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Ways to Give Your Home the TLC it Deserves

Photo by Blue Bird on Pexels

Hi lovelies,

A home is defined as a place where something normally or naturally lives or is located; however, if we look deeper, a home is a space where you can feel vulnerable and comfortable. So, we know how important a home is. So, how do we take care of these four walls? With a few home improvements, your home can have that proper TLC, but also it allows you to enjoy your home more. Although the term "home improvement" conjures up images of great, expensive projects that change the entire look of your property, it can also include fairly small tasks that add up to have a great impact on your house. These smaller renovations can freshen up a tired-looking home and make it more visually appealing!

Replacing the Windows
Replacing the windows really pays off because if you are experiencing cool and blustery weather in your living room, it's time to buy new window panes as soon as possible! As well as losing heat, your utility bill could be skyrocketing! So, replacing the windows is essential. believes that a window pane should be durable enough to withstand even the most extreme temperatures and unpredictable climates and for years to come! But they should also be beautiful; narrower frames mean more glass and more view. You should also be able to rely on them. The windows you get should also not flake, rust, blister, peel, crack, pit or corrode and stand the test of time. 

Paint provides dramatic results with little investment, and it doesn't just make your house look pretty! Giving your walls an update with some high-quality paint is an easy way to get your walls clean and ready for the next few years. With a new coat of paint, your walls will have a new layer of protection from moisture. Moisture can lead to mold, mildew growth, and even more extensive damage to your walls. In addition, a fresh coat of paint on your walls can help seal out moisture, reducing the added weight that can put stress on your home's structural integrity. Besides having newly protected surfaces, freshly painted walls or exteriors can increase curb appeal and the value of your house if you ever plan on selling your home.

Build a Deck 
One of the most popular trends in home development today is outdoor living. Homeowners all over the country are expanding their living spaces to include the outdoors, building versatile living spaces that feature everything from places to read to entertaining areas. This is where adding a deck comes in. It offers a smooth transition from your indoor space to your outdoor. And it should be low daily maintenance, requiring less effort to keep nice. Also, imagine sitting on your decking on a cool summer morning, sipping tea or coffee, and just watching the world go by. Surely that is incentive enough!

Boiler Care
This tip is not as exciting or noticeable, but replacing your ancient and potentially unreliable is another worthwhile job! Older boiler models tend to be far less efficient with energy use and are far more prone to regular repairs. So investing in a new boiler can actually save you tons of money to spend on other home improvements. If you have had your boiler for more than 15 years, then after that, it's not going to be of much use to you, and you will want to think about investing in a replacement. Arranging annual service checks will also maintain the wellbeing of your boiler, which will consequently increase the likelihood of it having a long and healthy life – maybe even making it to the big 15. Also, a boiler's efficiency will usually decrease as it gets older, leading to more expensive energy bills, which we all want to avoid. And if your boiler is quite old, you may struggle to find the correct parts of your particular brand or model, and it's time to trade it in. 

Decluttering your home is so important; it can cause increased productivity, creativity, and improved mental health! The way we treat our environment is informative of our physical and psychological health. A cluttered home is likely to induce a cluttered mind. Unsorted spaces can promote stress and feel overwhelming. The more unnecessary things you keep around, the more likely you will be continuously reminded of avoided tasks. Excessive materials can cause sensory overload and produce anxiety. Fortunately, concern surrounding the environment can be prevented. A more organized home encourages peace of mind. Tending to tasks right away curbs the stress that comes from piled-up chores and extensive to-do lists. If it also gives you potential financial perks, you can put items up for resale or even to consignment shops! Decluttering may seem like an overwhelming activity, but it can get done without a struggle with adequate preparation. 

Fresh Lighting
Our first and perhaps only desire for lighting is that it improves our visibility in darkness, which is an important priority. However, as humans, our eyes adapt quickly, even if it is far from the ideal level of visibility. This is why we see a blaring light in a room that may have a harsh glare and think it is acceptable. This mindset should change! 

More homes suffer more from a lack of proper lighting than over-illumination. Poor lighting — especially when accented by harsh, electronic screen lighting — can cause eyestrain and other visual issues, such as fatigue. But lighting should be used as a tool to create and define ambiance, and it can highlight your room's best features and add life and versatility to them.  So it's a good idea to redesign your home lighting. 

The future of light bulbs is undoubtedly LEDs. Although expensive initially, they are cheap to run and should last years (even decades). Old halogen and tungsten filament bulbs are used to blow all the time, modern CFL and LED bulbs should last a very long time, and many are rated for 10,000 up to 50,000 hours. That means your bulb could still be running 20 years from now. 

The coolest development in lighting is smart lights that you can control from an app on your smartphone or tablet or even respond to voice commands. From security lights to lamps that use timers to wake you up naturally, lights change color in time to your music.

Replace Insulation
Another home renovation idea that can save you money is to improve the insulation of your home. If you've noticed draughts creeping in during the winter, there are plenty of ways to prevent this without having to spend a fortune. Instead, you can probably reduce your energy bills by adding more insulation. Many older homes have less insulation than homes built today, but even adding insulation to a newer home can pay for itself within a few years. 

Cavity walls can be insulated with polystyrene beads, spray foam, or fiberglass. These materials do not break down, and while a top-up is sometimes required far down the line, the insulation should last a lifetime. Only where the insulation has been incorrectly installed will there likely be a need to remove and replace it.

There you have it, a few little tips and tricks to enhance your home and to give it the proper TLC it deserves. Your home is there to look after you and your family, so it's worth every penny! 

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