How To Embrace Change When You Move Home

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Moving to a new home can be a difficult time. It doesn’t matter how much you might be looking forward to living in your new place or what your reasons are for moving, change is always hard. This is why it’s good to know how to embrace change when it comes to moving house so that you can be less stressed during the process and think more clearly - after all, there is a lot to think about. With that in mind, here are some of the best ways to embrace change when you move home. 

Accept The Idea 
Although it might be difficult, if you really want to be able to embrace change when you move home, you’ll need to accept the idea that things are going to be different wherever you are going to live next. It’s nice to think that you can keep everything the same, but this is unlikely, and it’s wise to think of new ways to do things from the start. This can help you understand more quickly and easily that change will happen and allow you to embrace it. 

For example, you might need to think of a new way to get to work, so you could start trialling it out sooner rather than later. Or perhaps you could work out where your furniture will go in the new house - this will help the removalists you choose after looking through the options on iMOVE, and it will help you embrace change sooner because you can ensure you set your new home up differently from the current one. Anything like this will help you to accept change and then embrace it. 

Have A Positive Mindset 
It’s easy to get negative when you are moving home because there is so much to do and so many changes being made. Sadly, when you are feeling negative, this can affect absolutely everything else that is happening around you, making situations much harder to deal with than they have to do - this includes the move itself. 

When you have a more positive mindset, change will be easier to deal with. It will still happen, just as it would if you were feeling negative, but it will not be so hard to cope with because you’ll be looking at the positive side of things instead of the negative. To help with this, think about the new opportunities you’ll have in your new home, which could include a better job, the chance to decorate as you want to, or perhaps you’ll be able to make new friends in a brand new city. 

Create A New Routine 
Routines are very important to us in life, and it is this disruption to the usual routine that can make moving to a new place so difficult, even if it is also the right thing to do. When routines are disrupted, it can be very unnerving and unsettling, and it can cause problems with how you feel - it can make the change you have to go through very difficult. 

This is why it’s so important to create a new routine as quickly as you can. Humans are very resilient, and with a new routine to follow, your new home will soon become comfortable, and the changes you went through will be minimised. 

4 Tips For Greener Living

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

If you want to protect the environment and lead an eco-friendly lifestyle, there is much you can do in this regard. 

Chances are, you have probably taken steps to live a greener life. From recycling your plastic to making your home more energy-efficient, you may be doing much to save the save the planet already. 

With climate change still a (literal) hot topic in discussions around environmental issues, there is still reason to take further steps to live a greener lifestyle. So, with this in mind, here are a few tips we hope you find useful. 

#1: Use natural cleaning and gardening products

If you regularly use chemical cleaning products to clean your home, you are releasing dangerous pollutants into the atmosphere. The same applies to the chemical weedkillers you might use in your garden as they pollute the soil and endanger the lives of local wildlife.

You might also use chemical sprays to kill the pests in your home and garden. Again, these are dangerous to the environment so should be avoided. 

It's wiser to natural cleaners and gardening products that don't contain any harsh chemicals. Consider this when you're choosing what to put in your trolley at the supermarket. And should you ever need to call out pest control, choose a company that uses natural bug spray instead of a firm that uses the toxic alternative. 

#2: Walk whenever you can

Walking is good for both your mental and physical health so it's a good idea to exercise in this way whenever you have the opportunity. 

Walking is also good for the environment because whenever you choose to use your two feet to get to where you want to be instead of the four wheels of your car, you aren't releasing dangerous greenhouse gas emissions into our planet's atmosphere. 

#3: Stop wasting food

Food waste isn't only damaging to your pocket but it's harmful to the world around you too. This is because waste food produces a large amount of methane that is more harmful to the environment than carbon dioxide. 

As such, you should find ways to reduce food waste when living an eco-friendly lifestyle. One way to do this is to freeze and store leftover food that can be eaten at a later date. You could also reuse your leftovers to create another meal, such as a delicious vegetable soup or a stir fry. 

#4: Stop impulse buying

The more you buy, the more you are likely to throw away when you no longer want or need the items you have bought. We aren't only talking about the items you have purchased, of course, as there is also the packaging to consider. If the product and packaging aren't biodegradable, they will release dangerous chemicals into the air when they start to degrade on your local landfill.

Save the planet and save money by not buying as much 'stuff.' And find ways to recycle or reuse your older items instead of throwing them in the trash. Check out these ideas for upcycling your old clothes, for example. 


By living an eco-friendly lifestyle, you will benefit both your life and the world around you. So, consider our suggestion and commit to further research to discover other ideas on how to live a greener life. 

Top Tips to Enhance Curb Appeal

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Everyone wants to own a house that is the envy of their neighbors. Ensuring that your house is the most attractive one on the street is an excellent way to ensure your property exudes curb appeal. But as well as the obvious benefits of owning a great-looking home, working on your property’s curb appeal can also help to increase its value. 

While you may not be planning to sell up and move home right now, working on increasing the value of your property is always an excellent idea. As everyone knows, first impressions count, so ensuring that your home creates the best impression on both visitors and prospective buyers is really beneficial. But knowing how to increase your home’s curb appeal can be a bit tricky. Take a look at these top tips to help you get started on improving your home’s exterior and enhancing its curb appeal:

Add a Siding

Do the exterior walls of your home look a little tired and faded? When the outside walls of your home look less than their best this can impact the look of your entire property. Fixing this problem can instantly revive the appearance of your home and help it to look better than ever. 

One highly effective way to update your home is by having new siding installed. 

A new siding will instantly improve your property’s aesthetic and boost its curb appeal. Siding is available in a wide choice of finishes and colors, so you will easily find the perfect siding to enhance your home. All you need to do is to choose the best home improvement contractor for the job, and you will soon have an instant curb appeal update.

Refresh Your Front Door

Your home’s front door is a focal point of your house and is the first thing that visitors and passersby may notice about your property. But, front doors are subjected to the elements every day, and this can leave them looking weather-beaten and faded. 

It is not always necessary to replace your front door. Instead, you may be able to simply refresh it, which will boost your home’s curb appeal without needing to cover the cost of a new front door. Painting your front door is an easy task when you know how and something you can complete as a DIY project to save yourself even more cash.  

Smarten Up Your Yard

Having outside space at the front of your home is a real asset and can significantly increase the appeal of your property. Working on sprucing up your front yard can help to make the front of your home look much tidier and well-maintained. Keeping your lawn short and trim, raking up any fallen leaves, and pulling out weeds will instantly help the front of your house to look better. 

As well as tidying up your front yard, you may also want to brighten it up a bit. Planting some colorful flowers is an excellent way to enhance your home’s curb appeal even further.

Make Your Home an Easy Place to Practice Self Love

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Taking care of yourself has never been more important, especially in a world that is filled with never-ending stress, anxiety and demands from the people around you. You have always valued self care and self love, but could you make it easier to practice this in your home? When it comes to home maintenance you don’t always think about how your surroundings actually impacts your mood. Practicing self love in a space that feels positive, motivating and relaxing is what everybody should strive to do, especially if you want to prioritize your mental well-being. 

