MTV's "The Buried Life's" creators asks "What Do you Want to do Before You Die?"
Hi lovelies,
Recently featured in the Huffington Post, WhatsTrending, AOL, Yahoo!, YoungHollywood, MTV, and StreamDaily, the philanthropic bad boy creators of MTV's "The Buried Life," Ben Nemtin, Jonnie Penn, Duncan Penn, and Dave Lingwood, are now bringing us the smash-hit, "What Do you Want to do Before You Die?" The boys of "The Buried Life" have joined forces with Contiki Vacations to give young people life-changing experiences through the power of travel and are documenting them for an online video series that you can watch and enjoy below.
These four regular guys were able to inspire millions by helping strangers achieve their dreams. So make a list of what you want to do before you die, and as you cross them off your list, be sure to pay it forward. Tweet @candywashington with what's on your list of what to do before you die.