3 Common Ear Problems
Hi lovelies,
Many people take good hearing for granted. However, ears can and do develop problems. Some result in nothing more than some minor discomfort, while others can be so severe as to cause hearing loss. The best way to deal with ear problems is to practice good ear care habits and seek immediate medical attention when you notice any problems.
Here is all you need to know about common ear problems.
3 Common Ear Problems
1. Ear Infections
Ear infections are a common problem that often afflicts the very young and the old. There are two main kinds of ear infections; inner ear infections and outer ear infections.
Outer ear infections, medically known as otitis externa, are quite common among the elderly. They are caused by yeast and fungi. On the other hand, inner ear infections are more common among young children and are often caused by bacteria. Conditions like the common cold and the flu can also cause inner ear infections.
Often, ear infections clear up without needing treatment. They tend to clear within three days, so if your infection lasts for weeks, you should seek medical attention. Consider using pain killers if you have excessive pain and discomfort at the site of infection.
Also, don’t hesitate to see a doctor if you see discharge or bleeding from the ear. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics to combat the infection or steroids to reduce any swelling. You may also take a hearing test to ensure that everything is alright with your ears.
2. Foreign Objects
Another common ear issue, especially among children, is foreign objects in the ear. These can include such things as stones, beads, and peanuts. You can tell that a child has a foreign object in their ear if they keep tugging at it or complain about pain in the ear.
When it comes to dealing with foreign objects in the ear, the rule of thumb is never to remove the object yourself. It doesn’t matter that you can see the object; trying to remove it can push it further in the ear and cause your baby anguish.
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Instead, take your child to the doctor as soon as possible. It will save your child a lot of pain and agony.
3. Glue Ear
Glue ear is a type of ear problem caused by fluid build-up in the ear. It is a critical problem that can cause hearing loss in the worst-case scenario. Like foreign objects, it is an issue that is more common among young kids than any other demographic. Kids suffering from glue ears tend to have trouble hearing and may speak louder than usual. They can also lose interest in conversations because they find it challenging to communicate.
Glue ear usually clears up within days, although it could also take months to clear up. If it extends beyond three months, you should seek prompt medical assistance before the problem escalates.
Ear problems may be more common than you think. However, most such issues are easy to deal with and may not even require medical attention. Nevertheless, some, especially those that persist for long, can cause permanent damage to the ear. For such problems, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance. Your prompt action could save you a lot of stress and worry in the future.