How To Feel More Beautiful Inside & Out & Boost Your Confidence

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

The world can be a harsh place sometimes. You may find yourself feeling off and like you are in a slump some days.

The good news is that there are actions you can take to turn your situation around for the better. It will require you to make an effort to change some of your habits a bit. Stick with it and it won’t be long before you are feeling happier and looking better. Take the time to learn how to feel more beautiful inside and out and boost your confidence. 

Face Your Fears
Fears may be holding you back from becoming your best self. Now is your chance to think about what these are and face them head-on. For example, it may be that you don’t like doing public speaking or you aren’t a very social person currently. Find ways to overcome your hesitations and be willing to challenge yourself. It will be beneficial to find ways to step outside of your comfort zone every so often. 

Put an Effort into Your Appearance
If you want to feel good about yourself then you want to make sure that you look good. Therefore, be willing to put an effort into your appearance. For example, you can try new makeup techniques or get a different hairstyle. If you’re struggling with hair loss then you may want to look into advanced hair restoration cost. This way you can get a full head of hair back and feel more confident about your appearance. It’s important to groom yourself daily and put some thought and effort into your looks if you want to feel your best. 

Practice Self-Care Daily
Feel more beautiful inside and out and boost your confidence by practicing self-care. Make time for yourself and do the types of activities that put a smile on your face. Don’t be afraid to put your needs first and schedule moments in your day to focus on yourself. You’ll discover that you have more natural energy and feel more confident about your abilities and appearance when you make it a point to take good care of yourself. There are many different ways to practice self-care such as taking a warm bath or getting lost in a good book. You may also want to use your lunch hour to go out for a walk. 

Update Your Wardrobe
What you choose to wear is a chance to express yourself and your personality. Now might be a good time to go through and clean out your closet. Try clothes on and only keep the items that you feel good wearing. You may also want to head out shopping and replace old clothing with more fashionable choices. It’s important that you have plenty of clothing options to put on daily that make you feel good about yourself. Invest in the staples and don’t be afraid to mix and match to achieve different types of looks.

Keep Active
There are many benefits that exercising regularly can bring to your life. Your clothes will fit better and you’ll like who you see in the mirror when you get fit. Therefore, make sure you are keeping active daily and make working out part of your regular routine. You may want to join a gym or get outside for walks or to go for a run. Working out regularly is good for your physical health as well as your mental health. It’s a chance to take off unwanted pounds and increase your physical strength. It may help to find an accountability partner so you two can work on encouraging each other to stay active. 

Make A List of Your Achievements
You may tend to focus on what’s lacking in your life or what you haven’t done yet. This can bring down your confidence and make you feel lousy. Instead of focusing on the negative, make a list of your achievements and review it often. Write down on paper all of the accomplishments you’ve had so far in your life. Reading it over each day will help boost your self-confidence and will be a good reminder of all the talents you have to offer. You may have forgotten about all that you’ve done over the years unless you sit down and reflect on all that you have achieved thus far.

Surround Yourself with Positive People
You should make sure you pay special attention to who you are spending time within your life. You risk feeling down about yourself if you are surrounded by negative people. Now might be a good opportunity to re-evaluate your inner circle and who you are maintaining relationships with. Choose to surround yourself with positive people who are uplifting and encouraging. You should distance yourself from negative individuals who tend to bring you down. You should keep good company so that you can boost your confidence and feel more beautiful inside and out.

Smile More
The act of smiling more will instantly put you in a better mood. You can feel more beautiful inside and out and boost your confidence by putting a smile back on your face. Start your day by looking in the mirror and smiling at yourself. It is also a great way to greet others and will make you appear more friendlier and attractive. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, smiling can reverse these emotions so that you feel happier and more confident. It may help to invest in a tube of lipstick you enjoy wearing and want to show off. 

Keep A Gratitude Journal
Practicing daily gratitude will offer you additional benefits in your life. It’s a chance to stay focused on all the good that is happening and unfolding in your life. There will be less of a chance and opportunity to concentrate on what may be lacking or what you don’t have. It may be useful to write down a list of what you are grateful for and review it in the morning and at night before bed. Keeping a gratitude journal will turn your attitude around for the better so you can approach each new day with an open mind. Being more grateful daily is an instant mood booster and will help you change your attitude around for the better. 

Practice Positive Self-Talk
You should also pay close attention to your inner thoughts and what you are telling yourself daily. It may be helpful to review positive affirmations each day so that you feel better about yourself. Negative self-talk can quickly bring down your mood and make you feel less confident. You want to make sure that what you’re telling yourself each day with your inner voice has a positive spin for the best outcome. Be willing to challenge negative thought patterns so that they don’t get ingrained into your mind. Work on putting yourself first and practicing loving yourself so that you can feel great about who you are. Positive self-talk can help reduce stress and anxiety and help you feel better about yourself. 

Take Good Care of Your Skin
Another important aspect of your appearance is your skin. Therefore, make sure that you are diligent about taking good care of your skin. It’s the first thing people see when interacting with you. If you have a lot of issues and blemishes you may feel less confident conversing with others. The good news is that there are products out there that you can use to help revitalize your skin and improve its overall appearance. This way you can create a youthful glow and achieve a greater sense of self-confidence. Get in the habit of washing your face in the morning and taking your makeup off at night before bedtime. Taking proper care of your skin will allow you to feel more beautiful inside and out.

Find Ways to Reduce & Manage Stress
Too much stress can take a toll on your mind and body over time. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to find ways to reduce and manage your stress. Engage in relaxing activities that take your mind off of your responsibilities and to-do list for a while. If you are always stressed out you may say things or take actions you don’t mean. It can be something as simple as sipping on a warm cup of tea or getting outside and working in your garden. Reducing stress is also an effective way to get you to sleep better at night. Getting proper sleep is a great way to improve your appearance and you’ll feel more prepared to tackle the day ahead. 

Life can be challenging sometimes and throw you curveballs. What you want to avoid is letting these moments take over and cause you stress. Instead, you should focus on ways you can improve your appearance and boost your self-confidence. This way you will feel great daily and can put your best foot forward. These are some tips and ideas to help get you started on the right path to feeling more beautiful inside and out and boosting your self-confidence. It won’t be long before you notice your efforts creating positive changes in your life.

The Importance of Seeking Professional Aesthetic Care

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

It’s not surprising that beauty is a societal expectation. Honestly, it’s been like this since the beginning of time. But here’s the thing: we’re currently living in a time when the pursuit of aesthetic enhancement has become increasingly common. Just go on TikTok, Instagram, literally anywhere online, and you’re going to see a push. From skincare routines to cosmetic procedures, folks are exploring various avenues to enhance their features and boost their confidence.

This is fair; it’s totally fair. You should be able to do what you want in order to build up your own confidence, even if that means focusing on anti-aging methods for your face. This is all incredibly common. but with that said, there is one issue: not everything can or should be DIYed. Sure, nowadays, so many things are DIYed, like chemical peels and microneedling, but should these? While sure, some things can be DIYed just fine, like a manicure or using boxed dye for your hair; there are some things that literally need to be left to professionals.

While the accessibility of information and products may tempt many to take matters into their own hands, there are compelling reasons why seeking the guidance and services of trained professionals is paramount. So, with that said, let's delve into why expertise matters when it comes to aesthetic care:

Comprehensive Assessment

You can’t get a comprehensive assessment if you’re just DIYing everything. You can look into books or even watch YouTube videos about what might be up with your skin, but there’s no guarantee you’ll even be remotely right. 

You might not even be able to provide your skin with what it needs; you need to remember that a lot of serums, chemicals, and even high-grade tools (like a derma wand, for example) can only be purchased for professionals and by professionals like Colorado Beauty RN. So, if you do an assessment, you might not be accurate, and you can’t get ahold of the items you’ll need that’ll make a difference, so for this, you’ll absolutely NEED to go to a professional in this case. But in general, it’s worth it in the end. 

