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How Location Services Can Save Your Life

Image by geralt

Hi lovelies,

Mobile phone location services are often viewed with a (healthy) degree of skepticism at times.  We’ve all been warned about scammers that use seemingly unobtrusive ways to track our movements and then sell that data to companies who target us with unsolicited offers and pestering phone calls.  We find ourselves directed to websites that seem to come out of nowhere but are suspiciously in line with what we’ve been doing, where we’ve been going, and even who we’ve been doing it with.  But there is another side to location services and when used honestly, these can go a long way when it comes to improving our personal safety.  We’ve looked at ways to improve our safety in life, so now we’re going to look at ways that location services can actually save our lives.  As women, it’s becoming increasingly important to take responsibility for our own safety and this is where location services become important.

“A location-based service (LBS) is a general term denoting software services that utilize geographic data and information to provide services or information to users.” With thanks to our friends at Wikipedia.

Location-based services use GPS (global positioning satellites) technology to pinpoint a near-exact location of a specific site or object.  In this case, we’re looking at how our cell phones make use of this technology to enable potentially lifesaving scenarios.

Utilizing a network of in-orbit satelite systems, our mobile phones can be tracked based on which cell phone tower we’re currently using in a specific area and then using GPS technology to “triangulate” that location.  Without getting too technical, the amount of time it takes between signal transmissions tells the system where we are within a hugely impressive level of accuracy.

In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re in the throws of a global pandemic, and using location services has dramatically changed how we track the spread of the Coronavirus and is helping the authorities understand where breakouts happen and effectively, who is the “patient zero” within particular circles.  But what it also means is that authorities can also let you know when you’ve been in contact with someone who has tested positive so that you can take the appropriate measures.  These systems have saved many lives the world over.

So this type of service can be useful for anyone, but we’re focusing on why it’s important for women as we tend to make up the larger pool in terms of gender-based violence. This is especially true if you happen to be out walking at night, whether from a night out or on the way to or from work, enabling location services on your cell phone could mean the difference between getting help fast, or not.  With various apps and devices, you can instantly transmit your location to emergency contacts or 911 operators, so that in the event of an emergency you save precious minutes that would have otherwise been spent trying to explain to someone where you are or fact is, you may be unable to provide that information.

Location-based services are also crucial for when you’re driving long distances and find yourself lost or experience car trouble.  Without having to fold out a map and then trying to figure out where you are, you can allow live tracking of your location so that help can get to you when you need it, faster than ever before.  There are various options to track Android phone location if you don’t have an iPhone and practically, these functions could be used for finding the location of a friend at a festival who has gone missing or even for when you’ve misplaced your phone or it’s been stolen.

Keeping your children safe is also a wonderful way in which location-based services can help.  No one wants to curtail the fun that their kids could have when visiting friends or staying away from home but in these times, it can be a nerve-wracking experience for parents who otherwise would have no idea where their kids were or what they’re up to.  

If you’re out hiking or camping and you get lost or you need urgent assistance for a medical emergency or when your personal security is put at risk, then having these services at your disposal could be the singular difference between life and death.  So even though our natural inclination is to be wary of location services (and you should know the risks), you can counter these by knowing how to activate and deactivate this feature on your cell phone so that you get the benefits while minimizing your exposure.

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