Eat Your Way To Better Health
Hi lovelies,
Every year, more than 12.7 million people worldwide are diagnosed with cancer. 600,000 people die from the disease every month. The guidelines of the American Cancer Society are not based on one study or another. The guidelines were written by a panel of experts in cancer research, cancer prevention, epidemiology, public health and health systems policy, and reflect the latest scientific evidence. Alcohol and smoking are very unhealthy habits that can contribute to the cause of cancer. It is recommended that men limit drinking alcohol to no more than two servings per day and women to one serving. There are plenty of types of cancer, from breast cancer, to melanoma and mesothelioma.
It’s all about the diet
Studies show that people who consume more vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants are at lower risk of developing cancer. The recommendation is to consume these substances through food and not through supplements. Vegetables and fruits It is recommended to eat at least 2.5 cups of fruits and vegetables a day and a variety should be maintained every day. Eat vegetables and fruits at every meal and as snacks. When drinking fruit juice - choose products that contain 100% fruit. Limit the amount of high-calorie sauces. Calcium-rich foods may reduce the risk of colon cancer. There is also evidence that high calcium intake through supplements or foods increases the risk of prostate cancer. Women, on the other hand, are at risk for osteoporosis. So the recommended amounts for women are 1,000 mg / day for people aged 19-50, and 1,200 mg / day for people aged 50 and over.
How about coffee? According to recent studies, there is no evidence that drinking coffee or consuming caffeine increases the risk of cancer in general. In addition, it has been found that drinking coffee reduces the risk of developing violent prostate cancer. Dietary fiber is important! Good sources of dietary fiber are legumes, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Recent studies suggest that eating foods high in dietary fiber is associated with a reduced risk of developing various cancers. Most notably colon cancer. These findings are why the organization recommends consuming foods and not necessarily fiber-supplemented supplements. Garlic is another key ingredient! Several studies suggest that an ingredient called allium found in garlic and other vegetables in the onion family reduces the risk of certain types of cancer. These include stomach and bowel cancers. Only a little evidence suggests that this ingredient as a dietary supplement reduces the risk of developing cancer. Therefore it is preferable to consume garlic in its natural form. Currently, there is no evidence that genetically modified foods are harmful to human health either. Or they increase or decrease the risk of cancer. Since these foods have only recently begun to be marketed, there is still no solid evidence for their safety and long-term effects. It is best however to eat fresh as often as possible. Your body craves fresh fruit and veg and it will serve you well for general health in the future.