If you’re living in a house that is falling apart at the seams, full of decor that doesn’t inspire you, or it’s simply bursting with clutter you no longer need, now is the right time to make a change for the better. Making your home an easy place to practice self love has never been simpler. All you need to do is consider the following ideas and see how you can weave these into your own property today.

Fix Any Imperfections
Like most homeowners, you probably feel uneasy when you look around at your surroundings and see numerous imperfections. Wanting to fix everything is a completely normal reaction, and it will bring you one step closer to enjoying more self love around your home. Take a look here for replacement windows if this is the imperfection you're hoping to fix. You may see small cracks starting to form or you may feel as though your windows are outdated compared to the interior decor of your home. Write down all of the small, but important things around your home that you want to fix or replace, and this will give you something to work on. As soon as you have fixed all of the  imperfections in and around your home, you will find it much easier to relax and enjoy your regular self love rituals.

Choose Calming Colors
Self love is all about indulging in the things you adore doing, especially from the comfort of your own home. This means that you may need to alter some of your color choices in your property so that you feel completely relaxed. Colors are such a personal choice so go with the shades that make you feel most at ease.

Set Up a Meditation Corner
Meditation is one of the best forms of self care, so why not set up your own calming spot in the comfort of your own home? Having a soothing and comfortable meditation corner will encourage you to take ten minutes out of the day for yourself even when you’re stressed, tired and busy.

Organize Your Bathroom
The bathroom should be a zen and indulgent space that allows you to wind down in the evening and gear up for a busy day in the mornings. Upgrading your storage in your bathroom may help you to feel more organized so that your self care routine always comes first. Imagine running yourself a beautiful bath and using antioxidant salts to help you feel rejuvenated after a hectic day; the possibilities are endless when you have a gorgeous bathroom in your home!

Reduce Mess and Clutter
When it comes to creating a stress-free environment that is easy to practice self love inside, you need to reduce clutter in your home as much as possible. You may be holding onto emotions that are related or possessions, so having a good clear out can also cleanse your soul and make you feel much happier altogether. As soon as you have released all of these unwanted items you will have a space that is renewed, refreshed and ready to put your own stamp on again.

As you can see, self love comes in many different shapes, sizes and forms so why not adjust your home to make it easier for yourself? So many people forget how important it is to treat yourself well and create a home environment that allows you to do everything you want to do each day. For example, if you enjoy sitting in a window seat in your home and reading a book, now would be the perfect time to upgrade your windows and invest in some new, comfortable cushions! As soon as you start prioritizing your wants and needs around the home, your lifestyle will be full of love and self care. It is hugely important to make time for yourself in a world that is constantly busy and unpredictable. Using the ideas mentioned above, you will soon be able to create a home that feels welcoming, calming and full of your own unique preferences!

Do you want to make your home energy efficient

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Do you want to make your home energy efficient? Upgrading to a new boiler is one of the things you can do, but if you want to take things to that next level then you can combine this with other upgrades. If you want to find out more then all you have to do is take a look below.


Insulation can give you the biggest benefits when it comes to heat retention. It helps to reduce the need for heating, and it can also reduce the possibility of damp as well. As if that wasn’t enough, it can boost your home’s value. Insulation makes it way easier for you to keep your home cooler in summer too. If you have poor-quality insulation in the loft, then now is the time for you to change that. Installing quality loft insulation can reduce heat loss and it can make a major difference to your bills.  Mineral wool insulation is a popular method, but polyurethane foam is often used if you have areas that are difficult to access.

Smart Meter

Smart meters are one of the best ways for you to keep track of all the energy you are using.  If you can see accurate and real-time information regarding your energy use, then this will put you in a stronger position over the long run.

Fit Double Glazing

A lot of heat is lost through your home’s windows. If you want to do something about this, then you need to try and install double or triple glazing. This may cost you initially but the benefits over the long run are undeniable. Not only will you be able to limit heat loss, you’ll also be able to reduce external noise while gaining a much higher level of protection from the elements. External windows can be installed with ease if you go through a professional service, and they can also add a small fortune to the value of your home. If you want to install some new windows in your home, then click here.

Draught Proofing

This involves you filling any gaps where cold air can enter your home. Think about the gaps around your windows, doors, floorboards, fittings and more. There are all kinds of materials you can use to fill gaps here, such as shaped rubber, flexible filler and even silicone sealant. Expanding foam can be used to fill larger gaps too. Just make sure that you are using the right material so you can get a good bond. If you don’t then you may end up making a mess that you need to clean up later.

Solar Panels

If you install solar panels, then you will be able to capitalise on free energy from the sun. The great thing about solar panels is that they work even when it is cloudy outside. Solar panel systems are also known as photovoltaics and they help to convert sunlight into electricity within the home. You can use this to power your lighting as well as any household appliances you may have. The initial cost may be a little high but in the long run, you will be able to cut your electricity bills significantly. It also means that your carbon footprint will be lower, and this can work in your favour. It is possible for you to install energy feedback displays too so you can optimise how much renewable energy you are using.

LED Lighting

If you want to make the most out of your home’s energy efficiency, then one thing you can do is try and install some LED lighting. When you do, you will soon find that you can capitalise on huge savings across your home. If you have never given much thought to LED lighting before then you may want to look into smart bulbs as well. You can turn these on and off by using your phone and you can also connect them to a timer, so you don’t have to worry about leaving the lights on again. This is great, to say the least as it means you won’t be draining your budget through simple mistakes.

So, as you can see, there are a huge number of ways that you can capitalise on making your home more energy efficient and if you follow this guide you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to see an improvement in your bills. Why not see what works for you today? After all, sometimes it is the smallest changes that end up having the biggest impact.

Bathroom Upgrades That Will Make Your Life Easier

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Everyone yearns for a simpler life - one with fewer to-dos, more comfort, and relaxation. Thankfully, bathroom upgrades are an easy way to enhance your daily routine! Revamping this often-used space can create greater convenience as well as increased satisfaction when getting ready or unwinding in the evening. This blog post will explore a few common bathroom upgrades that can make life easier.

Upgrade to an electronic bidet toilet
Electronic bidet toilets are becoming increasingly popular. As a hygienic and eco-friendly toilet option, bidets offer a number of advantages compared to traditional toilets. Equipped with a range of features like air dryers, temperature control, and even advanced functions such as remote-controlled flushing, electronic bidet toilets are the perfect bathroom upgrade for those seeking convenience and luxury in one package. 

Upgrade to motion sensor lighting
Motion sensor lighting is excellent for both busy mornings and late nights when it’s easy to forget to turn off the lights. This type of lighting will switch on automatically when you enter, eliminating the need to fumble around in the dark or waste energy searching for light switches. Additionally, this type of lighting can be programmed to switch off after a set amount of time, saving you energy and money

Upgrade to a rainfall shower head
Rainfall showerheads are an excellent choice for those looking to add a touch of luxury to their bathroom. These showerheads provide the feel of standing beneath a steady stream of rainwater, giving you the feeling of being in your own personal rainforest. Rainfall shower heads also come in many styles and sizes so that they can fit nearly any bathroom design. 

Upgrade to heated flooring
Heated flooring is perfect for cold winter months where you step out of the shower or bathtub. This type of flooring uses radiant heating systems which warm up tile or stone floors. Heated flooring is surprisingly energy efficient and can be set up to run at times when you need it most - such as early in the mornings. 

