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5 Super-Easy Ways to Change Your Look

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Hi lovelies,
Everyone wants to look their best but changing your style can be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re unsure how to incorporate the latest trends into your wardrobe or you’ve stuck with the same style for years, changing your look needn’t be as daunting as you think. To enhance your style and boost your confidence, take a look at these five super easy ways to change your look now:

1. Switch from Gloss to Matte
If you wear makeup, switching from high-shine, glossy to matte can transform your look in an instant. Many people assume that matte makeup is harder to apply, but it doesn’t have to be. Matte products tend to stay on for longer than glossier options, which means you won’t need to re-apply as frequently. 

Conversely, if matte is your go-to makeup style, change things up a little by incorporating glossier products into your routine. A high shine lipstick with subtle eyes or striking eyeliner with a nude lipstick is the perfect way to go glossy without overdoing it. 

2. Move Your Parting
No matter what hairstyle you have, we get used to parting our hair in a certain way. Often, this reflects where your parting naturally falls, as this is the easiest way to style your hair. However, switching from a side part to a center part, or vice versa, is a gamechanger. When your hair frames your face slightly differently, it showcases your features in a whole new way and can have a major impact on your look. 

If you’ve been parting your hair in the same way for a long time, it can take a little time to ‘train’ your hair to sit in a different way. However, a little hairspray, wax, or gel will help to keep it in place. 

3. Wear Contacts or Glasses
If your vision isn’t 20/20, you’re probably already wearing contacts or glasses. When you get used to one or the other, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut, so remember to change it up from time to time. Glasses are a great accessory, so be sure to wear them instead of your contacts on occasion. Alternatively, if you wear glasses every day, talk to an ophthalmologist about whether contact lenses could be right for you. If so, they’ll give you more flexibility with your style and allow you to change your look easily. 

Of course, you may also be able to enhance your vision with a little corrective surgery. If you have an on-going eye condition that affects the glasses you can wear or your ability to wear contacts, it’s well worth talking to an experienced ophthalmologist, like As well as optimizing your eye health, getting the treatment you need could open the door to a whole new world of styling!

4. Tint Your Eyebrows
Your eyebrows have a major impact on your overall look, so make sure you pay attention to them! If you want to change your look, starting with your eyebrows can be a good idea. Tints allow you to modify the color of your eyebrows slightly to enhance your skin tone, while an eyebrow pencil or gel can be used to fill them in and make them more striking. 

Although you can tint your eyebrows yourself, this is one beauty technique you really don’t want to get wrong. If you’re not confident, why not visit a salon instead? With an experienced cosmetologist on hand, you can be sure that the end result will give you the brows you’ve always dreamed of. 

5. Wear Hair Extensions
If you have a short or mid-length hairstyle, growing your hair out is an easy way to change your look. While it might be simple, it can take weeks or months for your hair to get your desired length. If you don’t want to wait this long, fast-track the process by wearing hair extensions. High-quality hair extensions can last for three to six months, but there are more temporary options available if you want to transform your look for a special event or for a limited time. 

Make the Most of Your New Style
Changing your look can leave you feeling refreshed and more confident than ever but it’s not unusual for people to feel self-conscious when they try something new. If you’re a little apprehensive about showing off your new look, take some selfies to get used to your new style. As you begin to feel more comfortable, you’ll be raring to make the most of your style and share your new look with the world! 

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