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Business Powered by Good Deed: TWILLORY Changes Charitable Landscape

Hi lovelies,

I was just introduced to Twillory, a new menswear e-tailer brand. They create charitable and philanthropic designs of men’s dress shirts and menswear fashions. Twillory manufactures their own fabric and is reinventing the charitable landscape with their new campaign RE:PURPOSE.

Details on how they give back:
For every Twillory shirt purchased online, with it comes a pre-paid mailer bag for the buyer to send any old dress shirts (gently worn) they no longer want to donate to Career Gear, an organization that provides professional clothing, mentoring, and life-skills to help men in poverty become stronger contributors to their families and communities.

Fashion scoop on the charitable brand:
Twillory has partnered with CareerGear, an organization committed to helping underprivileged men get back on their feet by providing professional clothing, mentoring and life-skills to improve their chances of finding gainful employment.

Twillory Founder, Asher Weinberger comes from a non-profit background, and notes "We thought long and hard about our charitable initiative. We wanted to galvanize our community, and have our customers actively engage in the giving process. It’s one thing when the company donates on your behalf. It’s another when the responsibility is passed along to the purchaser. When two people interact, something good should happen for a third person. That’s what Re:Purpose is all about. It’s so much more meaningful for the Twillory man to pick out an old shirt hanging in the back of his closet that he will never wear again, and know that it is going to a man in need.”

In keeping with that sentiment, Twillory has looked to simplify and streamline the process. Asher remarked, "For as long as we can remember, the status quo has been clothing drop boxes, and we felt that they needed a millennial upgrade. We’ve brought the dropbox to the consumer, along with a pre-paid mailer bag to make it easy. We inspect, launder and repackage donated goods for distribution. We joined forces with CareerGear, a forward thinking charity so that the re-purposed clothing will help the jobless, homeless, and disaster stricken. This is our version of enhanced social responsibility in business."

Partnering with CareerGear was a natural fit. "The RePurpose program is a fantastic alliance. It allows the Twillory customer to literally give the shirt off his back to a Career Gear client who has an upcoming interview, but cannot afford to purchase a new dress shirt. And it keeps clothing out of the landfills. So really, it’s a win - win - win for everyone.” said Gary Field, Founder/Executive Director of CareerGear.

By the end of 2014, Twillory hopes to have at least 2,000 shirts donated via their customers. Armed with a new shirt through Twillory and mentorship via Career Gear, Twillory intends on giving hope to thousands of men in need, while growing the Twillory brand one customer at a time.

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