Upgrade to a luxurious bathtub
For those looking for an ultimate relaxation experience, a luxurious bathtub is the way to go. Bathtubs come in many shapes and sizes, so there’s sure to be one that fits your space perfectly. Many of these tubs also feature built-in jets, which can provide a soothing massage while you soak. And if you’re on a tight budget, there are plenty of affordable options out there as well!

These are just some of the many bathroom upgrades that can make your life easier. From bidets with advanced features to motion sensor lighting and heated flooring, there are plenty of ways to revamp this essential part of your home. So if you’re looking to enhance your daily routine or simply add luxury to your bathroom, consider upgrading one or more of these items today!

Why You Need to Hire Professionals for Your Home Maintenance Projects

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

As a homeowner, you should know that it is your responsibility to keep your home in good condition. However, there are some tasks that are better left to the professionals. Attempting to handle complex home maintenance issues on your own can result in costly mistakes, unnecessary stress, and unsafe conditions. This blog discusses the importance of hiring professionals for your home maintenance projects.


An important area that requires professional attention is electrical maintenance. Electrical work can be extremely dangerous, and attempting to fix electrical issues on your own can lead to serious injury and damage to your home. Professionals have the right equipment and safety measures in place to handle all types of electrical work, from basic repairs to full installations. 


Your home's heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) is responsible for keeping your home comfortable year-round. Like other areas of your home, your HVAC system requires regular maintenance to ensure it functions properly. A professional HVAC technician can perform inspections and repairs, clean your system, and provide tips on how to keep it in top condition. Regular maintenance can help extend the lifespan of your system, improve its efficiency, and save you money on energy bills.


One of the most important areas of your home that require professional care is your plumbing system. Attempting to fix a leaky faucet or a clog in your drain may seem like a simple task, but it can quickly become complicated and expensive. Professional local plumbers will have the skills, experience, and tools required to handle all types of plumbing issues effectively and efficiently. They can quickly diagnose the problem and provide the right solution, saving you time, money, and frustration.


Your roof plays a crucial role in safeguarding your home against the elements. Yet, it’s often neglected when it comes to routine maintenance. Investing in professional roofing services can prevent leaks, mold growth, and other damage from compromising your home's integrity. Experienced roofers not only perform repairs but also advise on when it's time for a roof replacement. Don't take any chances - secure the safety of your home with a professional roof inspection today.


One area that most homeowners often overlook is painting. While it may seem like a simple task, painting your home's interior or exterior requires careful preparation, attention to detail, and the right tools and materials. A professional painting contractor has the experience and expertise to ensure your paint job looks great and lasts for years. These experts can help you choose the right colors and finishes and provide tips on how to maintain your paint job over time.

Home maintenance can be overwhelming, but hiring professionals can save you time, money, and stress. From plumbing to painting and everything in between, leave these daunting tasks to the experts. With a professional on your side, you can rest easy knowing that your home is in good hands. Don't let maintenance projects weigh you down; make the smart choice for your home and budget -- hire a professional.

How to Best Support Senior Parents

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

When we are children we look at our parents like superheroes. We see them as being ever constant and never changing and we trust in that. Of course, as we become teenagers and then grow into adults we understand that our parents are not permanent fixtures in our lives. In fact we understand the nuance of death, and we understand that we subconsciously prepare ourselves for that happening. 

As you watch your parents go from vibrant, dancing, moving adults 2 senior parents who need assisted living facilities, it can feel bittersweet. Of course, parents can be vibrant and dancing adults when they're in their 60s, 70s or 80s, but the reality is supported living is going to help your parents to be as independent as possible as they age. It's never an easy conversation to have, but sometimes the best way to support your parents as they become seniors is to accept that they may need some help. So, here are some of the ways that you can still support your senior parents and be productive in their future.

  • Keep communication as clear as possible. If you do think your parents need to move into an assisted living facility, then the best thing to do is to talk about it. When it comes to supporting your parents as they age, it may feel like you're being condescending or talking down to them, but this is going to hurt them more than anything else. Remember, these are not children you are dealing with, but fully functioning adults. Engaging an open conversation and discussing the level of support and care that they now need. In their eyes it may feel like you're abandoning them, but what you're really doing is helping.

  • Allow your parents to take a lead in their future. It is natural for you to want to step in and take care of your parents after they spent their lives taking care of you. But you should remember that they may not need as much help as you think they do. Allow them to lead the decisions themselves and talk about their care and treatment that they need. If they want any help with making decisions, offer up your opinion and then let them decide what to do. They could be worried that they're putting too much on your plate, and they may not want to impose, but this is one way that you can take that off the list knowing that you've done everything you can.

  • Be respectful. Firstly you need to be as respectful as you can because these are still your parents. Whether they still have all of their cognitive functions or those are starting to disappear with dementia, this is still the person that taught you how to walk and talk, so you don't get to spend time telling them what they should be doing. Being patient, respectful and kind in your wording is important because you need to realize that you are lucky to be in a position to provide them with any kind of assistance and then you can do your best to make it work. 

Prioritizing their well being and ensuring that they are taking care of themselves or they have somebody to do it is important and you should make sure that you keep putting that message across that their well being comes first.

How To Simplify Your Life By Moving To A Smaller Home

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

It can sometimes feel as though life is very complicated. There is so much to think about and so much to do that it often seems as though it would be ideal if things could become simpler. If you want to make your life simpler, there are actually a number of ways it can be done, and one is to downsize your home. This could feel extreme to some, but for others, it’s going to work out perfectly. If it sounds like it might be the right thing for you, keep reading for some useful advice.  

Assess Your Needs 

If you’re thinking about downsizing in order to have a simpler life, it’s crucial that you assess your needs. This will help you understand what kind of property you can move into. So you might think about how many rooms you need, or whether or not you need any outside space. You’ll have to think about the right location and your budget. 

List out what you need so that you can then take a look at properties that match your requirements. This will give you a good idea of what is within your price range and how comfortable you’ll actually be. It might be that the idea is better than the reality, and you’ll need to rethink your plans, but conversely, it might be that listing everything out and starting to look around cements your plans and makes you realise it’s the best thing to do. 

Sell Your Home 

Once you know what you want and roughly how much it’s going to cost, you’ll need to sell your home. The idea is that you sell your current property to help you buy the next, smaller one outright and leave you with money left over to enjoy. However, this might not be possible depending on how much equity you have and how much your smaller property is going to cost. 

You’ll need to get as much for your current home as possible to make the most of this downsizing move. Make sure you fix any issues and renovate where you need to. It could also be worth using a home staging company to ensure your property looks its best and encourages as many offers as possible. 


The whole reason for moving to a smaller house is to streamline and simplify your life (and often to free up some cash, but that may not be your main reason for taking this route). The last thing you’ll want to do in that case is to pack up everything you currently own and take it with you. Not only is that a lot of hard work, but if you’re moving to a smaller property, you’re going to find it very uncomfortable trying to fit all your things into it. The whole exercise will really be a waste of time if you don’t do something about all the material possessions you own. 

