5 Easy Ways To Maximize The Comfort Of Your Home

Candy WashingtonComment
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Hi lovelies,

When we need to rest away from our active work and social lives, our homes are the places we can really chill and regroup. The trouble is, when our homes are lacking in comfort, it can be hard to unwind properly and recharge our batteries. To maximize the comfort of your home, these five suggestions will get you on the right track.

1 . Update your sofas
Most of us would agree that our sofas are the main spaces of relaxation within the home. Whether you snuggling up with a good book or watching a new movie, our sofas must peak on the comfort scale! Even the best quality sofas will need an update eventually, so perhaps it’s time to trade yours in for something nice and new? Corner sofas continue to be a trend this year; these are often a deeper sofa, with more space to lay back and stretch out.

2 . Deep clean
Our homes only truly feel their most comfortable after everything has had a deep clean. This means doing a thorough job and giving those spaces some attention that usually get neglected. This means on top of the shelves, behind the fridges and in between the counters, etc. Tackle all those hard to reach areas with your best cleaning solutions. When everything is dusty and neglected, you subconsciously won’t feel as relaxed and at ease in the space. If you would like to get your kids involved while helping them to learn about chores, check out the cleaning app ‘Our Home.’

3. Warm color schemes
Colors make a world of difference in terms of how cozy a room feels. White and neutral tones have long been favored (trend-wise), but perhaps it’s time for warm colors to make a comeback? Hues of yellow, peach, and coral can lend a room a warm and inviting atmosphere. Sometimes a little paint job is all you need to improve your home instantly!

4. Update your mattresses
Next comfort- stop is the bedroom, for the best night’s sleep invest in a memory foam mattress, which offers the best support for your body as you sleep. Many of us don’t even realize that our mattresses are wrong for us until we get a new one and feel the difference. While you are at it, try black-out blinds to keep out the light when you are sleeping. Peace lily plants are great to cleanse the air and emit oxygen at night as you rest. Weighted blankets can be another excellent purchase for the bedroom. These are said to help those with anxiety to sleep more comfortably.

5. Heating maintenance
Your heating system is a pivotal part of remaining comfortable in your home. Perhaps you’ve noticed lately that your utility bills seem too high? This could mean that there is an issue with your heating. As soon as you notice that your thermostat isn’t working correctly, be sure to contact a heating repair service to get the job done asap. Smart thermostats can be useful to retain the optimum temperature, save on your bills, and go greener.

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