Expertise and Training 

These professionals all undergo extensive training and education to acquire the skills necessary to perform aesthetic procedures safely and effectively. They basically know the ins and outs when it comes to the skin; you can’t just trust what you read online (such as if you’re trying to do a tutorial). Sure, there are plenty of professionals who create content online, but even they will push for their audience to see actual professionals. 

Thanks to their expertise, this will enable them to recommend appropriate treatments, administer procedures with precision, and respond adeptly to any unexpected developments during the process. Basically, entrusting your aesthetic concerns to qualified professionals ensures that you receive care of the highest standard, backed by years of specialized training and experience. Truly, you’re doing yourself a favor, and you’ll actually be getting the results you’re hoping for by going down this route. 

Long Term Support

You know how when you get a hairdresser, you expect them to be your hairdresser indefinitely? Like, they’re the one, and you’ll always be able to go to them for help and support of your hair and even your scalp? Well, when it comes to aesthetic care for your face, it’s literally the exact same thing. They’ll be able to provide you with the long-term guidance and support you’ll need to keep your skin rejuvenated. 

How To Choose The Right Supplements For You

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

So, you’re on the hunt for a good supplement, but your online search pulls out thousands of options to pick from. Today, there’s a supplement for almost any health need, from stress relief to nutrition. There’s also such a wide range of options to choose from that sometimes, sorting the good ones from the bad has become too difficult. New supplements pop up almost daily, all promising one health benefit or another. You may be wondering how to sift through the countless options to determine the best supplements for you. The following tips can put you in the right direction. 

Speak with your doctor, pharmacist, or nutritionist

Accurate information is crucial for choosing the right supplement for you, and few people can provide that than your doctor, pharmacist, or nutritionist. Whether you want a supplement to meet a specific health need or are looking for something general, a health professional can help you identify the ones best for you. They’ll assess your medical needs and current health state when deciding which supplements will be the most beneficial for you. Thanks to their detailed knowledge, they’ll also be able to tell you what supplements to avoid while recommending the best ones for you. 

Understand your health needs
The best way to pick the right supplement is to understand and understand your health needs. While there are supplements for general wellness and health, it’s best to focus more on specific health needs you want to meet. This way, you can identify which supplements will meet them. For example, you can invest in a stress-relieving supplement like Levium if you constantly feel stressed and struggle to sleep. Similarly, if you have calcium deficiency, you can narrow down your options to only calcium supplements instead of investing in general health supplements. 

Decide on your alternatives
Sometimes, it’s best to figure out your natural alternatives before considering a supplement. Supplements are just what their name suggests - to supplement a lack and not to replace it. The last thing you want to do is resort to supplements as a replacement for something you lack. So, understand your health needs first, and find out if there are other natural ways you can compensate for your lack before using a supplement. For example, if you’re short on certain nutrients, find out how to tweak or improve your diet and what foods you can eat to meet your recommended nutritional intake. Where it’s impossible to get the required nutrients naturally, you can resort to supplements. 

Choose only from well-known or tried and tested brands

Studies show that there are about 1,429 Vitamin and Supplement Manufacturing businesses in the US alone as of last year (2023), meaning you have a wide range of options to choose from. But it’s safer (and better) to focus only on brands well-known for high-quality and tried-and-tested products. This way, you’re assured of getting a product that will yield the desired results. 

Supplements have a huge role to play in general health, but it’s important to pick only the right ones. 

Why Women Should Take Special Care of Their Health When Trying to Conceive

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

You’re on the path to becoming a mom - how cool is that? Let’s pause the baby name brainstorming and nursery color-picking for a second. Why don’t we chill with some tea and chat about something super important: looking after you while you’re on the baby-making train? It’s not all about snacking on kale and downing those prenatal visits (though they’re totally major, right?).

Your Bod: The Ultimate Crib for Your Tiny Tot-to-Be
Okay, let’s break it down. Getting your body baby-ready is like sprucing up your place for a super special visitor – and this little one’s planning a nine-month stay! So, what’s the plan? Eating the good stuff, drinking oceans of water, and snagging all the sleep. It’s that health advice we’ve all heard a gazillion times (and yes, grandma was on point!).

Teeth Talk in the Baby-Making Biz
Here’s a fun twist. Ever think your dentist would be part of your journey to mommyhood? Time to rethink! Having healthy teeth and gums is super crucial when you’re trying to have a baby. Dental dramas can mess with your overall health and might even have a say in fertility stuff. So, while you’re dreaming of baby giggles, don’t forget to schedule dental & orthodontics appointments. It’s as important as picking the perfect baby moniker!

Stress: The Party Pooper
Let’s chat about mental health. Stress is like that uninvited guest ruining your dream shindig, stealing all the happiness. Finding ways to boot stress out is key. Be it yoga, laughing it up with your pals, or binging your fave Netflix show, find your chill zone and stick to it.

Prenatal Vitamins: Your Mini Health Squad
Those prenatal vitamins? Think of them as your tiny squad of health heroes, making sure you and your future mini-you are getting all the nutrients. They’re the secret workers getting your body ready for one of its biggest tasks at hand.

Doctor Dates: Keeping You on Track
And hey, don’t skip those doctor appointments. Your doc is like your ultimate guide on this trip, dishing out advice that’s perfect for you. Regular check-ups? They’re the magic ingredient to ensure you’re all set to welcome your bundle of joy.

Riding the Mommy Wave with Giggles and Love
|Here’s a little golden nugget for your mom-to-be diary: Embrace every weird and wonderful moment of this ride. Whether you’re craving pickles at weird hours or tearing up at commercials (thanks, hormones!), remember, it’s all part of the crazy, beautiful trip to motherhood. Keep your squad close – those who make you giggle and will gab about everything from baby names to the enigma of maternity jeans.

The Wrap-Up
So, to wrap it up, taking extra care of yourself while trying to conceive? Super important. It’s about setting up the perfect starting block for your little one. And don’t forget, this journey is about you too. Love yourself lots, and your body will be the ultimate pad for your future mini-you. Here’s to the awesome ride of becoming a mom!

4 Ways To Be A Little More Healthy In 2024

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Are you worried about your health? If so, then it could be worth thinking about making a few small changes that will help in the long term. There are lots of possibilities to explore here and these are some of the key options we recommend. 

Cut Out Your Bad Habits
First, you should think about cutting out some of your bad habits. This is going to be different for everyone. For instance, you could be spending far too much time sitting down. Research shows that sitting down is absolutely terrible for your health and potentially worse than some of other things are often reported about in the media. You could get a stand up desk. This means that you can stay standing and remain productive at the same time. Another issue could be if you smoke. This can be solved by products like on! Nicotine pouches. They are better for your health and can also help you quit smoking altogether. 

Buy Smart Tech
You could also think about purchasing smart technology. There are lots of different types of smart tech that will benefit your health such as Apple Watches. Apple watches are great because you can track everything from the number of calories you have burned to the number of minutes that you have exercised each day. This means that you can easily create and measure your progress and track your goals more effectively. It’s also a great way to ensure that you remain motivated and keep pushing yourself to accomplish more on your fitness journey. 

Next, you should consider de-stressing as much as possible. Stress has a massive impact on your physical health as well as your mental health in the long and the short term. There are lots of options that you can explore if you are struggling with high levels of stress. For instance, you might want to think about trying breathing exercises. These are apps that you can get on your phone that will teach you how to regulate your breathing effectively, particularly when find yourself in highly tense situations. 

Clean Up Your Air
Finally, you might want to think about exploring ways to clean up the air around your home. People spend a massive amount of time in their home each day and often there’s quite a lot of pollution. For instance, you might find that you are getting headaches more regularly than usual or struggling with your breathing. These are both signs that the air around your home isn’t a high quality. There are a few things that you can do to improve this. For instance, you might want to think about maintaining your air-con systems. You could also consider adding more plants around your home. These will naturally remove toxins from the air around your home. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you can take to improve your health this year. Remember, you don’t have to get too tense about your health. You can take gradual steps to improve yourself. 