Therefore, when you’re packing to move, make sure you declutter as much as you can as well. You’ll only take what you really need with you, helping you to have a much simpler life in your new home.

10 Home Remodeling Tasks That Require Professional Intervention

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Home improvement projects can be both rewarding and overwhelming. Therefore, it's important to understand what tasks require professional intervention and which ones are easy enough for the average homeowner to tackle alone. The following blog post will discuss ten common home remodeling tasks that should only be attempted by experienced professionals in order to avoid potential hazards such as fire risks or structural damage caused by improper installation techniques. 

1) Reconstructing Walls And Ceilings 

It is highly recommended that only experienced professionals undertake the task of reconstructing walls and ceilings in homes. This is a complex project that demands skill and attention to detail, as small mistakes in installation may result in significant structural damage. A thorough understanding of building materials and techniques, as well as knowledge of how to reinforce walls and ceilings, is crucial for this project.

2) Replacing Electrical And Plumbing Fixtures 

Replacing electrical and plumbing fixtures is a task that should only be handled by qualified professionals due to the complexity of the wiring and pies involved. This job requires expert knowledge of electrical regulations, as any mistakes made during installation could cause significant damage to property or even injuries. Additionally, a professional electrician or plumber can accurately assess if any other fixtures need to be replaced in the process. 

3) Installing Subflooring And Flooring

Installing subflooring and flooring requires precise skills and careful planning. Usually, several layers of subflooring should be leveled and secured before proceeding to the next step. Moreover, understanding flooring materials and techniques and taking accurate measurements are crucial for achieving a smooth finished flooring installation.

4) Roof Repair Or Replacement

Roof repair or replacement is a highly technical project as it involves navigating a variety of safety concerns, including falling off the roof. It can involve many different materials, such as shingles, metal, tiles, and slate, and requires specialized tools such as harnesses, ladders, and drills. Therefore, it is best to call the professionals for help.

5)  Installing Windows And Doors 

Installing windows and doors is an essential part of any home remodeling project. The task should be conducted by a professional since it requires accurate measurements, specialized tools and materials, and knowledge of installation techniques, as you can see here. Professionals are also able to advise on the best types of windows and doors that are suitable for each specific project.

6) Expanding Existing Rooms 

It is recommended to hire professional contractors for the task of expanding existing rooms. This is due to the fact that such an endeavor typically involves major structural renovations, such as wall demolition and installation of studs or beams to enlarge the living space. Professionals possess a thorough understanding of building codes, local regulations, and unique project requirements. Additionally, they have the essential tools and materials needed to execute the task safely and effectively.

7) Fitting Kitchen Cabinets

When installing kitchen cabinets, it's important to plan ahead and be precise. You'll need specialized tools and materials like saws, drills, screws, and fasteners to ensure proper placement of the cabinets. Taking precise measurements is also crucial to ensure that the cabinets fit into the available space. Due to the complexity of the project, it's recommended to hire professionals for the job.

8) Ventilation System Maintenance And Upgrades 

Regular professional inspections and maintenance of your home's ventilation system are crucial for maintaining clean and healthy air. Professionals can identify and repair any damages and can also upgrade the system with new technology like automated thermostats, remote monitoring systems, and energy-efficient fans to improve its performance.

9) Landscaping Projects 

Landscaping projects are often complex endeavors that require expert knowledge to execute properly. Professional landscapers are experienced with a variety of techniques and materials, such as pruning, grass seeding, edging, and mulching. They are also well-versed in the local climate and soil composition and can make informed decisions about which plants will thrive in any given environment.

10) Garage Door Installation

Garage door installation is a challenging task and requires professional expertise. Professionals are familiar with the various safety protocols, such as ensuring that all parts of the new door, including its tracks, opener, and springs, are properly installed to ensure functionality and security. They also possess specialized tools that can be used to accurately install the door, including metal cutters, drills, and a spirit level. 

Home remodeling projects often require professional intervention due to the complexity of the task at hand. From reconstructing walls and ceilings to installing garage doors, professionals possess the necessary skills and tools to effectively handle such tasks while adhering to safety regulations.

How To Make Your Home Stand Out In The Neighborhood

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Beautifying your home exterior can bring about feelings of pride, but it also helps keep up with the competition. With some easy improvements and tweaks, your property can go from plain to pristine! This blog post will offer helpful advice on improving both its look and value at the same time. Keep reading to discover all the amazing things you can do to make your house truly stand out in its neighborhood!

Make your house stand out with high-quality exterior paint 

Investing in high-quality exterior paint is one of the best ways to make your house stand out from its neighbors. Vibrant colors can instantly brighten up a residence, making it look more inviting and distinct than its neighbors. When selecting colors, consider which combinations work together harmoniously - bright shades that come together harmoniously will surely leave everyone impressed! Quality paint not only adds an extra layer of personality, but it also offers protection from weather elements and long-lasting durability - so you can be certain both your house and its vibrant hues will remain for years to come.

Install outdoor lighting around the house and garden for a unique ambiance.

Outdoor lighting around your home can help create an eye-catching atmosphere that draws attention and sets your space apart in the neighborhood. Installing solar-powered lighting along pathways or highlighting features in the garden not only looks better but saves you money, too; using solar power means perfect light all night long with minimal effort. Creative placement and interesting fixtures will add warmth to the atmosphere while increasing the curb appeal of your house too!

Replace Your Old Windows

If the windows in your home need replacing, consider investing in quality windows that will make your house stand out from others in its neighborhood. Not only can new windows offer additional functionalities such as energy efficiency, soundproofing, and temperature control, but they can also spruce up the exterior of your home and make it more pleasant to look out of - particularly if you're after a picturesque view. Invest in custom double hung windows to make your home stand out from the rest!

Keep it Clean

Keeping your home tidy is an excellent way to make it more inviting for both visitors and passersby. Start by wiping down walls with a damp cloth weekly while vacuuming rugs frequently. Don't forget about outdoor cleaning either - if your porch or deck can be seen from the street, give it some extra love by washing it occasionally or simply sweeping away cobwebs and debris for an instant facelift. The busiest areas of your house likely need heavier-duty cleaning - things like bathrooms and kitchens should get regular TLC daily. These simple yet powerful steps combined make your house appear brand-new every single day!

Add some flair to your garden.

Enhance the curb appeal of your home by beautifying the walkway leading up to it. Add stepping stones and flower beds along either side for a welcoming entrance way that will wow all passersby. You could also place ornaments like bird baths or stately gazing balls in strategic places throughout your home. The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating an eye-catching atmosphere! Add colorful flowers, bushes, fencing, and statues for extra appeal, and attention draws toward your pathway. Brighten it up with lights and subtle motifs for extra charm - these decorative elements can come together in one cohesive look that is sure to set your house apart from others in the neighborhood!

Add window boxes and planters to your windows for an inviting outdoor oasis.

Make your home stand out in the neighborhood with window boxes and planters on your windows. Not only are they adorable, but it also adds some much-needed visual interest to your exterior while adding a sense of greenery and life to its facade. All that's required is an empty window, some soil, and plants - easy peasy! Plus, with these window boxes and planters, you have complete creative freedom; add colors or foliage for quick impact now, and then get creative later on!

