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Shop Rachel's Closet (in LA!) (Article from Fashionista)

"I die... Bananas!!!" (Rachel Zoe's now trademarked catch-phrases, that I admit, I use on a daily basis) Although Rachel needs to eat some bananas before she dies (could her rib cage get anymore visible??) ... I love her sense of fashion and style... she has definitely revamped some of our hottest little starlets... read below for more... xx Candy

Shop Rachel's Closet (in LA!)

Mar 17, 2009 @ 1:08pm

rachel zoe in her closet.jpgEverybody’s looking for ways to drum up cash these days, and camera crew-toting stylists are no exception:

Next Thursday (March 26), the Decades Two in Los Angeles is hosting an in-store shopping event for 50 - 100 pieces of contemporary costume jewelry from Rachel Zoe’s personal collection, handpicked by one of the store’s owners. A portion of the proceeds will benefit a charity of Ms. Zoe’s choosing.

Unsurprisingly, you can’t go unless you’re invited. But here’s the flip side: Jewelry that makes it past the first night will end up on and on the store’s eBay page the very next day, meaning you can click yourself silly with your friends while making all the bananas references you want in the privacy of your own home.

Though LA party girls, beware: The event will be taped for the Rachel Zoe Project, meaning you could end up on Bravo shopping Rachel’s cast-offs. We think the website might be the way to go.