Minding Your Health While Working From Home

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

When it comes to risky workplaces, your own home and home office are not likely to rank very high in your mind, compared to places like oil rigs, construction sites, warehouses, and the like. However, don’t underestimate the health risks that can come with not taking your environment seriously. Plenty of people get injured and ill in the office, and it can happen just as easily in the home office, as well. Whether you’re running a small business from home or living a remote working life, here are some ways to ensure that you mind your health as you do it.

Ensure a good posture
When it comes to the most common injuries in the office setting, whether it’s in an office building or at home, the risk to your skeletomuscular health is the one that might be considered worth paying the most attention to. How you sit, how your hands reach your keyboard, and even how you tilt your head to look at your screen all matter. Good ergonomic office furniture can do a great deal in supporting your back and lower body as you work. You want to make sure that your chair can be adjusted to a height where you don’t have to reach up in order to type, and similarly, you shouldn’t have to tilt your head up or down, your eyes should be level or close to level with the top of your monitor.

Get up once in a while
Regardless of how good your posture is and how much you invest in good ergonomics, it’s not good for your health to spend all that time sitting down, either. While the health panic over simply sitting has largely dissipated over the past few years, the risk of living a sedentary life is very much alive and well. If you take some time to get in some exercise during a break from your work, that’s the best possible option. Otherwise, even if you just get up out of your seat to walk to the local coffee shop to grab a drink before heading back, any opportunity to get up and move around a little should be taken.

Take care of your hands
If you spend a lot of your time typing, then it should be no surprise that the part of your body responsible for all that keyboard work is going to be at some risk. When it comes to common hand ailments, carpal tunnel is the most frequent and typically happens because the hand is resting in a poor position for a long time, or because you’re doing repetitive motions with it. It’s a good idea to give your hands some time to rest every 30 minutes or so. Before and after you work, you can also stretch your hands. Moving them from a position that has your palms facing the air with your arms up, and then lowering your arms as you face the floor with the backs of your hands is a solid stretch for those who type for a living.

Don’t stress your eyes
The potential damage that can be done to your eyes through exposure to light, such as from your monitor, is not considered as serious as it once was. However, if you don’t take care of your eyes, then they can begin to suffer from eyestrain, which can cause them to water and feel sore. Resting your eyes from the screen, and taking the time to look elsewhere for a few minutes every hour is a good idea. You can also reduce the blue light that comes from your screen with screen-tinting apps that can make the color of your monitor screen warmer as the day gets later. Otherwise, make sure that you have other light sources, such as a table lamp, to contrast the light of the screen.

Take care of your work environment
It might not be as prominent a risk as some of the others mentioned here, but leaving your workspace and your home office to become untidy, and not giving it the care it needs can lead to health issues.  Diseases are more likely to take hold and spread through environments that are not cleaned on a regular basis. Clutter, in particular, can attract and trap a lot more dust and other allergens, which can reduce the air quality in the room, which can affect your productivity, as well as cause or exacerbate respiratory diseases. Cleaning up the clutter, as well as investing in an air purifier can help to keep your air quality at a decent level.

Mind your work-life balance
For a lot of people, working from home can sound like a dream come true, but the reality can often impose a lot more on your home life than you might think. When you work from home, and you live where you work, it’s easy for the boundaries to blur, and for your ability to enjoy your home life to be impacted by the pressures or work, just as your work can suffer because home life gets in the way. The best way to maintain your balance is to set boundaries. This includes making sure that you have set work hours and a schedule you stick to, as well as strict boundaries with your family when it comes to encroaching on your workspace.

Don’t let isolation sink in
When it comes to your mental health, it’s not just the impact of the home office on your lifestyle that you should think about, but how it impacts your relationships with others, too. One thing about sharing an office with other people is that it can help us make connections and friendships that we may well miss when working from home. Maintaining your personal connections, such as by meeting up with a co-worker for a coffee each day, can help you avoid the risk of isolation.

You need to take your health seriously while working from home because there may not be anyone else to help you do it. Hopefully, the tips above help you be a little more mindful of your well-being.

Navigating Life's Genetic Puzzles: A Guide for Understanding and Coping With Genetic Conditions

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Everyone knows that genetics play an enormous role in our lives - from our physical appearance and personality traits, right down to being susceptible to certain diseases, they serve as a roadmap of who we are. But what happens if that roadmap leads you down an uncertain path with health complications and uncertainties? How do you cope when genetics start having significant ramifications on daily living?

Understanding Your Genetic Makeup
Our genetic make-up is what gives us our individuality. It includes both our parent's genes as well as any that come from third-party donors that contribute to physical traits like hair color, height and eye color as well as risk for certain genetic disorders. Understanding genetics requires being aware of terms like "genotype," which encapsulates your complete hereditary information, and "phenotype," which denotes your visible characteristics. Acknowledging family health histories can provide invaluable insight into potential genetic risks. Genetic testing can also be an invaluable asset, offering more in-depth details of your ancestry and any associated health risks you might carry. Just because someone carries genes for certain conditions doesn't mean they will necessarily develop those conditions themselves - lifestyle and environmental factors play a big part in shaping health risks too!

Living With Genetic Effects on Dental Health 
A key area where genetics can have an enormous effect is on dental health. Certain genetic conditions have been linked to an increased risk of gum disease, tooth decay or even the loss of teeth. Dental implants may be an ideal solution. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium that serve as strong support structures for replacement teeth that can either be fixed permanently or removable. Although dental implants can help enhance both aesthetics and functionality of teeth, prevention should always come first. Regular checkups, maintaining good oral hygiene habits and following a healthy diet can all reduce genetic risks to oral health. Always consult your healthcare provider first when considering which course of action will work best in relation to your individual genetic makeup.

Mental Health and Genetics
Genetics plays a pivotal role in mental health. Certain genetic variants could increase susceptibility to conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. Genetics should not be seen as a guarantee for mental illness; rather, its presence can depend on numerous other factors including environment, life experiences and coping mechanisms independent from genetics. If your family history includes mental health problems, consider speaking to a mental health professional for guidance on prevention strategies, early detection methods and potential treatment solutions. Knowing your genetic predisposition does not spell doom; rather it serves as an asset in managing mental wellbeing proactively.

Adopt a Healthier Lifestyle
While we cannot change the genetic makeup, we can have an impactful influence on how those genes are expressed through adopting healthy lifestyle habits. Regular physical activity and a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein sources and whole grains can both contribute positively to our overall health and wellbeing. Avoiding harmful behaviors like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption also have their own positive benefits. Stress management using meditation, yoga or mindfulness techniques is also crucial in keeping mental wellbeing balanced, while regular health check-ups help detect any potential health problems early. Implementing an active approach to health empowers you to reduce risks associated with genetic predispositions. Remember, your genes do not dictate your destiny - every step towards healthier living represents taking control over your life and taking charge.

Your genetics may have set the scene, but how the play unfolds ultimately rests with you. Recognizing predispositions to certain risk factors and seeking professional advice as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle are ways of mitigating risks that come with genetic inheritance and can help manage them successfully - remember, who are we without our genes and choices?

5 Effective Ways of Improving Your Workouts

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

What are your goals and aims for getting the most from your workouts? While indulging in any type of physical activity is good for the mind and the body, knowing how to get the most from your body without pushing it too far can help you elevate your workouts and improve your stamina, physique, internal health, and boost muscle mass, drop body fat and give you a sense of satisfaction.

Knowing how to go about pushing through your barriers will help you to make more impressive gains and get the results you are working towards, but before we hit the gym, there is one thing you need to know.

Abs Are Made In The Kitchen
It's as simple as that. Abs aren't made in the gym. They are made in the kitchen. If you want them for your physique, you need to make sure that your nutrition is supporting your physical efforts and that you are fueling your body correctly.