Make your house stand out in the neighborhood by investing in quality exterior paint, outdoor lighting, replacement windows, and keeping it clean. Additionally, you can spruce up your walkway with stepping stones, flower beds, and other decorative elements. Combining them with well-placed window boxes and planters gives your house an added layer of visual impact that brings out its best features! With just a little effort, you'll be the envy of everyone around you!

Saving Money On Regular Household Expenses

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

It's impossible to avoid spending money every day, even if you don't actually pull any cash out of your wallet. Every time we do anything like flush the toilet, switch on the lights, or even open the refrigerator, we are spending money. It's easy to rack up a hefty domestic bill if you don't keep track of your spending habits from month to month or quarter to quarter. Having said that, we still need to make ends meet each month, so here are some suggestions for cutting costs around the house without sacrificing comfort.

Change to a monthly payment plan
It's less common now than it was a decade or two ago, but some individuals still get invoices like their power bill every three months. That may seem like a smart plan at the time since it prevents your bank from having to make a payment every month, but then reality hits and you get a bill you can't pay.

If you're having trouble keeping tabs on your consumption and reducing it when necessary, switching to monthly payment may help. To help its customers better understand their energy use and where their money is going, many modern energy suppliers now include online monitoring and analysis tools. Save money in the long term by being more prudent with your energy use and keeping track of it more frequently.

Compare costs with your service providers
It's unfortunate that not all service providers, whether for electricity or a landline phone, provide you with the best possible rate right away. They are trying to get as much money out of you as possible, thus they will say no to a better price if you ask for it. But, the potential for losing a customer might motivate them to help you get the price you've been looking for.

It's always worth it to check with your gas, water, and electric providers to see if you can get a better rate, even if you don't believe you're overpaying. Even if you just save a few pounds every month on your costs, there's still money in your pocket that you wouldn't have had before!

You should use a similar strategy with your broadband connection. If you want to be sure you're receiving the best bargain possible on your virgin broadband, you may use Cable's comparison tool. Always try to negotiate a lower price than the one being offered, and remember that the first deal you see is rarely the best one.

Budget-friendly investing
It's not always possible to save money without first investing it in something like DUCTZ Air Duct Cleaning, that kind of investment will get us closer to our objectives. Spending money upfront to make your home more energy efficient will save you a bundle in the long term. Listed below are some potential investments that might help you save money.

  • Although solar panels are initially expensive, the money you save in a year will more than cover the cost of the panels. They also cut down on your power costs significantly, especially in the summer when you use less electricity and your panels soak up more sun. What's more? If you eventually decide to sell your house, you may ask for much more money because of the enormous rise in value.

  • To collect rainwater for your garden, you may install water butts, which are huge containers typically attached to guttering. Although you probably won't want to drink it, this water may be put to good use by watering plants in the garden, which can ultimately help you save money.

  • Plant a vegetable garden; these days, even the most prestigious citizens are cultivating their supply of fresh produce. Some people do it for the thrill of competition, while others enjoy the sense of independence it provides. Instead of buying out-of-season fruits and vegetables from the store, you may grow your own and save money while enjoying fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.

Revert to more conventional practices

By "old fashioned," we imply returning to more basic practices as a means of cutting costs. You should always attempt to:

  • Put out some candles in place of a light source.

  • Instead of utilizing the furnace, you should put in a log burner and heat your home with wood.

  • Use used clothes as new or upcycle them into something completely different!

  • Instead of wasting water washing a few tiny items in a washing machine, wash them by hand.

  • Don't use the dryer; instead, hang out your laundry.

  • Avoid using a hair dryer in favor of letting your hair dry naturally.

Less is More: How Minimalism Can Help You Create the Ultimate Self-Care Living Space

Candy WashingtonComment

Image by  Emre Can Acer/Pexels

Hi lovelies,

Creating the ultimate self-care living space is all about designing one that supports your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. By creating a space that promotes relaxation, mindfulness, and tranquillity, you can create a sanctuary that allows you to recharge and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Here are some tips on how to make the ultimate self-care living space.

Declutter and Organize

The first step in creating a self-care living space is decluttering and organizing your environment. A cluttered and disorganized space can lead to stress and anxiety, which is the opposite of what you want in a self-care living space. 

Clear the Clutter: Remove anything that no longer serves a purpose or brings you joy and make space for new, positive energy.

Organize Everything: Give everything a designated place to help reduce stress and save time by finding things quickly.

Use Storage Solutions: Keep clutter at bay with baskets or bins and store items in a way that makes them easy to access and use.

Avoid Overcrowding: Create a more spacious and open feel in your living area by only keeping furniture and decor that serves a purpose and fits your style.

Use Soothing Colors

The colors you choose for your living space can significantly impact your mood and emotions. Opt for colors like soft blues, greens, and grays that encourage relaxation. Earthy tones like browns and beige can also be calming and grounding. On the other hand, avoid using bright and bold colors, which may be overstimulating and distracting.

Incorporate Nature

Bringing nature into your living space promotes a sense of calm and tranquility. Adding plants, flowers, and natural materials like wood and stone can help create a connection to the natural world. Consider adding a small herb garden, hanging plants, or a terrarium to your living space.

Create a Cozy Atmosphere

A self-care living space should feel warm and inviting. Create a cozy atmosphere by adding things that bring you joy and peace:

Blankets: Use soft, plush fabrics like blankets and throw pillows.

Lighting: Opt for soft lighting like lamps and candles instead of harsh overhead lighting.

Rugs: Consider adding a rug or two to your living space to create a soft and comfortable place to sit or lay down.

Color: Use warm and inviting colors like earthy tones, soft blues, greens, and grays

Natural: Incorporate natural materials like wood and stone to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Personal Touch: Add personal touches like artwork, photographs, or mementos that make you feel happy and at home.

Include Mindfulness Practices

Incorporating mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga can help you feel more relaxed and reduce stress. Create a designated space in your living area for these practices with a comfortable cushion or yoga mat. Add a small water feature, an essential oil diffuser, or an automated home comfort system to create a calming atmosphere.

Personalize Your Space

Your self-care living space should reflect you and your personality. Personalize your space with items that bring you joy and happiness. This could include artwork, photographs, or mementos that hold special meaning to you. 

Additionally, you can personalize your space by choosing furniture and decor that suits your style and preferences, creating a space that feels yours uniquely.

Limit Technology

While technology can be helpful, it can also be a source of stress and distraction. Create a space that limits technology by turning off your phone and avoiding screens in your self-care living area. This can help you be more present and mindful in the moment.

Creating the ultimate self-care living space is about designing a space that promotes relaxation, mindfulness, and tranquility. By incorporating these tips, you can create a sanctuary that allows you to recharge and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.

How to Create an Outdoor Space in Areas with High Rainfall

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Creating an outdoor space can be a great way to enjoy the beauty of nature, get some fresh air, and relax. But designing an outdoor space can present challenges for those living in areas with higher rainfall. You want to create a space that's comfortable and inviting but, at the same time, weatherproof enough to withstand heavy rain. Here are some tips on creating an outdoor space in areas with high rainfall.

