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Self-Care Tips for Year Ahead

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Hi lovelies,

This year, like last year, is set to be a topsy-turvy time of uncertainty and stress. All the more reason to get serious about your self care routine. Without an adequate self care routine you will find yourself uninspired and self critical. You might even become sad or depressed. However, if you use some of the tips below regularly, you will feel more harmonized, more energetic, and your life will go from strength to strength. 

Schedule Downtime 
One of the key ways to make sure you get enough self-care time in your life is to plan it in. You seriously have to do this if you want to stay in harmony with yourself and your life. It's very important. Some people think they can get by looking after themselves on the go, but all too often his results in more stress not less. 

When you schedule in downtime you accomplish two things. You guarantee that you get the downtime you expect and need, but you also motivate yourself in that direction. When you have some downtime scheduled you know that you have to meditate, engage in a mindful activity, or zone out for a while. 

Shift Your Mindset 
It isn't called a 'mind-set' for no reason. It's so easy to slip into a frame of mind that works in a particular way. Maybe you have some stresses in your life and you think about their cause and solution quite a lot, other times you might just find yourself in work mode most of the time without any chance for quality self-care time. The solution to this is to shift your mindset.

So how can you do this, it probably sounds easier than it is in practice. Actually, changing your mindset is not that difficult, especially if you're aware that that is what you're doing. Firstly, become aware of your habits and routines. Are you following the same patterns in your life a lot? Do something you wouldn't normally do, a walk in an unfamiliar place, or a run instead of a trip to the gym. Notice new thoughts and ideas emerging. 

Journaling is probably the oldest self-care practice in the book. Many people are put off for this reason, or because they think of it as something they did as a child that isn't really for adults. This is totally not the case. Journaling is one of the best ways to organize your thoughts and notice patterns in your life that are helpful for changing habits and routines. 

If you don't follow your thinking over a period, there's no way to know what thoughts and patterns you've had before. Chances are you will co tinge to live out the same stresses over and over instead of breaking the cycle. Use journaling to break the cycle of your stressful mind patterns and discover more about yourself this year.

Self-Care Nights 
If you're lucky you will have plenty of time to schedule self care into your life and make the most of the time you set aside. However, not everyone has lots of time to play with. Some people have busy jobs and families that prevent them from properly looking after themselves even when the time is set aside for it. 

If this sounds like you, you might need a self-care night. This is one night a week that you keep to yourself no matter what's going on in your life. It's important to let your friends, partner, and family know about your self care night so they don't interrupt you. Use this time to pamper yourself, relax, or meditate. Whatever energizes you is what you should do on self care nights. 

Physical Activity
It's well known that there are separate systems at work in the body and mind. There is the mental side of things, the emotional side; then there is the physical side. One thing affects the other so if you have a stressed out head you might notice your weight increasing. Conversely, if you look after your body your thoughts and ideas will improve dramatically. 

For self care this year look after your mental and emotional life by getting in plenty of physical exercise. Running is good, so is jogging and walking fast. You can get a fitbit or step counter to help you log the steps you make every day. If you monitor your steps you will get an idea of what it takes to maintain your optimal wellness balance.  

Effective Self-Care 
What does self care mean to you? If you're like most people it's about connecting with yourself and the activities that really make you feel good about yourself, and alive. This is different for everyone, but your self care wellness activities should be well understood by you. The better you understand your own wellness the easier it will be to access quickly when you need it. This means less wasted wellness time in your schedule. 

Self care is about rewarding yourself for the stresses and strains of life and reminding yourself about the joys and pleasures of being alive. Identify those things that make you feel like you want to live on forever just doing or being a particular way. It might be a long bath with salts and candles, or the perfect meditation. It might be reading an excellent book, walking in nature, or making art. The world is yours. 

Nature Walks 
You might not realize  the importance of nature, especially if you live in a big hazy city, but once you get into the countryside and smell the freshness of the air and see the beautiful green vistas, it really nourishes the soul. Walking in nature is one of the best things you can do for your overall well being, when you return you will feel inspired and look younger. 

If you struggle to get into nature, even for an afternoon, there is still hope. If you live in the inner city with noise and traffic outside. Close your Myrtle Beach Window and introduce plant life to your home. You can buy plants that are excellent for purifying the air which helps to invigorate the senses and reduce headaches. Don't miss out on nature in the city, bring the outdoors indoors. 

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