You can't out-train a bad diet, and if you want to see what you're capable of physically, you need to put effort into the kitchen.

Focus on increasing your protein intake; you need at least 0.75g of protein per kilo of body weight per day. More if you are in a deficit and losing weight as protein is more satiating, uses more calories to burn, and will support weight loss efforts. Include more whole foods and reduce fats, sugary foods, and refined carbs.

You need to include all of the major food groups but in moderation, focusing on whole foods, protein, and fresh fruit or veg before adding carbs, healthy fats, and some of your favorite foods. A healthy diet doesn't need to be about eliminating anything; it means being mindful of the choices you make and choosing to make good choices while keeping space for your favorite foods. 

A good target to aim for is the 80/20 rule. This means 80% of your diet is whole foods while 20% is your favorite types of foods. If you are on 2,000 calories per day, 400 calories can be saved for things like chocolate, ice cream, cakes, etc, if you wish. This can help you to avoid bingeing on unhealthy choices and derailing all of your hard work.

Set Your Goals
Next, once you have your diet sorted out, you need to look at your actual goals. Where you are now and where you want to be. There is no right or wrong goal to set, be it losing weight, wanting to get fitter, increasing muscle mass and definition, or simply retaining your physique.

Hone down exactly what you want from your training and what you need to do to get there. Then, break down these goals. You see, large goals can often seem unattainable, so once you have your goals in mind, for example, you want to lose 100lb, break this down into smaller goals such as 10 sets of 10lb losses.

Give this a timeline that is realistic; tracking your progress from your start point to where you are now can give you an idea of what is achievable in specific timelines. Coming back to weight loss, a goal of 1-2 lb a week is realistic and will provide you with a timeframe of 5-10 weeks to achieve this. 

A good tip is to celebrate your achievements, whether lifting your PB, moving up a weight for specific exercises, or dropping a clothing size. Celebrate them and enjoy them, and this will spur you on to your next goal.

Don't underestimate the impact your sleeping habits will have on your progress. While it's completely normal to have days in the gym or sessions where you cannot do what you did last time, a lack of sleep will make these instances more frequent.

Aim to get around 7-9 hours of good quality sleep per night every night; put a bedtime and morning routine in place that encourages a restful night's sleep. Sleep regulates your mood, energy, hunger levels, weight, and your ability to want to meet your goals. If you aren't sleeping well, you won't have any power in the bank to give it your all where your fitness is concerned, and you might find that you are struggling to maintain where you are now. Never mind, make progress, and improve your fitness.

Try Progressive Overload
Progressive overload is a style of strength training that aims to increase the load of difficulty over time. If you're strength training and have happily been lifting the same weight for a while, then it's time to push yourself out of your comfort zone and see what happens.

Many people can make the mistake of increasing reps when weights get too easy to lift, but this won't give you the results you are looking for. Instead, you want to lift out your maximum capacity for each rep.

For example, if you are lifting 10 lb weights with ease and can reach 12-15 reps, then you need to increase the weight and decrease the reps. Try moving up 15lb and seeing how many you can lift. It is the effort and intensity you put into the weight that will bring you the results rather than how many reps you can do. 

Your sets could look like this instead:

  • 10 reps at 10lb

  • 7 reps at 15lb

  • 5 reps at 15lb

If you are lifting close to failure, then you will be performing progressive overload. Once you are able to do more reps with the higher weight or increase your sets (3-4 sets is a good place to aim for), then you should move up a weight. Don't rush this; you need to give your body time to adjust to the change in weight, and once it becomes easier, then lift higher.

Plus, you can do this for other exercises besides strength training. From adding in 20 LB cast iron ruck weight plates for backpack weight training to your rucksack when running or lifting to adding weights to body weight exercises or HIIT workouts, always look at how you can make your exercise of choice harder.

Like sleep, rest days are important; in fact, rest is essential during your workouts if you are strength training, too.

Firstly, pushing your body to failure seven days a week won't get you the desired results. You need to allow your body to rest in between workouts to allow your muscles to repair and recover. If you don't feel like you can rest completely, you can indulge in active resting, which is when you are doing some form of exercise, but it is gentle. This can be going for a walk, swimming, doing yoga, etc. Something that allows you to still be active but not in such a vigorous way.

Take 1-2 days off per week to rest to ensure that your body is ready to go when you start your next session.

Rest periods during your sets are also important. You want to be pushing your body to the limit, and doing this without resting between sets will only lead to fatigue and possible failure to carry on.

Let's say you are doing three sets of 8 reps. After each set, take a minute or more to stop and rest before going again. This will allow your muscles to recover, give you an energy burst, and allow you to push forward. The best lifters understand the role rest periods play in their workout, and far from doing nothing in between sets, they're doing what they can to maximize gains.

Change It Up
Lastly, if you aren't seeing the results you want, why not try changing it up? While it's true that you should follow the same training program for around 4-6 weeks before making changes, it might be that you need to do a different type of workout to supplement your goals.

If you are always hitting the weights, why not add a cardio session to help you increase your stamina and get your heart rate raised? If you are a fan of aerobic sessions, try weight training. There are plenty of options for you to choose from, including swimming, running, HIIT workouts, CrossFit, Spin classes, Zumba, and pilates, to name a few. 

By taking up different exercises, you can help improve your cardiovascular functions and mobility and maybe even find a new workout you love.

Being able to move your workouts can help you increase your fitness, change your physique, and allow you to improve your mental health and fitness at the same time.

However, it is important to know how best to make progress before moving on or pushing your body before you cause an injury.

Take your time, and don't rush the changes you want to implement, as too much too soon can cause an injury. Never lift a weight alone that is beyond your max PB, have a spotter ready, especially if failing can cause you an injury, and remember pain isn't always good; sometimes it can indicate an injury, and you shouldn't ignore any niggling pains as you might cause more damage.

Take your time, be sensible with your goals, eat well, hydrate, and mix it up a bit to help you make the progress you are looking for.

Rediscovering Yourself After Major Weight Loss: A Journey Of Transformation

Candy WashingtonComment

Via Pexels

Hi lovelies,

Get ready to embark on a journey that’s all about you! This isn’t just a story of shedding pounds; it’s a tale of total transformation, a bit like uncovering a hidden gem within yourself. Picture peeling away layers to reveal a shiny, new you. This adventure is like a treasure hunt where the prize is a revamped, glowing version of yourself. It’s a winding path of physical changes, mental shifts, emotional revelations, and so much more.

The Wow Factor In Physical Change
Okay, let’s talk about the physical changes. Sure, the scale shows a big difference, but it’s about more than just numbers, right? Your body’s transformation is something you can see and feel deeply. This journey has reshaped not only your appearance but also how you perceive your physical presence in the world. It’s a rediscovery of your own strength, like a friendly reminder of what you can accomplish with a bit of grit. Plus, this physical change might have flung open doors to new adventures - maybe you’re experimenting with fashion that screams ‘you’ or taking on activities that once seemed a bit scary. And if you’re considering cosmetic procedures to complement your hard work, why not? You can get more info on this website about the ins and outs of a tummy tuck if that’s what you’re looking for. It’s all about aligning your outside with the amazing progress you’ve made.

Mind Makeover: Seeing Things Differently
This mental makeover is just as impactful as the physical one. You’ve cultivated a resilience and mental strength that goes way beyond weight loss. It’s about reshaping how you tackle challenges, turning fear and doubt into fuel for success. You’re not just transforming your body; you’re rewiring your brain to face life with a more empowered, positive attitude. This new mental strength is probably enhancing every area of your life, improving your relationships, career, and self-worth. You’re a living, breathing testament to the power of a positive mindset.

