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Home Improvements That Will Improve Your Life

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Hi lovelies,

Your home is your safe space; your sanctuary. It is the one place on this earth that you should be able to live as freely and as comfortably as possible, but for many of us, it just isn’t that way. We’re overwhelmed by clutter or always too cold and it really impacts the quality of our lives. It’s time to change that by making a few key home improvements that really will improve your quality of life, and here are a few places you might want to start.

The first thing you absolutely should do if you want to improve your life at home is to declutter. That is not to say that you need to get rid of absolutely everything you own that is non-essential, but it does mean that you should make an effort to curate your home. Work out which items you do and do not love and need, and get rid of the excess.

How will this improve your life? It will give you more space in your home for one thing, and for another, it will mean that you aren’t always getting stressed out about the mess or how much cleaning you have to do just to keep the place in shape. Decluttering is great for the soul, so give it a go, simplify your space and see how amazing you feel.

Invest in more storage space
In a similar vein, you should absolutely think about investing in more storage space in your home. When there is a place for everything and everything is in its place, you will feel much less stressed and anxious, and far more relaxed than you would when stuff is bulging out from everywhere. So, whether you put up more bookshelves or invest in more hidden storage like ottomans and storage beds, do what you can to make a place for as much of your stuff as possible. 

Get home security
Having home security installed is a great way to improve you and your family’s peace of mind. There is nothing quite like the feeling of violation that you feel when someone has been in your spade uninvited, and nothing so devastating as having your possessions were forcibly taken from you, not to mention the impact that being threatened in your own home can have. So, if one thing’s for sure, having home security installed is sure to improve your life significantly.

If you are lucky enough to have outdoor space, you should really make the most of it. Numerous studies have shown that time spent in nature can boost your mood, lower your stress levels, and your blood pressure, and boost your immune system amongst other things. You might not think of your yard ads being a good example of nature in all its glory, but it could be if you landscape it. Plant trees, create a wildflower meadow, invest in a comfy seating area and grill and your quality of life will be so much the better for it.

Install insulation panels
Insulation panels will absolutely improve your quality of life by making your home cozier and more comfortable not to mention less likely to get damp. These days, insulation is more affordable than ever before and in some cases, you can even install it yourself, which means it could be one of the best investments you ever make.

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A kitchen makeover
Have you ever noticed, that when buying a house, most people will make a beeline for the kitchen? That’s because the kitchen is the heart of a home and most of us spend so much time in there that the better the kitchen is set out, the more enjoyment we will get from it.

If you can afford it, anything you can do to give yourself more space in the kitchen, a better layout, that allows you to cook more efficiently, and an area where you can all sit and talk together in a cozy environment, will definitely improve your quality of life, as will things like stainless steel worktops that are easy to clean and the biggest sink you can afford, to ensure cleanups are as effortless as possible.

A bathroom makeover
Similarly, making over your bathroom can be a really good way to improve your quality of life. The bathroom is a good place to really relax and let your hair down, so investing in a power shower or a blogger bath with water jets, that can really get rid of your aches and pains, will surely make your home a pleasanter place to be.

A powerful air conditioner
If you live in a part of the country that regularly gets hot and humid, installing the most powerful air conditioner you can afford is always going to improve your life. There’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re going to melt or overheat and explode in your own home… well maybe the feeling when you have to peel yourself off a leather couch, but a decent air conditioner will help with that too.

Bigger windows
Bigger windows let in more light, which is very good for you. Natural light has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, and obviously, it will help your home to appear lighter, brighter, and maybe even bigger than it actually is, which is never w bad thing. You may not want, or be able to afford floor-to-ceiling windows, but if your windows do need to be replaced and you can afford to do so, going bigger will undoubtedly make you relife that little bit better.

Hydrotect ceramic tiles
Hydrotect ceramic tiles, manufactured by TOTO are the tiles of the future. How will they improve your life? By dissolving the pollutants in your home. Yes, really! Hydrotect ceramic tiles have a special titanium-dioxide coating that can kill pollutants, including bacteria and mildew on contact, which means you don’t have to work so hard to keep the kitchen and bathrooms clean, and you won’t have to worry about breathing in so many nasties that can make you sick either.

A hot water faucet
If you drink a lot of hot drinks, whether it be green tea, coffee, or hot chocolate, ditch the microwave or kettle for a hot water faucet that will decant your water at a range of temperatures so you can always have the hot beverage of your choice at lightning speed. It might just be a little thing, but all those minutes saved will add up to a lot of extra time for you and your family over the months and years.

Install a wireless doorbell
You may think that good old-fashioned manual doorbells are perfectly fine for the job, but you’re dead wrong. How can a fancy wireless doorbell improve your life? By showing you exactly who is at the food, and allowing you to speak to them even if you aren’t at home, which means no more answering the door to salesmen or missing packages because you aren’t home. It’s also great for checking on your home when you aren’t around, so you can keep the palace as secure as possible.

If you make even one of these home improvements, your quality of home life will improve immediately. Make lots of them and you’ll finally be living the dream - a home that is as comfortable and efficient as possible for you and your whole family.

Do you have any home improvement ideas that will also improve your quality of life? Let us know what they are.

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