that your eyes remain open, staring at the ceiling, unable to get the peace that you need. Be aware that stress can cause an individual to develop signs of insomnia. This can make things a lot worse because you won’t get the rest you need to function effectively. This will make dealing with your issues even more difficult. 

There are lots of things that you can try if you are struggling to sleep at night. For instance, you might want to think about writing down your thoughts and feelings before bed. This is a great way to let your mind know that you are dealing with the issues so that they don’t plague you as you are trying to sleep. Alternatively, it could be worth working out before bedtime. That way you can make sure that you are truly drained before it’s time for bed. 

You’re Highly Irritable 
It’s fair to say that stress can change your mood completely. If you are feeling drained, then as mentioned, you will be getting less sleep. Or alternatively, you could be sleeping the days away. Both problems will cause your moods to change and this can be more noticeable to the people around you either in your personal life or at work. It can put serious strains on both personal and professional relationships. 

If stress is causing you to be more moody and aggressive, then you might want to think about focusing on getting your much deserved ‘me’ time. Whether you have kids, busy work commitments, or a mixture of personal and professional requirements in your life, then you will definitely need some time to yourself. Be aware that this doesn’t need to be a spa trip away. It could be as simple as something like getting your nightly bath. A long soak can do the body wonders and leave you feeling far more relaxed at the end of a rather difficult day. 

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You’re In Pain 
Believe it or not, stress can cause you to feel a range of different types of pain. For instance, if you are stressed then you might find that you are struggling with a higher number of headaches. Alternatively, it could be that you have pain in your lower back. If this isn’t caused by stress then it will clear up if you use something like Nurofen. However, if it is stress then meds won’t work at all. So, how do you deal with the pain that is caused from feeling stressed? Well, there are a few possibilities. 

First, you should think about tackling the root cause or rather the emotional issue in your life. This can often be addressed through options such as cognitive therapy. Therapy like this can be helpful to you if you are perfectly healthy mentally. Alternatively, you might want to address the physical issue. You can do this through aquatherapy. With aquatherapy, you can give your muscles and body the long soak that they deserve. You can even pair this by swimming to work off some of that tension with the right exercise routine. 

If you are suffering from migraines, then it might be worth considering going for walks outside more. This can provide the oxygen that your brain needs and ensure that you don’t feel as though you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Various research has shown the simple yet strong benefits of getting enough fresh air. 

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We hope this helps you understand some of the common signs that you might be stressed and the right steps that you can take. Stress can creep up on you but if it’s starting to take its toll on your personal or professional life then you need to fight back. This article should have shown you some of the best ways to do just that. 

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