Emotional Rediscovery: A Spectrum Of Feelings
The emotional side of this journey? It’s complex and rich. As you transformed physically, your emotional landscape evolved too. You might have felt vulnerable as you navigate this new identity, but there’s also a deep sense of accomplishment. This emotional rollercoaster is a vital part of the transformation, pushing you to understand yourself better. Balancing these emotions is key to your progress and well-being. It’s about embracing and loving the new, multifaceted you.

Navigating Relationships: A New Dynamic
Your transformation probably changed how you interact with people. As you’ve evolved, those around you have had to adjust to the new you. This might bring positive and challenging shifts in your relationships. It’s an opportunity to express your needs more clearly and deepen connections with those who support your journey. On the flip side, it’s also a time to reassess relationships that don’t align with your new path. Remember, true relationships grow and adapt with you.

Lifestyle Changes: Sustainable Habits
Achieving your weight loss goal is just the beginning. The real challenge is maintaining these changes in your everyday life. This is about crafting a lifestyle that’s healthy, joyful, and fulfilling. Finding a balance between discipline and enjoyment ensures that your new habits are sustainable for the long haul. It’s not just about sticking to a routine; it’s about creating a life where healthy choices are second nature. Remember, the key is consistency, not perfection; every small, healthy decision adds up to a significant impact over time.

The Importance Of Self-Care: Beyond The Physical
In this journey, self-care has become crucial. It’s not just about physical well-being; it’s about treating yourself with kindness and understanding. This means taking time to reflect, rest, and engage in activities that nourish your soul. Whether it’s creative hobbies, nature walks, or quiet moments, it’s all about listening to what your body and mind need. It’s also about recognizing when to say no and setting boundaries that preserve your mental and emotional health.

Setting New Goals: Dream Big
With your transformation, you’ve shown yourself what you’re capable of. Now, it’s time to set new, ambitious goals. Dream big and pursue what excites you. This stage is about using your discipline and determination to explore new opportunities and challenges. Whether it’s advancing in your career, personal growth, or new hobbies, you’re equipped to chase these goals passionately. Don’t limit your dreams to the familiar; dare to explore paths you’ve never considered before. Each goal achieved is a stepping stone to even greater aspirations, fueling your journey with continuous growth and excitement.

Cultivating A Positive Mindset: The Power Of Positivity
A positive mindset has been key to your journey. It’s about continuously nurturing a mindset focused on growth, gratitude, and resilience. Actively counter negative thoughts with affirmations of your strength and worth. This practice not only maintains your well-being but also empowers you to face life’s challenges with optimism. Remind yourself daily of your achievements and progress, however small they may seem, as each one is a testament to your strength. Surround yourself with positivity, whether through inspiring people, uplifting environments, or motivational literature, to reinforce this mindset.

Embracing Change: Adapt And Grow
Your journey is one of constant evolution, and embracing change is vital. Be open to new experiences, learn from them, and adapt your approach as needed. Change isn’t something to fear; it’s an opportunity for personal growth and discovery. Being flexible and responsive to life’s ever-changing circumstances allows you to keep moving forward, growing into a more vibrant and fulfilled person. Remember, each change, whether big or small, is a chance to learn more about yourself and the world around you.

To wrap it up, your story is so much more than weight loss; it’s a journey of rediscovery and growth that touches every aspect of your life. From the physical changes that started it all to the mental and emotional evolution that followed, you’ve emerged stronger and more vibrant. Remember, this isn’t the end. It’s a new chapter in an ongoing adventure, filled with possibilities and opportunities. So, step forward with confidence, embracing the future with the same courage and determination that got you this far.

You Can Do Whatever You Set Your Mind To

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Often in life, people are told that they can’t do something. This could be because of the way they look, it could be because they have a disability, or it could be based on something else entirely. However, there is no reason for you to take their word for it because they do not know you. It’s important for you to know that you can do whatever you set your mind to, as long as you are putting your whole heart into it. What kind of things are we talking about here? We’re about to give you some examples.

A New Hobby
One of the things that you can is start a new hobby. There are so many different hobbies out there that there is always going to be something that you can do. But, it’s not just about what you can do, it’s also about what you enjoy. You want a combination of both of these things, and it might take a little bit of trial and error to get there, but you will in the end. It’s a case of going through a few different options, and working out which one brings you joy and happiness in life. 

It might be the case that there are certain aspects of a hobby that you aren’t able to do due to some kind of health condition or a disability, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t do it at all. Never let someone tell you that you can’t, because you can.

A New Career Path
Perhaps you have decided that you want to set out on a new career path. It’s super exciting, and it just might be the thing that you need to help yourself become more confident in your ability to do things. It might mean going back to education for a little while, but you can do it. It might mean that you have to start at the bottom and work your way up, but you can do it. It might mean that it takes you a little longer to get to where you want to be in life, but you can do it. 

Starting Your Own Business
Finally, maybe you want to start your own business. There is nothing in the rule book of starting a business that says you have to be a specific type of person to start and run a company. The only things that you will need are the money to be able to start your business, and the knowledge necessary to do so as well. For example, if you want to start an seo company, you need to know how to provide the services, how to attract clients, and everything else that comes with it. 

So you see then, there are plenty of things that you can do, even when people tell you that you can’t. You are able to do whatever you want to do, as long as you are willing to commit to it. Hopefully this has inspired you in some way, and will give you the courage that you need to head out there and try something new. 

Some Great Ways To Pamper Yourself This Winter

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Who doesn’t love pampering themselves? This is the kind of thing that you are always going to want to do if you are keen to try and look after yourself as well as you can. After all, everyone deserves some rest, calm and respite from time to time, and when you think you need this, it’s a good idea to try and give yourself a chance to get really pampered. But what are some of the great ways you can do this in winter when it gets colder? Let’s take a look at some of the things you might want to consider.

Have A Luxurious Bath
This is something that you might want to think about as it is so easy to do, and yet it can be so good for you. Having a truly luxurious bath can really be wonderful, and it’s something that can help you to unwind more than pretty much anything else. All in all, this is the kind of thing that is going to help you to return to yourself, so if you are feeling particularly stressed out you might want to consider this. You might find that it helps you to feel a lot better.

Stay In A Lodge
Perhaps you want to really make the most of the winter and treat yourself to a nice lodge to stay in. These can be genuinely wonderful, and you might find that you feel so much better afterwards. You have a lot of options here for where to go and how to approach it generally, but if you find yourself some eco lodges or something of that nature, that is going to help you a lot. And you will find that you are going to really enjoy that as a kind of trip just by yourself in the colder months.

Sit By A Fire
Perhaps you want to do one of those really classic winter things and sit by a fire for a while. This can be hugely enjoyable and can really help you to feel like you are making the most of the winter. When it’s getting cold out and you're able to just spend the evening indoors by the fireplace, that is a really simple luxury that nonetheless feels like true pampering. So you should consider this, and make sure that you are well stocked up with wood for the winter while you are thinking about it!

Go To The Spa
Finally, you can pretty much do this at any time of year of course, but there is something extra nice about visiting the spa in the winter and really allowing yourself to get pampered. You will find that it is the kind of thing that really makes you feel so much better, so it’s definitely worth thinking about. All in all, it’s great to visit the spa and come out the other side of that feeling like a new person.

How You Should Use GLP-1 Safely

Candy WashingtonComment

CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels

Hi lovelies,

Losing weight is a fundamental part of life for some people, but it can be dangerous. Semaglutide and Ozaempic are the current trend and are in the GLP-1 class. These are very effective, but there are some things to be aware of to be able to use GLP-1 safely.

Seek Expert Supervision
Your doctor can provide you with some guidance on how to use GLP-1 treatments in a safe way, and it is always best to seek professional help. GLP-1 is relatively safe, but there are some known issues arising and side effects as more and more people begin using GLP-1 for their own weight loss goals. Services like Carlsbad Weight Loss Medical Clinic employ experts in weight loss and can supervise your treatment to ensure nothing goes wrong while using it.

