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Rome Wasn't Built In One Day, Neither Is A Great Smile

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Hi lovelies,

They that a smile can be so attractive that it shines the light away from all your other flaws. You’ve most likely experienced this yourself. Someone who you didn’t think was all that attractive, shot you a smile and you suddenly changed your mind. It's the same for both men and women. We’re pre-programmed to respond positively to someone giving us a smile. It's a sign that they mean no harm and that they might be interested in getting to know us. But for those of us that have always been shy about our smile, those things are a little too far out of reach. Or are they? Nowadays you have so many options on improving your smile so you can regain your confidence. These are just some of the things you may want to try out.

Maintenance is key
Rome wasn’t built in one day as the saying goes, and neither will any part of your health. Your teeth, gums, and lips will need to be maintained every single day before you achieve a beautiful smile. Why do we focus so much on what’s inside our mouths rather than on and around it? Our lips and lines around the mouth are just as important as white shining teeth. But start off by flossing every day so food is not left trapped between your teeth. When food rots it becomes acidic which then harms your teeth and stains the surface layers as well. Brush two times a day without fail, no matter if it's the weekend and you’ve just come back from a party. Discipline is the key to maintenance. 

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Scrub and serum
When you get up in the morning, your face has had natural oils sitting on its surface for hours on end. Thus you cannot leave the house after just using hot water and makeup. Instead, you should have a spot prevention scrub as part of your morning routine. The scrub will peel away all the dead skin and dry oils. It will also take away any loose hairs on your eyebrows and eyelashes. Marry the scrub to a serum. Serums are great for moisturizing your face but they also slow down the release of oils onto your skin. This prevents oil and dirt from forming a layer on your skin and taking away some of the youthful glow you want around your lips.

Invisible care
It's not just the tone of the teeth that matter but the symmetry too. Thus, you may want to look at an Invisalign service that can provide you with invisible braces that cannot be seen so easily by the naked eye. But after Invisalign treatment, you’ll want to use an Invisalign retainer which will make sure that your teeth stay in the new positions they were slowly moved to. This is recommended for about 6 months to 1 year as your gums and teeth adjust. 

A great smile takes time to form but it can be a game-changer. But to avoid being shy about your smile you must also take care of your lips and facial lines around the mouth. 

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