gilmore girls

Gilmore Girls on UPtv: Cozy up with your favorite mother-daughter duo

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Just in time for Fall, pumpkin spiced lattes, cozy sweaters, microwaveable popcorn, and endless cups of coffee, Gilmore Girls returns to a television set near you on UPtv.

For those of us that love to binge-watch like me, we can tune in for a 15-hour marathon on October 4th from 10:00am - 3:00am (ET), featuring fun pop-up facts and tweetable anecdoctes. Then we can get our daily Gilmore Girls fix by tuning in every weeknight at 7:00pm and 8:00pm (ET), Monday-Friday

But what could be more exciting than joining Rory as she grows up and infuse herself and Lorelai as she navigates being a single mom and BFFs with her daughter. Hosting a viewing party of course! 

If you want a chance to win your own Gilmore Girls viewing party kit, then join us while we live-tweet during the marathon on October 4th, 10:00am - 3:00am (ET) using #GilMOREgirls, @UPtv, and @candywashington. 

Still need more of your GilMORE Girls? The don't fret, check out the fun ways below to join our Gilmore Girls online party! 

Pop culture fun facts and behind-the-scenes! 

  • Tweet us with your favorite pop culture references from the show using #GilMOREgirls @UPtv and @candywashington
  • Post on Facebook any questions and comments you have on fun pop culture facts featured on the show here. 
  • Join us on Facebook and Twitter, for behind-the-scenes videos, facts, and more!
  • Each episode of Gilmore Girls will feature at least 2 to 3 literary references, so tweet and Facebook post to get in on the game. 

Join the Gilmore Guys on October 5th

Check out UPtv on Facebook and Twitter, to join the Gilmore Guys chatting about all things Gilmore and on their podcast and live show!

Be one of our GilMORE girls and guys on social!

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Twitter: @UPtv
Instagram: @up_tv