Use Pen Administration Correctly
GLP-1 treatments such as Ozempic can be used via a pen administering system for convenience. This is a jab system that provides you with a set dosage on your schedule, but there is a right way to use pens. You should be advised by a medical professional how to use pens, but here are some quick tips. Inject a pen into your thighs, abdomen, or upper arms and never into the veins. Try to use a different area each time, and always use a clean needle.

Understand Reactions to Use GLP-1 Safely
A healthy lifestyle with diet and even health apps is best. However, GLP-1 drugs are very effective and have, therefore, become highly popular for weight loss goals. Recent data suggests that you can lose, on average, between 10 to 15 lbs with a proper treatment. However, not everyone can use Semaglutide and Ozempic because they are known to react poorly with medications. Reactions include common treatments like Chloroquine, Insulin, and Ofloxacin.

Foods to Avoid with These Products
As if it isn’t hard enough to use GLP-1 treatments around common medication, there are also some foods that are known to react badly with them as well. GLP-1 isn’t a replacement for a healthy diet, and a good diet is essential for weight loss goals. However, treatments are known to react with popular foods, even healthy ones. These include broccoli, cauliflower, and kale. Unhealthy foods like burgers, fried chicken, and soda also react to GLP-1, as does alcohol.

Be Aware of Conditions and Diagnoses
The high reaction rate of GLP-1 means you need to avoid a lot of specific foods and cannot use them if you are taking certain medications. By natural extension, there are also specific conditions that will prevent you from using GLP-1 as well. The list is extensive, but some of the most common include Type 1 diabetes, gallbladder issues, and a history of low blood sugar. Previous or current diagnoses of pancreatitis, MEN2, and thyroid cancer also restrict treatment.

It helps to seek expert guidance to use GLP-1 safely. However, you must also understand that GLP-1 reacts to common medications and certain foods and worsens specific medical issues.

How To Look After Yourself As You Age

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

As you get older, it's vital that you are looking after your health by any means necessary. After all, the older we get, the more at risk we are of developing certain health conditions.

Taking good care of your health can help to prevent these conditions or at least lessen the impact they have on your life.

Keeping that in mind, here are some strategies you can use to take care of yourself (mind and body) as you age! You may also find them useful if you are currently caring for an aging relative.

Schedule regular health checkups.

Regular health checkups can help you stay on top of your health as you get older. For example, if you're dealing with a pre-existing health condition, such as heart disease or diabetes, these check-ups can work to ensure your treatment plan is as effective as possible and your best interests are protected.

This diligence relating to your health also means you can gain access to both support and treatment right away should you begin to show any signs of illness.

Visit a hearing specialist.

According to data gathered by the National Institute on Deafness, one in three people in the US aged between 64 and 75 have some degree of hearing loss. While you may be willing to accept this as a natural part of aging, hearing loss can have a profound impact on the affected individual's mental and physical well-being.

There are many ways in which you can begin to take better care of your auditory health, including wearing ear protection in noisy environments. 

You should also familiarise yourself with the symptoms of hearing loss, such as being told you are shouting when you believe you are speaking at a normal volume or finding it hard to follow along with conversations.

If you notice any changes to your hearing, or it's been several years since your last audiologist visit, be sure to book an appointment right away. For peace of mind beforehand, check out these hearing specialist appointment tips.

Fall in love with working out.

If you are worried about maintaining your independence as you age, then now is the perfect time to focus on falling in love with working out. After all, this ensures that you remain agile and mobile for longer.

Regular exercise is also the key physical changes for a healthier mind, which means you're also investing in your emotional well-being each time you build up a sweat.

Moving forward, try to dedicate a few hours a week to working out, even when you are busy. You'll find this task is a lot easier if you're doing something you genuinely enjoy, so don't be afraid to try out a wide range of exercise activities until you find the right fit.

Leave smoking behind.

Quitting smoking is no easy task, but it's hard to deny the benefits it brings - not only for your wallet. Studies have shown that when you quit smoking: 

  • Within one month, your breathing will improve, and you will no longer feel as out of breath.

  • Within 3-9 months, your lung function will increase by as much as 10%.

  • Within a year, your chance of a heart attack will drop by half.

If you've tried and failed to quit before, don't let this discourage you. Set your eyes on the prize and ask your healthcare provider for further tips and advice.

Keep socializing.

As we get older and perhaps less mobile or no longer spend time at work, it's easy to feel cut off and isolated. However, as this can have a terrible impact on your mental health, it's important you work to maintain an active social life as you age.

For example, you may want to pick up a new hobby or join a community group that meets each week. This way, you can make new friends and have a reason to get up and get moving. By choosing your activity carefully, you can also ensure that you're connecting with like-minded individuals.

Change your diet.

Following a healthy diet can strengthen your immune system, which means it's a useful way to prevent illness. It can also increase your energy levels so that you're able to stay active for longer.

However, it's important your diet is healthy, not restrictive. Otherwise, you'll feel more inclined to cheat and stray away from healthy eating. It's also crucial to remember that you're allowed to enjoy a treat from time to time, say once a week.

How To Look After Yourself As You Age

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Making sure that you are looking after your health is important at any stage of our lives, but it becomes particularly crucial as we age. After all, this can help to prevent a wide range of age-related health conditions, allowing you to age comfortably and gracefully.

With that in mind, here are some simple tips that you can use to look after yourself as you age - or to care for an aging parent or grandparent.

Attend regular health check-ups.

One of the easiest ways to care for your health as you age is to attend regular health check-ups and screenings. This is particularly important if you’re dealing with a pre-existing condition or at risk for conditions such as diabetes or heart disease. 

This way, you can gain access to support and treatment when necessary without delay. Furthermore, your doctor or physician may also be able to provide you with further advice on health aging, whether they suggest lifestyle changes or exercise plans. 

Visit a hearing specialist.

According to data gathered by the National Institute on Deafness, one in three people in the US aged between 64 and 75 report experiencing some degree of hearing loss. As this can take its toll on both your mental and physical health, it's crucial that you endevor to take good care of your auditory health.

Fortunately, there are many ways in which you can do this, such as by wearing hearing protection in noisy environments and visiting a hearing specialist when you’ve noticed any changes to your hearing. For example, if you’re finding it harder to follow conversations and socialize, it could be that you need a hearing aid. If you’ve never visited an audiologist before and are unsure of how the process works, check out these hearing specialist appointment tips.

Fall in love with staying active.

Staying active can help ensure that you remain both independent and healthy as you age while also providing you with a healthy outlet for your emotions. In short, it can bring forth a lot of physical changes for a healthier mind.

However, when it comes to exercising or working out, consistency is key. You need to deviate a portion of your weekly schedule to stay fit. Otherwise, you’ll never see the full benefits. As such, it's crucial that you find an activity you genuinely enjoy so that you’re able to fall in love with staying active instead of viewing it as a chore.

Quit smoking.

Whether you’ve been smoking for decades or just a few months, being able to leave this habit behind will work wonders for your health as you age. For example, studies have shown that when you quit smoking: 

  • Your breathing will improve within the first month

  • Your lung function will increase by 10% between 3-9 months after quitting

  • Your chance of a heart attack will drop by half after the first year

However, while the benefits of quitting smoking are clear, that does not necessarily make the process any easier. As such, you should try out different methodologies in order to find one that works for you, whether you’re using nicotine patches or seeking therapeutic help.

Stay connected to others.

Our ability to connect with others often has a direct impact on our mental health and well-being, which is why it's important that you focus on maintaining your relationships as you age. After all, many adults report feelings of isolation and loneliness in their senior years.

Thankfully, there are many ways in which you can ensure that you’re maintaining a social life. For example, you should try to meet your friends and family regularly or pick up the phone for a quick call when meeting in person is not necessary. Alternatively, you may want to pick up on ‘social’ hobbies. 

Follow a healthy diet.