Start With the Right Flooring

The first step in creating an outdoor area is ensuring your flooring suits the environment. In areas with higher rainfall, it's essential to use materials that protect against moisture damage. Some good options include composite decking, stone or concrete pavers, and concrete slabs. These materials are all designed to withstand wet conditions without cracking or warping over time. It's also essential to make sure your flooring has proper drainage. This will help keep water from pooling up on the surface and causing damage down the road.

Choose Weatherproof Furniture

When choosing furniture for your outdoor area, opt for pieces built to stand up against rain and other weather elements. Look for items made from materials like aluminum or plastic - they tend to be lightweight yet durable enough to withstand rain showers without rusting or corroding over time. If you prefer wood furniture, look for pieces made from treated teak or cedarwood - these woods are naturally moisture-resistant, so they won't warp or rot when exposed to wet conditions. Please make sure any fabric cushions you choose are waterproof as well; this will help them last longer by preventing them from becoming waterlogged after a heavy rainstorm.

Stay Dry With a Good Cover

A good cover is vital if you want your outdoor space to stay dry even during high rainfall. A patio umbrella is one option - it's inexpensive. In addition, it provides instant protection from light rain showers during summer when spending time outside isn't as enjoyable due to wet conditions. Another option is installing retractable covers - these provide full coverage and can be pulled out whenever needed to protect your outdoor area from heavy rainfall (and retracted away when not required). No matter what type of cover you choose, ensure it's securely mounted, so it doesn't blow away during strong winds or heavy downpours!

Place Your Gutters Strategically

Gutters are a great way to keep water away from your outdoor area and prevent it from pooling or flooding. Place them strategically in locations around the perimeter of your outdoor area, such as near roof overhangs or along deck railings - this will help direct rainwater away instead of letting it run off into the space itself. Also, ensure the gutters are regularly cleaned to avoid clogs and other issues that could cause water damage.

Choose The Right Plants

Finally, consider which plants to include in your outdoor space. Look for plants native to areas with high rainfall or thrive in wet conditions - this will help them survive and stay healthy even during heavy downpours. Some good choices include ferns, hostas, and Japanese maples. These will provide beauty and color without requiring as much maintenance as other plants that may be more sensitive to wet conditions.

Create An Indoor/Outdoor Transition

If you want to make your outdoor area feel more inviting even in rainy weather, consider creating an indoor/outdoor transition. This can be done by making sure the indoor and outdoor flooring materials are similar and by adding some furniture pieces that straddle both spaces (like a wicker sofa or armchair). Add an awning or large umbrella near the transition space to provide extra protection from the rain. This will make it more inviting and comfortable to move between the two areas even when the weather isn't ideal.

Invest In Gas Equipment

Finally, consider investing in some gas-fueled equipment for your outdoor area. Gas grills and fire pits are great for use during wet weather - since they don't require electricity or an open flame, you can still enjoy cooking outdoors even if it's raining! Make sure to read up on safety guidelines before using any gas equipment outdoors, and always keep the area well-ventilated to avoid any dangerous gas buildup.

Creating an outdoor space in areas with high rainfall can be tricky - but it doesn't have to be! Following these tips, you can design a beautiful yet weatherproof outdoor space that will last through even the heaviest rains without getting damaged over time. From choosing the suitable flooring material and furniture pieces made from durable materials to installing a good cover, you can ensure your outdoor space stays dry even during high rainfall!

8 Things About House-Flipping That You Need To Consider

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

House-flipping has become increasingly popular over the years as a means of earning a quick profit in real estate. However, it's not as easy as it may seem on popular TV shows. There are several things to consider before jumping into the house-flipping business. In this article, we'll explore some of the essential considerations that you need to keep in mind if you're considering house-flipping.

Understand the Market

Real estate markets vary from one location to another, and understanding the market you're operating in is crucial. Do your research on the local real estate market to determine if it's conducive to house-flipping. For instance, if you're in a market that's experiencing a boom, the chances of making a profit from house-flipping are high. In contrast, if the market is slow, it's likely that the flipping process will take longer, and you may not make the desired profit.

Set a Budget

Before you start flipping, set a budget and stick to it. Determine how much you can afford to spend on a property, renovations, and other related expenses. Remember that any money you put into the property will affect your profit margins. You need to ensure that you don't overspend on renovations or repairs.

Plan for Unexpected Expenses

It's not uncommon for unexpected expenses to crop up when flipping a house. Therefore, it's crucial to have a contingency plan for unexpected expenses. Plan for at least 10% to 20% of the budget to cater to any unforeseen expenses that may arise.

Consider the Neighborhood

When flipping a house, it's crucial to consider the neighborhood. A good neighborhood increases the chances of making a profit on the property. Research the area's amenities, schools, and crime rates to determine if it's a good investment. Remember that even if you renovate a property to a high standard, if the neighborhood is subpar, it may be challenging to sell the property.

Have a Solid Plan

Before purchasing a property, you need to have a solid plan for what you want to achieve. Determine what type of renovations the property requires and how much they will cost. Having a plan ensures that the flipping process runs smoothly and on budget.

Know When to Walk Away

Not every property is worth flipping. It's crucial to know when to walk away from a property that may not be profitable. Before buying any property, ensure that it meets your desired specifications, budget, and projected profit margins. Remember that it's better to walk away than to end up with a property that won't sell or will take too long to sell.

Hire Professionals

House-flipping is not a one-person show. You'll need to work with a team of professionals to ensure that the flipping process runs smoothly. Hire professionals such as contractors, electricians, and plumbers to ensure that the property is renovated to a high standard. A real estate agent can also help you sell the property once the renovations are complete.

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Typical Areas To Upgrade

When flipping a house, it's crucial to upgrade specific areas of the property to increase its value and appeal to potential buyers. Here are some typical areas to upgrade:

  1. Kitchen: The kitchen is often the heart of the home and can be a significant selling point. Consider upgrading the countertops, cabinets, and appliances to give the kitchen a modern look.

  2. Bathrooms: The bathrooms are another critical area that buyers look at when purchasing a property. Upgrade the fixtures, tiling, interior window treatments and lighting to give the bathroom a fresh and modern look.

  3. Curb appeal: The exterior of the house is the first thing that potential buyers see, so it's essential to give it a good first impression. Consider repainting the exterior, updating the landscaping, and repairing any damaged areas.

  4. Flooring: Old and outdated flooring can be a turn-off to potential buyers. Consider upgrading the flooring to hardwood, laminate, or tile, depending on the room's function.

  5. Lighting: Good lighting can make a big difference in a property's appeal. Consider upgrading the lighting fixtures to give the property a modern and well-lit look.

When upgrading these areas, it's crucial to strike a balance between cost and value. Upgrades that add value and appeal to buyers without breaking the budget are the most ideal.

In Conclusion

Flipping a house can be a profitable business venture. However, it's crucial to understand the market, set a budget, plan for unexpected expenses, consider the neighborhood, have a solid plan, know when to walk away, and hire professionals. With these considerations in mind, you can increase your chances of making a profit from flipping a house.

The Best Comedy Show in Santa Monica and What to Expect

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Are you in the Santa Monica area and looking for a comedy show to attend? Or are you not looking for just any comedy show? Are you looking for the best comedy show in Santa Monica to attend? If that's the case, remember that the best shows may require a certain etiquette when attending. Here’s what to expect when attending the best comedy show in Santa Monica.

