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Bringing Sustainability to Your Self-Care

Hi lovelies,

No matter what situation you find yourself in, self-care comes first. You come first. As a woman, there's every reason to realize this on time so you can make your own positive choices towards your happiness. Caring for your mind and body is vital for your all-around wellness.

And as a woman also, beauty means a lot, if not everything. Knowing you look ravishing has a positive impact on your self-confidence. But while you're at it, it's a great idea to consider the sustainability and eco-friendliness of your choices.

From your choice of outfit to the makeup you wear, there are so many products that can harm you as well as Mother Earth. You don't want to develop acne, skin irritation, and other negative skin reactions for using synthetic beauty products. And synthetic beauty products and clothing can leave your carbon footprint all over the place.

Not to worry; you can still have your self-care through sustainable choices.

Clean beauty and skincare
Want to look beautiful without harming yourself or your environment? The sustainable industry has made that possible. Clean beauty and skincare products are now produced as substitutes to synthetic and toxic organic products.

Remember, not all beauty products that are natural or organic are "clean." Some of these contain toxic substances that create unpleasant side effects. A clean product is any cosmetic sustainably produced with zero toxic ingredients. They are produced with a focus on your health and that of the environment.

By going clean beauty, you can do your self-care without worrying about skin reactions or hurting your environment.

Sustainable fashion
Did you know that about 8 metric tons of plastic enter our oceans each year and cause the death of over 100,000 marine life? And what's more, most fabrics are made of synthetic materials that wash away into water bodies, constituting about 35% of this environmental harm.

As a woman, you can make a difference and play your part in saving the earth by choosing sustainable women's fashion. Beautiful garments that are made from recycled fabric or organic cotton, hemp, and linen are not only eco-friendly but are also sustainable, soft, and stand the test of time.

Since such fabrics are recycled, they are kept away from landfills, and the need to consume non-renewable resources to produce new clothing is reduced.

Some ways to adopt sustainable fashion

Buy second-hand clothes
This may come to you as a surprise, but using durable, second-hand clothes will serve as a way to reduce your carbon footprint. For starters, it means you are keeping these used clothes out of landfills. Manufacturers would also not need to manufacture more because of you.

Avoid cheap clothing
Cheap clothes wear out fast, prompting you to dispose of and buy a replacement. If you can afford it, expensive pieces of durable clothing will prevent you from having to buy more quickly.

Repurpose fabric
Repurposing fabric is another way to keep synthetic materials from landfills and limit the consumption of non-renewable resources during manufacturing.

Repurposed fabrics are usually made of fibers, such as recycled polyester, recycled cotton, and recycled nylon. You can also repurpose your old clothes by converting them into rags or bags.

Look beautiful, look elegant, look eco-friendly.
Our body is ours, and the earth is ours as well. It is our home. And caring for one's home is also caring for oneself.

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