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Which Designers Merit Verified Twitter Accounts?

My awesome peeps at The High Low sent over this post... read below for the beginning of the article and be sure to click the link to read more on their site!

With Fashion Week less than a month away, designers are putting the finishing touches on their collections, working out the details of their shows, and shoring up their social media strategies. And though most are now on Twitter, only a few big-name American designers merit verified accounts.

Chris Benz Tweets about his new status.
Twitter does not make the verification process transparent, instead simply stating that, “verification is used to establish authenticity for accounts who deal with identity confusion regularly on Twitter. Verified Accounts must be public and actively tweeting.” Twitter initially launched verified accounts to the public, but closed the feature down in August of 2010. Still, if you are a very important person—one who is “at risk for impersonation”—Twitter will verify your account.