ebay fashion

Fall fashion trends with ShopStyle style director Meg Cuna, fashion designer Cynthia Rowley, and eBay Fashion's Marcelle Parrish

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

In case you missed ShopStyle's style director Meg Cuna, designer Cynthia Rowley, and eBay Fashion's Marcelle Parrish, discuss the latest fall fashion trends, sources of inspiration, and what's in their closets, during today's Google Hangout, I've posted it below for you to watch and enjoy!

Plus, I've included my top five quotes and fall fashion tips from the lovely ladies! Tweet @candywashington with any questions or comments! 

Top 5 Fashion Fall Trends and Quotes:

#1: "Dress for your lifestyle. But never compromise."
       Meg Cuna, ShopStyle

#2: "There are no rules for mixing prints. Be bold, own it, and go for it."
       Cynthia Rowley, Designer

#3: Top trends for fall:

  • Leggings
  • Athletic apparel
  • Structured bags
  • White coats
  • Curved booty
  • Jumpsuits
  • Shirt-dresses
  • Pointed ballet flats

#4: Favorite piece in Cynthia Rowley's closet? Her vintage Chanel bag that her grandmother gave her.

"Your closet is like a scrapbook, each piece is a memory."
 Marcelle Parrish, eBay Fashion

#5: To transition from spring to fall it's all about layering, trench coats, and throw a sweater over a dress to transform it into a skirt. 

BONUS: Breaking fashion news: Cynthia Rowley is launching a new fitness apparel line! (Can't wait!)