Be Present

A comedy show is an experience. If you’re going to the best comedy show in Santa Monica, you want to be in the moment. Try not to get distracted by the conversations around you, and remember to react. If you find a joke funny, laugh. Comedians feed off of the audience's energy.

Let the Comedian Lead

Heckling comedians is frowned upon and can lead to some heated situations (more on that later). However, some comedians engage with the audience more than others and enjoy some banter. Engaging back with them is okay; just keep things light-hearted and friendly.

Some Nicer Venues May Have Dress Codes

Similar to going to a nice restaurant, a dress code may be put into place if you attend a nicer comedy club or see a more prominent name. If you need more clarification, contact the venue and ask. You don't want to ruin the experience by over or under-dressing.

Look into the Comedian Before

It's no secret that we live in a more politically correct society today compared to just a few years ago. That's why it's suggested to research your comedian beforehand to ensure you know what to expect and that you don't find the material offensive. If you prefer to go in blind, that's okay too. Be aware of the consequences, though. Some past acts like Andrew Dice Clay may not fly today.

You May Not Be Allowed to Use Your Smartphone

Some comedians may have a policy against smartphones during their shows. These policies can be for many different reasons, such as the following.

  • To increase immersion for the audience.

  • Stop leaks to the Internet.

  • Prevent offensive jokes from spreading

Whatever the reason is, please respect the comedian’s wishes and put your phone away.

Comedy shows are supposed to be fun above all else. However, there have been times when things have gone horribly wrong. The best way to ensure that doesn't happen is to be a respectable audience member. It takes a lot of bravery to get up on stage and perform in front of people. The least we can do is give them our respect.

Is it Time for Your to Renovate Your Home?

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Deciding to renovate your home can be a difficult decision. It’s important to consider the cost and time commitment that a renovation entails. Not only that, but you’ll want to focus on all of the elements that allow you to bring it to life too. You should also think about whether a renovation will really bring added value to your home or if it’s something that you simply want. If you’re not sure if you should take on a renovation project, in this blog post we’re going to run through what you need to do to make that decision and make it happen.

The Benefits of Renovating Your Home

Renovating your home can provide more than just cosmetic changes – it can also create a more comfortable and efficient living space. Not only can upgrades like adding insulation and modernizing the electrical system improve energy efficiency, but replacing outdated fixtures and appliances can save time, money and energy in the long run by reducing maintenance costs. Making strategic structural improvements to start, such as widening doorways or re-framing walls to make room for an extra bedroom or bathroom can often add substantial resale value should you decide to move out at some point in the future. So it can often be a great idea!

The Steps to Take to Make it Happen

Now that we’ve taken a look at why you might want to actually go ahead with this, it’s a great idea to be thinking about the steps you need to take to make it happen too.

1. Evaluate Your Needs

The first step in deciding whether or not it is the right time for you to renovate your home is to evaluate your needs. Are there any parts of your home that need repairs? Do you need more space for an expanding family? Are there any features of your home that just no longer fit with what you need out of it? Analyzing these questions can help determine if now is the right time and what type of renovation would best fit your needs.

2. Think Long-Term

When undertaking a renovation project, it’s important to think long-term. A good question to ask yourself is “Will this renovation still be relevant five years from now?” This can help ensure that whatever renovations you do make are ones that will stand the test of time and bring actual value to both current and future owners of the property.

3. Financial Considerations

It goes without saying that budgeting is an essential part of any major home improvement project. Before starting any renovations, create a budget based on how much money you have available and determine what renovations will give you the most bang for your buck. Research materials and contractors so that you can get accurate estimates on costs, as well as explore financing options such as loans or grants if needed.

4. Vetting Contractors

Then, you’ll need to find someone to carry it out. First of all, you want to make sure that the contractor is knowledgeable and experienced with the specific kind of work you need. Researching reviews from previous customers is a great way to assess this before signing any contracts. Additionally, it's important to find someone who will adhere to a timeline you are comfortable with. Ensure that your contractor will keep your project on track and up-to-date throughout the entire process by asking for timetables ahead of time. Lastly, don't forget to discuss payment terms in advance—this helps avoid any unwanted surprises down the road!

5. Choosing the Ideal Design

Engaging in the design process with an architect is a great way to create the home of your dreams. Whether you're starting from scratch or remodeling your existing space, working with a professional can help provide you with confidence and ensure the end result is exactly what you had envisioned. An architect will take into consideration factors such as type of materials, scale of spaces, sustainability aspects and budget before making any suggestions on the best possible design for your home. They'll also discuss how to make it all come together aesthetically, transforming what was once just ideas and inspiration into something tangible and fully functional.

6. Nailing the Decor and Design Features

Decorating your new home can feel like the most exciting part. There are endless possibilities for creating the perfect atmosphere, and it all depends on your vision. You should consider colors or design features from a pine wall planks company, lighting, window treatments, furniture, fabrics and area rugs to create a comfortable and inviting space. If you have a small room, using ceiling-mounted fixtures or wall-mounted sconces can bring in extra light as well as make the room appear larger. Mirrors also help reflect natural light and make your space look more open. Adding warmth to hardwood floors with an area rug is always a great idea. You should look into furniture layouts that work with the flow of traffic in the room, such as positioning the sofa to face away from windows or walls.

7. Enjoying the Space

Moving into a new home or completing a renovation can be an exciting experience. As you embrace your new abode, take the time to revel in its beauty and comfort. A great way to do this is by focusing on the details that make it special. Look for the creative ways of including personal touches through different accents, artwork, and furniture arrangements. Enjoying your own environment allows you to appreciate the work that went into designing it and creates a feeling of comfort within your space. Achieving this balance can help bring out the best in both you and your home.

Getting Your Dream Renovation Underway

Renovating your home can be an exciting yet daunting task. To make sure that everything goes smoothly, it’s important to consider factors such as evaluating your needs, thinking long-term, and creating a budget before starting any major projects. By taking these considerations into account, you can ensure that the renovations you undertake are worthwhile. Then, nailing the right design and getting things underway will allow it all to fall into place for you.

How to Juggle Home Renovations and Parenting

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Home renovations have a reputation for being tough, which only increases when you have kids. Just think about it; you have to juggle a lot. You need to be a parent, work, and take care of personal things (dinner, sleeping, hobbies, etc.) while keeping the home comfortable when it’s hectic. In general, having kids can make challenging renovations feel more challenging. 

While this may be the case, it doesn’t immediately mean it will be impossible to handle all of this. It’s important to have these home maintenance issues, and you can balance all of this out.  So, here are some things you can do to juggle home renovations and parenting simultaneously.

Keep kids out of the house

Sometimes this is possible; other times, it’s not. Keeping kids out of the construction area during home renovations is important. This will allow you to continue your work uninterrupted while keeping them out of harm's way. While most renovation projects can be considered safe, you should still follow certain precautions to ensure that your children are not injured during the renovation. Creating a special safe zone for your children will help them stay out of the construction zone.

