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You Can Learn To Love Your Body. Here's How

Image via Unsplash

Hi lovelies,

Loving your body does not just happen overnight, but it does not mean that it can’t be simple and straightforward to achieve. It also does not indicate that it can’t be done in little time!

All it takes to love your body is a bit of time and some effort from you. It can involve a diet if you want, or procedures such as a Brazilian Butt Lift, but it can also be as simple as spending time on yourself. If you are willing to put in a handful of sessions a day then you are already on your way to learning to appreciate your body and gaining the self-confidence that you have been desiring.

Work with mirrors
Mirror work is a simple and incredibly powerful method of learning to accept and love one's own body. All you need is a mirror and yourself to complete this assignment!

To begin, simply stand in front of a mirror and examine your reflection in the mirror. Everything should be taken in. Your contours, your creases, your spots and bumps, the softness and firmness of your skin, your freckles and dimples, the color of your skin, everything. Just start paying attention to the little things about yourself.

Mirror work is particularly advantageous in that it may be done in phases according to your level of comfort with one's own physical appearance. Initially, you can start fully dressed and as covered as you wish, and gradually work your way up to being completely naked. Alternatively, you may jump straight in and start nude!

Take five minutes every day to genuinely understand yourself and how you seem. It will take you no more than that.

Take self portrait photographs
Taking photographs of oneself has the same effect as looking in the mirror in that it helps you become more comfortable with yourself and your physique. In this case, the purpose is to snap images and then look at them.

How many times have you had someone take a picture of you and your immediate reaction when you saw the picture was "awful!" The reason for this is that you have not seen yourself from that perspective before, or you are simply not accustomed to viewing yourself.

Getting more comfortable with yourself will lead to increasing your confidence in yourself.

Taking images from every angle and looking at them later is beneficial, as is being accustomed to seeing oneself in the mirror.
Touch your body
 This does not have to be a sexual situation, just one where youl earn what your body feels like.  However, if you want it to be sexual, then go ahead and do it.  Self-pleasure is a beautiful discipline that may help you gain confidence while also being beneficial to your mental and physical health and well-being.

The objective here is just to get to know your body on a purely physical level. Through the use of your sense of touch, you may begin to realize how smooth your skin is, how the hair on your legs feels, and everything else!

You get more comfortable in your own flesh as a result of touching yourself since you are getting to know it with more than just your eyes. Being touched is a natural human instinct; you do not need someone else's hands on your shoulders to get this sensation; you may do it for yourself and confidence will follow.

Do not be afraid to give yourself a huge bear embrace!

Dress to impress yourself 
The only reason you should get dressed in the morning should be to make yourself look good, not to impress anyone else. Dress in a way that makes you feel nice. Make no decisions on how you should dress based on fashion magazines, what so-and-so is wearing, or what you believe you should be wearing based on your body type.

It is impossible to expect your confidence to grow if you are not leaving the house in something that makes you feel good.

Something that makes you feel good does not have to be über stylish, attractive, or proper for the workplace to be effective. Being comfortable is sufficient for feeling good in. I am all about comfort, so I choose my clothing based on how comfortable I feel moving in them, how well they compliment me, and then how they seem on my body type and complexion.

You are not even need to show showcase your favorite aspect of your attire to be eligible. Spend a little more money on some lingerie and a nice outfit for yourself. Knowing that you look fantastic underneath your clothing is a huge confidence booster. Again, you do not require someone in your life to whom you may dress sexily or elegantly.

Affirmations should be repeated over and over.
Repeating affirmations is really simple and can be done at any time because you do not have to repeat them out. It is also quite convenient.

This may also be linked with mirror work, in which you can look yourself in the eyes and tell yourself what you appreciate about your physical characteristics.

Move your body
Getting your body moving is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself, both psychologically and physically, and it surely helps to boost your confidence! The more you understand about your body's mechanics (how it moves), the more comfortable you will be with it. In addition, you will be able to walk with greater self-assurance, and you will adopt a new posture.

As the bad energy leaves your body, you create an opening for love to enter as it leaves your body. The important thing to remember about movement is that you should move your body because you like it (or want to enjoy it), not as a kind of torture or because you have to.

Be grateful and appreciative
The ability to express thankfulness and appreciation for one's surroundings is critical in life, and this is certainly true for one's body! It is impossible to love anything if you do not understand what it is capable of doing for you.

Due to the fact that love has a higher vibratory frequency than gratitude, you must first express appreciation for your body before you can express love for it.

Think about how magnificent your physical structure is. Your skin cells regenerate themselves, your hair grows, and your body communicates with you when it is hungry or thirsty—all without you even being aware of what is going on!

How can you not be appreciative for everything that it does for you and your well-being? It is all for you!

Begin to take note of the small things your body is capable of, and you will find yourself feeling more loved and confident in no time.

Make use of social media to follow a diverse range of accounts.
Examine your social media accounts, the shows you watch, and the people you interact with while you are out and about. Have you shown yourself a varied variety of body types, or are they all tiny, skinny, or whatever other adjective you want to use to describe someone who is on the smaller side of things?

If you are continuously exposing yourself to bodies that do not look like your own, it will take a lot longer for you to feel comfortable in your own skin, much alone confident in it.

Make an effort to identify people and media who look like you but are also diverse from one another, and who are not just the conventional model types you grew up seeing.

The greater the number of bodies that you see that look like you, the more love and confidence you will have in your own appearance. It is important to observe a varied range of bodies because the more diverse a range of bodies you see, the more you will appreciate how remarkable, different, and beautiful all bodies are, including your own. When you witness how individuals who are different from you can love themselves unconditionally, it will undoubtedly lead to more love in your life.

Give yourself a fighting chance by putting role models in front of you on your screen and in your immediate vicinity.

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