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5 Principles That Guarantee You'll Dress Well The Whole Year

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Hi lovelies,

It’s Saturday night, and you’re rummaging through your wardrobe looking for something to wear. But no matter how many clothes you have - and you seem to have a lot of them - nothing looks quite right. It doesn’t matter what combination of shirt you wear with pants or dress with shoes, it all looks terrible. 

If you’ve been through this experience, you’re not alone. It turns out that there’s some good science to explain why bigger wardrobes aren’t necessarily better ones. And it all comes down to complementarity. You might have a lot of clothes that are individually stunning as garments. But if they don’t suit each other, the season, or your body type, you’re going to struggle. 

With the right principles, though, you can turn this sorry situation around and make it work for you. So what should you do? 

Get Rid Of The Old

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Over time, your wardrobe can become a little stale. Outfits that once looked great on you no longer have the same appeal. 

Getting rid of the old is, therefore, a great way to help simplify matters. It won’t improve your ability to dress well. It will at least show you the current state of play - the clothes you have to work with right now. 

Buy Dress-It-Up Accessories
Sometimes shirts and blouses can look a little “flat.” When you saw them on models, they looked trendy and stylish. But when you finally come to wear them yourself, there’s just no passion or life. 

However, look a little closer, and you’ll notice that most brands “dress up” their clothes with accessories. If your dress isn’t playing ball, try adding a waistband to show off your figure. If your blouse is doing nothing for you, try adding a bow tie - you get the picture. 

Dress For The Season
Wearing ladies Christmas t shirts over the holiday season is fine, but by the time it gets around to Easter, they should be back in your drawers. The same goes for your hotpants in the summer. They’re great when the weather is warm, and the sun is shining, but in deepest, darkest December, they’re no good at all. 

Dressing for the season can be a lot of fun because it allows you to be more adventurous. You don’t have to stick with tried-and-tested styles. 

Learn The Rules Of Showing Skin
When it comes to showing skin, you want to focus on showing one body part at a time. For instance, if you have a lot of cleavage on a dress, try leaving the arms and legs covered. Likewise, if you expose the arms, leave the chest and lower neck covered.

Get Your Jeans Adjusted
Finding the perfect pair of jeans is a massive challenge. Usually, you can have stylish or well-fitting, but not both at the same time. And that isn’t very pleasant. 

Getting your jeans adjusted, however, is a great way to sidestep this problem. Tailors can adjust the stitching, and the hems to baggy jeans hug your body better. 

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