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The Biggest Benefits Of Moving Home

Hi lovelies,

Moving house is a stressful time. It costs a tremendous amount of money (whether you’re buying or renting), it’s massively disruptive, and the reason behind the move itself might be an upsetting one, such as a relationship breakdown, losing a job, or retiring. Of course, the other side of the coin is also true; there can be some wonderful reasons for moving like expanding your family or getting a promotion or choosing to be near family, but either way, the move itself is a stressful time. 

When you feel stressed about moving home, keeping a few of the most significant benefits in mind is useful. If you can do this, your stress levels might just reduce, and you’ll be able to think of the bigger picture. Here are some of these benefits, but remember, there are plenty more. 

You Can Change The Look
When you move into a new place, you will have an unparalleled opportunity to change its look and make the interior design exactly how you want it. Whether you’re already brimming with ideas or you want to check out the top 5 design trends for new homes in 2020, you have the chance to make your home as comfortable as possible by putting your own design stamp on it. 

You Can Become Less Materialistic 
Over the years, we collect all kinds of bits and pieces. Some of those ‘bits’ are beautiful or treasured; they evoke memories or make you smile. Some of those ‘pieces’ are, however, just junk when you really look at them. Do you use them? Do you like them? If the answer is no and no, why not take the chance when you’re moving to throw them out? There’s no point in taking things with you to your new home that aren’t going to fit there and will either get in the way or stay in a box in the basement for years to come. 

Image from Pixabay
Your move is the ideal time to declutter. You can do it as you’re packing, having boxes that you know you want to take with you, others that need to be taken to the dump, and others to give to charity or sell online if you can find the time. You should then be left with just your favorite things, and you can become much less materialist in the process (meaning your new home won’t get full of clutter in the future). 

You Can Make New Friends 
As we get older, it becomes harder and harder to make new, good friends. Yet a house move will help in this regard, and that’s good because making and having friends is good for our health, including our mental health. 

 When you move to a new town, city, or perhaps even country (or even if you just move a few streets from where you were), you have an excellent opportunity to meet your new neighbors, or join new clubs and events and meet people there. 

If you prefer your own company, that’s fine – many people do. Yet having some people you at least know by name in your nearby vicinity can help to make the world a much less lonely place. 

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