Following a healthy diet is also important as we get older and can once again help prevent illness. Of course, this does not mean that you have to start following a diet that is overly restrictive, but rather one that nourishes your body and mind. For example, you should try to avoid overly processed foods or foods that are high in sugar or saturated fats. You could also use this as an opportunity to put your culinary skills to the test by preparing more food at home instead of dining out or ordering takeout. This way, you can ensure your food is always fresh and healthy - aside from the odd treat here and there. 

How to Give Your Confidence a Boost and Learn to Love Your Appearance

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Do you find yourself struggling with self-confidence and being overly critical about your appearance? Feeling negative about yourself is a horrible experience and can really take its toll on your mood. 

Many people find themselves stuck in patterns of behavior that harm their wellbeing. This could be something that has started recently, or you may have been feeling this way for a long time. The good news is no matter how you feel right now; you won’t feel like this forever. There are many ways to improve your relationship with your appearance and feel so much more confident in yourself.

Remember, feeling good about yourself doesn’t require perfection. If you think about some of the most confident people you know, chances are they do not look perfect. Instead, they are happy in themselves and content with what they have. 

If you are keen to take action and feel better about your appearance, there are many ways that you can achieve this. Take a look at these tips to help you give your confidence a boost and love your appearance:    

Address Issues That are Harming Your Confidence
If there are aspects of your appearance that really bother you and are significantly impacting your confidence levels, you may decide to take a proactive approach. You have two main options in this situation; you may want to reach out for professional help to discuss the issue and to reach a place of self-acceptance. Alternatively, you may want to simply take steps to resolve the issues once and for all so that you can move on with your life.

Taking action and making a decision to change something that bothers you takes guts, and it can be truly liberating. When there is something that you dislike about yourself, it can be hard to take the action needed to resolve the problem, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not possible to do this.

For example, you may have teeth missing, which causes you to feel anxious and unconfident about your smile. This is an issue that you do not need to simply accept. Instead, you may decide to visit the dentist and get some dentures fitted to solve the problem of your missing teeth. Getting a long-standing issue with your appearance, like this one sorted out, can feel like a huge weight has been lifted and can make you feel more confident immediately.

Make Time for Self-Care                                                  
When your confidence in your appearance is low, you may struggle to make time for yourself and show yourself the care and attention that you deserve. But self-care can play a significant role in helping you to build your confidence and to feel so much better about yourself.  

Your body does so much for you every day, so focusing on all the wonderful things that it allows you to do and showing it some care is an excellent way to feel better. Changing your perspective by nourishing and nurturing your body will instantly make you feel more confident.                                                                                                                                                                                

How to Prioritize and Make time for Self Care

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Self-care is something that you should always prioritize. If you have been struggling to make time for yourself you must come up with a strategy for doing so. 

Finding time to pamper and nurture yourself is great for your mental and physical health. Here are some ways you can finally make time for self-care

Create Time for Yourself
You must block out time each week for yourself. If you have a work schedule then you know all too well how to go about doing this. 

While many people have a schedule for their work activities and even for the activities they need to do at home. Many people do not take the time to block out time for themselves. If you are one of these people you need to change this.

The first act of self-care that you should do is to fit yourself into your busy schedule. During this time you should do things you love that bring you joy and peace. This will help to improve your mental health so that you can be in better shape to complete the rest of your schedule.

Take yourself to your favorite restaurant, or do something simple such as having a bath with fragrant candles from White Fox Candles all around you.

Start Journaling In the Morning
One of the easiest and simplest things you can do for your mental health is to start journaling as soon as you wake up. Getting things out of your head and on paper can be one of the most therapeutic things you can do for yourself. 

Use your journaling as a place to unravel your deepest emotions. If you are concerned about your privacy while journaling you can buy a journal that has a safety lock on it. 

No one will be able to open the journal and access it without having a passcode. This will give you all the privacy you need to express your thoughts and feelings about anything your heart desires. After journaling for a while you will find it very cathartic.

Start a New Hobby on the Weekend
Another great way in which you can express yourself is by starting a new hobby. A hobby can give you something to look forward to on a weekend. This is also a great way to improve your mental health.

If you're not quite sure what hobby you should take on, then you should start by looking at your interests. Make a list of them and then look at the hobbies that will best align with them.

Maybe you will need to take the class to start your hobby but don't let that deter you. Just make sure that it is something that you will enjoy and that it won't overwhelm you. A hobby is supposed to be fun.

Start Your Routine
Making self-care a priority is all about finding a routine that works for you. Once you do, you will be better able to ensure that you always have time for yourself. 

Remember that you can't pour from an empty cup. By making yourself a priority, you are doing what's best not just for yourself but for those who depend on you as well.

How To Get Better At Standing Up For Yourself

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

One of the hallmark elements of self-care is knowing that you’re enough. That might sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people can struggle with this, and not for entirely irrational reasons. After all, as we grow into adulthood we begin learning how to take on the world for ourselves, and start to view ourselves as the authority instead of our parents.

That can be a hard transition to make, and that’s why many people fall into caring for what others think of them. Of course, deferring to people who might know more or be more experienced than you can be wise, but only if that doesn’t rob you of your self-regard.

As such, learning to stand up for yourself from time to time is not only smart, it’s one of the most reliable skills you can learn. That’s not to say you have to be brittle, to take everything with offense, or to see social environments as a constant battleground. It does mean, however, that having a spine and a backbone can help you with positive self-regard, and also ensure you gain what you’re entitled to.

Let’s consider how you can achieve this, especially if you’ve struggled in the past:

Learn How To Say “No”
Saying “yes” is easy, especially for people interested in making a good impression. You might agree to overtime, to give your seat up on the train, or to a favor for a friend, all good and productive decisions. Yet if you don’t want to do something, feel forced into it, or feel it’s too much to ask of you, learning to say “no” can be a superpower. 

Be polite, but firm, and don’t think you have to justify yourself outside of a simple response. This doesn’t make you difficult, it means you know your boundaries. If people know you’re happy to do this, they tend to respect you more easily, as you will yourself.

Self-Respect Doesn’t Have To Be Qualified
Those who often fail to stand up for themselves often fail to do so because they fail to see the reason behind it, or at least, they don’t think they’re good enough to do so. This might not be articulated, but more of a subconscious attitude. However, you should remember that actually, you don’t have to pass a test, be of use, or offer something new and cool to deserve basic respect and dignity. You should have that automatically.

Even if someone IS objectively more successful, capable, athletic, or accomplished than you, that doesn’t mean you deserve to be spoken down to, pushed around, or mocked by them. Knowing that can help you avoid seeking approval for who you are, and give that to yourself anyway, knowing that there’s a fine line between self-assuredness and arrogance. If you can strike that line, then it’s good to stand up for yourself well.

Know What Boundaries You’re Operating In
Of course, standing up for yourself is easier when you know you’re in the right. Pouring over your work contract will help you know where your employer might have broken your terms, or put you in harm’s way despite promising safety precautions. This might even help you seek slip and fall accident attorneys to help you in this situation, gaining the compensation you deserve thanks to your injury. 

With this advice, you’re sure to get better at standing up for yourself over time.

Tips on Improving Your Overall Quality of Life

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Finding a variety of ways to improve your quality of life is important. A huge number of people get stuck in ruts and find it difficult to escape from them. This could be for a great many numbers of reasons, but the final outcome is the same - you are not as happy, healthy, and content as you could be. The really positive thing is that there are many ways you can improve your quality of life, from your mental health to your physical health. All you need to do is look inwardly and start making the right changes. 

Living a moral life can improve your quality of life. If you are doing things you see as immoral, then you are going to suffer from feelings of guilt, shame, and worse. Some people who do these things are in denial and continue to do wrong things. This ends up with an ever greater sense of guilt and worry, even to the point of things such as worrying about what the bible says about the end of times, etc. If you are doing things that you feel ashamed about in any way, it is time to face up to them, recognize the bad behavior and start making changes. You can't change what's already happened, but you can make amends, which is all you can do. Some people may become charitable or turn to God, and this can be a great life change. However, star aty home and turn the bad behavior in its head. You'll feel so much better as a result. 