Establish boundaries

If you're juggling home renovations and parenting, it's important to establish boundaries that will protect both of you. Although setting boundaries may be hard, it's worth it in the end. It will also help you avoid resentment and anxiety. You need to let your kids know that some spaces in the house are off-limits while renovations are happening, or maybe they can’t talk to you while you’re focusing on renovations. Whatever the reason may be, just make sure you’re firm but not harsh.

Take a day off

If you're doing a home renovation, you might have to work on it all the time. This can cause a lot of stress. However, taking a day off from renovations can be a great way to relieve that stress. It can also be a way to reconnect with family. The key is to take it slowly. Even if you’re not doing the renovations or upkeep and you’re hiring a contractor. 

Instead, spending time with your little ones is still very important. Just remember, you’re not failing as a parent, even if the home will be uncomfortable for a few days, but you still need to have your parenting duties, including spending time with the kids.

Make the reno fun for the kids

Whether you're just starting to renovate your home or you've already made the leap, you know how stressful it can be. Especially when you have kids in tow, but fortunately, you can make the experience fun for the whole family; well, to a degree, you can. Safety is the most important thing to remember when working on a home renovation. Make sure your kids have a safe space. This can be your kid's room, a backyard treehouse, or a tent with throw pillows. It's a place where they can play, stay occupied, and feel secure.

While it depends on the renovations, let the kids chip in. This allows your kids to feel like they’re a part of something and experience how hard work and dedication feel. Plus, involving your children in a home renovation project can be a great way to keep them engaged. If you’re DIYing this, let the kids do something small, such as holding tools. All of this can be pretty entertaining for a curious child. Alternatively, give them crafts to do to keep them entertained.

Maintain a strong sense of work-life balance

During times of renovation, the work-life balance becomes skewed. You have more things on your plate, such as working at your day job, taking care of the kids, taking care of yourself, and then there is taking care of the home. This goes beyond cleaning but actually working on the renovations or maintenance of the house. For some, this is easier than others, especially if you’re hiring a team such as FIRESTONE Restoration. Are you having to DIY everything?

Is it better to hire a professional contractor or a whole team to help out? You must have a proper balance in your life, and if you have little time or energy for renovations or if you’re having to sacrifice something that you shouldn’t be sacrificing, such as sleep, personal time, or quality of work, then it would be best to hire someone instead. Remember, you’ll always get your money back but won’t get your time back.

5 Signs You Need To Invest In Home Maintenance

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

Home maintenance should consume between 1 and 3 percent of your property’s total value every year. If you spend less than that, you’re more likely to run into issues and your home could even lose value when you come to sell it. 

In this post, we take a look at some telltale signs your home needs maintenance. Here’s what you need to know. 

You Have A Leak
Water leaks can cause tremendous damage to your home. Once it gets inside your property, it can lead to mold and even structural damage. 

Most leaks occur in the roof. Therefore, you should regularly inspect your attic for dampness. 

If you can’t see any dampness, don’t assume it’s not there. Smell for any mustiness and call a professional to conduct additional checks. 

You may also have a slow leak in one of the water pipes leading to your home. In this situation, leaks usually show up as discolored patches on the wall. You’ll need to take the damaged section of pipe out and replace it with a fresh one. 

Your Air Quality Is Poor

Poor indoor air quality is usually the result of dirty filters or ducting. Sometimes, breathing in smells heavy, almost foggy – nothing like mountain air. 

The solution is to change your filters and clean out your ducting. Small improvements can improve indoor air quality dramatically. 

Your Air Conditioning Can’t Maintain A Constant Temperature
Air conditioning systems work beautifully when first installed. They deliver a stream of cool, refreshing air to your body, day and night, keeping you remarkably comfortable.

Unfortunately, they also have a lot of moving parts. And that means you can wind up with a broken system if you don’t maintain them regularly. 

If your thermostat is all over the place, it’s a sure sign there’s something wrong with your HVAC unit. Usually, it means there’s a problem with the thermostat unit itself, or it could be that the equipment in your home can no longer regulate the temperature. 

The solution is usually pretty simple: find the best HVAC company in your area and get them to install a new one. That will solve the problem 90 percent of the time. 

Other problems include variations in room temperature (some are hot, others are cold), and changes in the way your home smells.

Your Floorboards Creak
Creaky floorboards aren’t always something you need to worry about. However, if the creaking gets worse over time, it could indicate you have a termite problem. These insects feed on compounds in wood and can chew right through it over time. If holes start developing in your flooring under your carpets, call in the professionals. 

Your Energy Bills Are Rising
Inflation is causing everyone’s energy bills to rise at the moment. But if yours are going up more than average because you’re using more energy, it could indicate an issue with your home’s insulation. 

Check your cavity wall and attic insulation is still dry. Then look around the edges of your window frames for gaps. They may be letting cold air into the home. 

3 Tricks To Keep Your Home Warm In Winter & Cool In Summer

Candy WashingtonComment

Hi lovelies,

For the past few months, the internet has been overrun with blog posts and guides to keeping your home warm through the winter. The problem is, most of these tips and tricks will keep your house warm throughout the year. So, when the hot months roll around, you’re stuck in a sauna that’s impossible to cool down. 

This doesn’t have to be the case! You can make a few changes or additions to your house that will keep it warm when it’s cold outside, and cool when it’s hot. Keep on reading, and you’ll see three really effective tricks to make this a reality: 

Install an HVAC system

HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Basically, it’s an all-in-one system that’s designed to regulate your home’s temperature. When it’s really cold, the system blows hot air through your house to warm it up. Then, when the temperature rises and you need some relief, you’ve got an air conditioning system to kick in and cool your house down. 

It really is the ultimate home device - and it’s well worth investing in. Most will come with filters as well, which help to purify the air inside your home and make it more breathable. 

Get attic insulation

When most people think about insulation, they consider it from a warmth perspective. In fact, plenty of tips for keeping your home warm in winter will involve adding more insulation between your walls. 

However, if you look for attic insulation near me, you are bound to find some options that will keep your home at the ideal temperature. You see, attic insulation is designed to separate your home from your roof. It traps heat in during the winter, preventing it from escaping. Then, in the summer, it acts as a barrier preventing heat from entering your home via the roof. 

So, you get the best of both worlds! As an added bonus, good attic insulation decreases the demands on your HVAC system. You won’t need to have it on for as long or working as hard. Thus, you save money on your energy bills. 

Focus on the windows

If you can only upgrade one element of your home, it should be the windows. 

Your windows play a vital role in temperature regulation throughout the year. Ideally, they should be very thick, trapping heat inside and keeping your house toasty in the winter. At the same time, you want all of your windows to open nice and wide. If you have windows that barely open - or loads that don’t open at all - you have no way of letting air into your house. Opening lots of windows during the day is the best way to ventilate your home in the summer, cooling it down. 

Check the current state of your windows: if they’re too thin or all the seals have broken, think about replacing them. Likewise, ensure you get windows that can be opened nice and wide to allow fresh air in. 

And there you go; three tricks to keep your house warm in winter, and cool in summer. With these ideas, you don’t have to constantly buy new things when it’s cold and then throw them away to replace them with other things when it's warm. You’ll have a house that’s always at the optimal temperature.