Practice Gratitude
Linked to the previous tip is practicing gratitude. This is a way of focusing on all the uplifting things in your life and allowing those to take over, rather than dwelling on the negative and letting all the bad things take over your mental space. This is a fantastic way to stop you from thinking about all the negative things you have done in your life. To practice gratitude, all you need to do is think up three things you are truly grateful for in your life. This is best done in the morning; just think of these three things and really allow them to generate a good feeling. Let the feeling infiltrate you and become who you are. If you do this enough, you can totally change your outlook on life. 

If you really desire to improve your quality of life, then you need to exercise. Exercise has so many life benefits, from helping you sleep better, helping you become happier and less stressed as well as helping you combat illnesses and diseases. If you haven't exercised in a while, then it is best that you start off slowly and discuss with a doctor if need be. You can start with more walking and build yourself up. There are a lot of exercises you can do in the privacy of your own home, too, such as Yoga or Pilates, which you can do via YouTube. 

Get A Moisture Boost For You Face With These Tips

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Our faces go through a lot! They get whipped by the wind, baked by the sunshine, and maybe even splattered with wind or rain. 

Our facial skin is at the mercy of the weather, pollution, blue light from our devices, and more. The skin on your face needs a lot of care and support to make sure it stays soft and supple. 

Our skin is a natural barrier, and when it is not properly hydrated, it won’t be able to perform this basic task. 

Is my skin hydrated?
Dry skin and dehydrated skin aren’t the same thing, even though we most often think they are. Dehydrated skin will present by slowly spinning back if pinched, while dry skin looks flaky and patchy. 

You can have both together or one or the other too. 

How can I hydrate my skin?

We often think that soaking in a bath can be hydrating for the skin, but if your water is hot, you’ll come out of the bath feeling tight and dry. The heat encourages water to flow from the skin, leaving you dehydrated. The same goes for your face. 

Lukewarm water is the best way to go, and when your face is damp, use hyaluronic acid to lock in the moisture - always use it on damp skin!

Hydrating Ingredients 
You don’t need a 42-step skincare routine to keep your skin hydrated; instead, you need the right ingredients. Hyaluronic acid is a big thing and is a humectant - which means it binds the water onto the outer layer of the skin. 

But there are other humectants like glycerin that are great to use. 

There are also occlusives and emollients too. Emollients support the skin barrier function and help with texture and appearance; fatty acids, squalane, and ceramides are great ingredients. 

Occlusives perform a different function and physically stop water from evaporating from the skin, mineral oils, beeswax, and things like Vaseline. Slugging has been a trend that really used this method on the face.

A combination of these is the best way to get supple and hydrated facial skin.

You might need a total skincare reset, and instead of trying to get that fresh base at home, you can look for hydrafacial services. A hydrafacial cleanses, exfoliates, and peels away dead skin cells and imperfections. Leaving you with a fresh base ready to be infused with hydration. 

Night cream
Day cream and night care have different consistencies. The night cream is designed to be thicker and lock in the hydration. Look for night creams with ceramides and squalene. 

A heavier night cream will prevent the skin from losing moisture while you sleep. 

Drink More Water
No matter how many products you are putting on your skin, if you aren’t drinking plenty of water, too, you’ll never be as hydrated as you’d like. Although drinking more water alone won’t do it, increasing your intake to the recommended daily amount is going to help significantly. 

Here are a couple of extra ways to take care of your skin: Ways to Enhance Your Skincare Routine

The Power of Hobbies: How They Benefit Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Most people view hobbies as something that old or nerdy people do. If you asked 100 people if they had a hobby, most would say no. For whatever reason, it’s not something that the modern generation considers. If we were to dive deeper into that, maybe we’d link it to the rise of social media. Instead of having hobbies, we mindlessly doom scroll through Instagram, Twitter, and Tik Tok all day.

It’s time to bring hobbies back into the limelight! Here’s a bold statement: everyone should have at least one hobby. It can be whatever you like - and you’ll see loads of examples of hobbies as you make your way through this post. 

Why do I so strongly advocate for hobbies? Because they’re hugely beneficial for your mind, body, and soul. If you often suffer from mental health problems like anxiety or depression, a hobby can really help you cope. There are many reasons to find a regular hobby, and we’ll go through some of the best ones below: 

Lowers stress levels

A hobby will help you reduce stress levels and get your blood pressure to a normal rate. If you live a stressful life, you’re in desperate need of an outlet that calms you down. Hobbies will do precisely that. 

There are many hobbies that induce calmness and reduce stress. Reading is the best example of a stress-reducing hobby. Find a good book series to read so you can drift off and forget about everything else in your life for a moment. Just immerse yourself in a book for an hour or so each day before bed and you will immediately feel less stressed. This can also help you sleep better, which aids your overall well-being. 

Improves your mental health

You can argue that lowering stress levels improve your mental health, but hobbies go beyond this. Some hobbies leave you in a much better mental state as you feel happier and more accomplished. 

A great example of this is knitting or crochet. Both hobbies require you to spend time carefully creating things. You get a huge sense of accomplishment from doing this, which gives you a rush of positive hormones that make you feel happy. At the same time, you also get the stress-relief benefits, so your mental health is in a much better place. 

If you’re suffering from depression or anxiety, try taking up a hobby that makes you feel happy. Doing things that put a smile on your face and give you unbridled joy will be a huge step towards dealing with your symptoms. 

Improves your physical health

Yes, a hobby can improve your physical well-being alongside your mental. After all, what is a hobby? It’s an activity you do in your leisure time. This means that working out or going for a run classifies as a hobby. 

In fact, there are tons of examples of hobbies that boost your fitness and physical well-being. If you commit to something like weightlifting or running a few times a week, you are going to see improvements in your physical health. 

Now, the extra benefit of this is that you start dipping into the advantages of regular exercise. You may see changes to your physical appearance, which gives you a huge inner confidence boost. Your self-esteem rises, which can aid with things like anxiety or shyness. Exercise is also a massive mood booster, which helps with depression. 

If you choose a hobby that makes you physically active, you are going to see some hugely positive changes in your life. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that everyone should have a hobby that forces them to be active. You can add another hobby to your life as well, but always ensure you do at least one thing that encourages you to move around regularly. 

Encourages more creativity

One of the biggest things that separate us from other animals is our ability to be creative and use our imaginations. It’s what helped us create crazy things throughout the world - like skyscrapers, planes, etc… We’re born to be creative, and when we don’t activate our creative juices, life can feel a bit boring. 

Do you remember being a kid and having so much fun every day? You had countless opportunities to use your imagination, but this dries up as you get older. Opting for a hobby like macrame can encourage more creativity every single day. There are so many creative macrame project ideas that harness the power of your imagination and get you to make unique things out of cords or strings. You literally feel your brain whirring and it’s so nice to feel creative again. 

This also translates into other areas of your life too. If your job depends on creativity, taking up a hobby can help you get better at it. On the flip side, if you have a mundane job, doing something creative outside of work brings more balance to your life! 

Creates more social opportunities

Lastly, hobbies are brilliant as they open the door to social opportunities. If you feel lonely or don’t have many friends, taking up a hobby is the best way to meet new people. You can join local clubs or online communities where you’re surrounded by people with similar interests to you. 

As a result, you’re encouraged to be more social and talk to others. Who knows, you might even make some new friends! A controversial example of this is gaming. Yes, gaming is a hobby, and it can create loads of social opportunities. You play online games with people and spend hours talking to them every day. It’s a great way to form new friendships and relationships that last for years. 

When you’re more socially active, you tend to feel better about yourself. Your mental health is in a better place, you feel confident, and you no longer have a sense of loneliness lingering over you. 

See, the power of hobbies is greater than you ever thought. Having a couple of hobbies that you do regularly will be excellent for a healthier body, mind, and soul.